Getting Worse

Why is Raffi so emotional about Elnor? She hardly knew the guy!

Why is she so emotional at all? She's supposed to be Starfleet!

Why is she blaming Picard? What the fudge did he do?

This show just keeps getting worse.

I have a theory that Kurtzman hates Trek and that's why he's flooding the market with terrible Trek shows. Because he wants to kill the franchise forever.


Nerdrotic came up with some creative names for this show:

- Pukehard
- Peehard
- Petard

He doesn't even acknowledge this version of 7 of 9, he calls her 6 of 9 instead.

Only reason he's watching the show is to let everyone know just how bad it is. I feel like sending him brain bleach and Starfleet Insignia-shaped cookies for taking one for the team.


Who is Nerdrotic and why should we care what he says?

And watching the show only to complain about it doesn’t make him special. Virtually every cry baby who posts here is doing exactly the same thing, if you haven’t noticed, A-merry-girl.

Then there’s the other pathetic lot who complain about a show they’re not even watching. Know anyone like that sweet cheeks??


This week had the Fused Borg Queen/Jurati turn a dire situation into "Grease 2024" ready for the exact song ROFL !

Did they get someone from Bollywood to write for the show...!


Did they get someone from Bollywood to write for the show...!

Nope, you would have seen a major improvement :D :D :D


She annoys me.


Nothing happens. It's all just bells and whistles. In service of nothing.
