MovieChat Forums > MillerJones

MillerJones (556)


ANother Useless Netflix claimed Documentary Typical Netflix Waited all these years for this. Episode 3 - Porn Me Too Waste of Time Season 7 Season 8 - Episode 5 (Chalk Two Down) View all posts >


lol out of many things which make no sense you pick this one. No. Her character had what they classed as 1 defect. Vincent had a long list of them and based of there projections should not even still be alive. Agree I watched the original and then this one straight after. This one is so poor it's all over the place. No they would have used the footage to produce Kangaroo lot Qualifications I spent over 40 years conducting research into human diseases & tropical infections. I was a founding member of MORU network. (I still consult on this network) I had been a lecture at numerous universities throughout the world. I guess I am not qualified enough. You are waffling on about a subject you have no clue about. Cancer has no cure FACT. What next you going to claim the Earth is flat. It doesn't matter what you post next ignore button pressed. You really don't have a clue. 1. We do not know the cause of any type of cancer 2. As said before no one is cured you go into remission. 3. Disease management is massive business multi billions per year they don't want people cured (cures generate 0 revenue) 4. Cancer treatments have not advanced at all they bring out all these so called new drugs which have changed nothing they still use the same old chemo etc for treatments. 5. If theirs cures why are the cancer rate numbers so high. You cant just remove a tumor and cancer is gone again you have no clue about this subject and I don't believe a simple thing about your wife. This is spot on. The person I think is just trolling they are coming out with so much BS and clearly has no understanding about science just wants to quote Authority figures as if that is facts. SO she has clearly chose to not do anything for now. Again learn some science it has been proven. You are here clearly to just stir things up and don't care about the truth. NO there is no cure for cancer learn some science. Those are classed as treatments you listed and as I said before you go into remission not "cured" Stop listening to mainstream BS which is about getting your $$$ View all replies >