MovieChat Forums > galahadfairlight
galahadfairlight (414)
Professor Xavier
HBO Max version ripped and on the net already
Saw the first episode... * Spoilers *
Woke? Ghostbusters 2016 was woke, this movie?????
In every measurable way, the 2000 movie just ticked the right boxes
Awesome cameo in the first end credits scene
Captain Marvel Endgame bump is bigger than expected
Saw it this evening in the UK.......
Saw it this evening with my son......
Billion Dollars - Banked
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Sadly it didn't translate as good omens for the sequel, but I rather think that one died because everyone knows that James Gunn is putting a reset on the DCU and Shazam was likely never part of that future.
I would imagine the main problem for Shazam is that, does the character have a future in James Gunn's plans for DC?
The answer is "No". He inherited it, it was too far along to stop, had he come in earlier in pre-production, he might well have halted production.
Much as the first movie was alright, it didn't exactly set the Box Office alight, so its chances of doing significantly better were not a given.
I think Ant-Man's problems largely stem from Marvels disastrous Phase 4, that doesn't seem to have a specific direction.
The previous 3 Phases were quite clear, introduce new characters, get them together for an ensemble movie, and slowly introduce the big bad of Thanos in the background, until the culmination.
In the first 3 Phases, fans pretty much considered each movie essential watching, hence why Black Panther and Captain Marvel over performed for what they delivered.
The first 3 Phases were to get everyone interested, but some of the TV series seem to go out of their way to suggest "We want this part of the audience to be interested but not this part", which if you want to do a Ms Marvel series aimed at getting girls more interested, thats fine, but don't at the same time make proclamations that The Marvels is going to be bigger and more important than previous Avengers movies, when you've set it up to ignore certain elements of your audience.
Ant-Man is the culmination of apathy toward the MCU since the Infinity Saga ended, many feeling the MCU had run its course and was over, and frankly, its like Marvel are trying to prove them right!
Me and my boy went to see Wakanda Forever, but were underwhelmed by it, so much so that we both couldn't be bothered to muster the interest for Ant-Man 3, because none of these movies seem essential to the overall story arc anymore.
I'm hopeful that Guardians of the Galaxy 3 might be an improvement, and hoping that Secret Invasion might be able to repair some of the damage, but beyond that......
4 years further...... still a masterpiece!
Taudarian - Here's to you chap, wherever you are (Leeds?), may your damning indictment of this "film" live forever.
Prometheus had a decent cast, but the script and the way a lot of the characters acted was what did the movie in.
Good God no!
It's still as stupid as it ever was.
India has a population of nearly 1.4 Billion versus 67million.
The best thing about Prometheus......... was this board on IMDB.
Everything else to do with Prometheus was an absolute shit show.
Alas not and it was explained in the movie why not.
They couldnt time travel that far back. They explained it as two rafts on an ever flowing river, the river represents the flow of time, the two rafts represent two points on the time line. The problem is those two rafts are drifting, which means everytime they jump back, the raft has moved further up the time line, and also jumping back is a problem because when they jump back to the future, they are getting closer to the point humans are finally wiped out.
You clearly didnt pay attention.
Firstly, they didnt just eat humans, they were eating and killing anything indigenous to Earth as evidenced by the wild horses being chased and slaughtered by the white spikes.
Secondly, the white spikes were not the species that flew the space craft, they were cargo, Pratts character even suggested that the white spikes be used to clear a planet of life.
Once all the indigenous life is wiped out, the white spikes die, leaving the planet clear for a superior alien species to move in.
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