MovieChat Forums > mikethemartian

mikethemartian (6986)


I want to make a film about lense grinding Same actress plays niece and niece’s daughter McDonalds sued her when she was five years old Did all the prisoners know about the spy operations? Here's the church and there's the steeple. Open the door and see all the people. Runaway Train video helped find 21 kids Do I date you, do I hate you Girl you know it’s true Quite attractive Only 20 years separated this film from the original TV show View all posts >


Isn’t that also what happened to Laszlo? Go to a strip club. I was at the local Denny’s on New Years Day 2024 and I overheard the guy who was handling the cash register say to someone else that he used to be in the entertainment business and that he knew Ginger Lynn and so I said to him that I knew a guy that used to watch her videos with Amber Lynn. His response was that they hated each other. A whore house. I remember going to see The Cowboys with John Wayne and Bruce Dern at the theater with my dad when I was a little kid. I don’t know how well known it is though. I have a long time friend who will go and watch any movie with a hot chick and a sword who fights 20 guys at a time and it isn’t because of social justice. Nowadays they would call it steam punk. It takes place in a western setting but it is mostly scifi. It is sort of like a Jules Vernes story. I was thinking something similar about “The Eye of the Beholder”. It is a fascist totalitarian government that forces everyone to be identical yet they give misfits multiple chances to have “corrective” surgeries. I have read that he was devastated by Jean Harlow’s death. View all replies >