Did Picard kill your love of Star Trek?
In one of the Redlettermedia reviews of season 2, Mike mentioned that he wouldn't be watching season 3 as he was starting to have trouble separating this Picard version with the original TNG Picard who he greatly admired.
At first I thought he was being a little melodramatic, but after finishing the season and seeing how nearly all the new characters were casually discarded and that the plot remained a mess, I also felt my love of Star Trek begin to wane. It no longer felt like something trying to portray a bright future but a commercial product just trying to get your money.
Obviously the franchise has always been about making money but it never felt so blatant about it before, not even when JJ was at the helm. This time it felt like the writers didn't even care to write a cohesive story or work on building the Star Trek universe. Add to that the multiple new shows, none of which I've really warmed to.
As a result, I just haven't been able to watch or read anything Star Trek related since the end of season 2. I used to spend hours per week on Star Trek content but now even all the old shows feel tainted.