Getting Worse

Why is Raffi so emotional about Elnor? She hardly knew the guy!

Why is she so emotional at all? She's supposed to be Starfleet!

Why is she blaming Picard? What the fudge did he do?

This show just keeps getting worse.

I have a theory that Kurtzman hates Trek and that's why he's flooding the market with terrible Trek shows. Because he wants to kill the franchise forever.


He's killing Kurtzman is all! Nothing happens to TNG and TOS.


I don't think it can get any worse it was rubbish anyway people hyped the new season i expect because they had gotten so used to low standards you slip in a bunch of nostalgia they think its great when its not.

A child could write better scripts and characters then these people.

None of this makes any sense.


"I have a theory that Kurtzman hates Trek and that's why he's flooding the market with terrible Trek shows. Because he wants to kill the franchise forever."

This is crazy talk.

I like this season a lot. I appreciate the humor and am always eager for more Borg and Q. I also enjoy that the majority of this show does not revolved around a Starfleet crew on a Starfleet ship. I like seeing the Trek universe outside of that quite a bit.

Raffi has always been emotional. She blamed Picard for the AI/Romulan incident. She's not exactly rational.


It’s nice to see I’m not the only one enjoying it!


Cheers to that. It's a fine show .


And now we're back to immigration and moustache twirling ICE officers.

Oh and Picard's white privilege. Christ.


Yeah, I could have done without that crap.


It's dreadful.

Weak script, no pacing, crap characters, poor old Picard looks ready for the retirement home.

Shoe-horning in that all white people are evil, all ethnics are victims/heroes.

It's just shit.


thanks for the info...I can now skip it.


It's just no fun at all. Talentless hacks like Kurtzman don't have a clue how to write anything that's actually fun to watch. He's only good at playing politics within the entertainment business. All the topical political nonsense and its ugly tone is the product of hateful people.


When you say "getting worse", I hope you mean the ENTIRE line-up that Paramount is putting out. Star Trek has gone down the drain.


Episode 5 - wow, they're just throwing turds at the wall and seeing what sticks.

I guess we're done with androids now. Was there any point to season one?

Let's bring back characters that don't matter and have them play different people. Whatever.

The social commentary is laughable and simplistic. And it goes nowhere. ICE bad. Climate change bad. Racism bad. Now here's an astronaut.
