Who ruined Star Wars?
The Fans
? ? ?
Well, Disney are doing terrible but Lucas chose to sell it and seemed pretty critical of them once Episode VII came out. The Prequels are not good story telling, so with that said I'll go with Kathleen Kennedy. Disney are continuing to so dreadful with it.
shareNobody who's seen "The Mandalorian" can say that Star Wars has been ruined!
That said, the worst fans have pretty well ruined the fandom.
well sw fans like fanservice , the trick is to not over do it, Fett series may be too much
i still think in a season half the episodes are mediocre and the other half is great
If The Mandalorian ended after two series it wouldn't be a bad thing. That and Rogue one are the only good live action content Disney has made, I feel millions has been lost and there's a clear lack of trust in the fan base.
shareDidn't TLJ split the fanbase half thinking it was a masterpiece ?
shareGoodness. You called it.
sharefans didn't ruin it. these very fans who loved princess Leai, and later Ahsoka, Cara dune and BO-KATAN KRYZE, were told they were just hateful sexist garbage. Notice how this argument only comes up when the film/show is a financial failure/ critical failure or at least massively underperformed ? (ghostbusters, last Jedi ect)
what fans wanted was a coherent well told story with a good plot and interesting developed characters. in other words what anyone wants.
Fans refused to like and thank Disney for that garbage they tried to shovel in our mouth. in response to that visual garbage, Disney said "do you not like this filet mignon?".\ and when fans said what are you talking about this is garbage! they responded "sexists!!!"
I said "ruined the FANDOM", not ruined the franchise.
By, you know, being a bunch of ranting manbabies who just want to complain and who don't even read what other people say...
settle down..
the OP
"Who ruined Star Wars?"
your comment
"That said, the worst fans have pretty well ruined the fandom."
which my comment is covering "these worst fans"
who are called the worst because they are apparently sexist and won't enjoy nay Star Wars.
yet the vast majority aren't (as I showed) and do enjoy good Star Wars content.
amazing you call me a man baby and associate those bad fans with me, when you are here being toxic. settle down
Fans didn't make the movies ...
One good thing in a sea of shit doesn't make the sea less shit.
Trump, of course.
shareFans. If they're the reason Lucas sold his franchise.
share"He (George Lucas) told Vanity Fair the saga no longer allowed him the creative room for manoeuvre he once enjoyed.
“You go to make a movie and all you do is get criticised, and people try to make decisions about what you’re going to do before you do it,” said Lucas. “And it’s not much fun. You can’t experiment. You have to do it a certain way. I don’t like that, I never did. I started out in experimental films and I want to go back to experimental films.”"
That's bullshit.
No director has had as much freedom as Lucas had when he did the prequels. He was swimming in money and had absolute power. He could do whatever he wanted, and that's what he did.
Lucas has the same problem than Snyder: great ideas (even though Snyder is more limited to visuals), but unable to separate wheat from chaff. Their best movies are precisely the ones they made when they had less power and other people were acting as a filter.
Agreed! Lucas had 100% freedom with the prequels since they were INDEPENDENT FILMS financed 100% by him.
The prequels were heavily criticized by the fans! Some accused Lucas of ruining their childhoods.
Both the original trilogy and prequels were experimental films! The former for technology in sound and SFX; the latter in digital cameras and digital SFX.
The fan attacks were against the prequels. They only wanted the original trilogy repeated.
Lucas is an artist and innovator who wanted to experiment in new territory. He knew the fans wouldn't be happy with anything new he had to offer.
Read his quotes again in context.
Now, the fans can be happy with recycled original Star Wars instead of anything exciting and new.
Enjoy watching the recycled Obi-Wan TV series.
The fan attacks were against the prequels who only wanted the original trilogy repeated.
Fans wanted the prequels to be fun escapism like the originals. Some criticism was based on the characters not being like Luke, Leia and Han. The prequels had too much talking, not enough action like the originals. True, some of Lucas' direction was bad.
The OT created heroes during the era of Vietnam and Watergate when Americans needed heroes to cheer = popcorn movie. Hard to explain, but there was a pall over the country during that time.
The sequels focused on how a democracy becomes a totalitarian state during the scary era of Bush. More cerebral, serious and preachy.
Far from perfect, I still enjoyed the prequels and respect Lucas' vision.
Disney trilogy is a recycled mess.
Lucas was feeling his mortality and wanted the franchise to continue in capable hands. (He thought incorrectly Kennedy and Disney.) Not to mention spending time with his new baby. He could've kept the franchise like Tolkein's family, but have others run it. Perhaps he didn't want his family dealing with hostile fans.
ST:TNG had Gene's influence and vision so that's not a good comparison. The latter shows less so. I noticed they moved some TNG cast members into ST:DS9 to make it popular. And a stacked Borg into ST:V to do the same. STD is crap.
The Hobbit was crap. That trilogy was all about repeating Lord of the Rings.
The fans can be major POS. Remember, when they attacked Carrie Fisher's appearance? And the actors who portrayed young Anakin and Jarjar? They all suffered mental issues because of it.
I'm pretty much with you here.
Criticize the prequels all you want, but they tell an original story and take creative risks. As much as I love RedLetterMedia, I don't agree that Lucas is a money-mad hack or that the prequels are as terrible as claimed. I admire what Lucas did with the prequels and have come around to them over time. They're definitely not the same as the OT in style and I think the OT's execution was stronger overall, but the PT has a lot to enjoy, from the more political narrative to the Buddhist themes regarding impermanence. Even if you consider it a failed experiment, it's certainly interesting as far as failures go... better than a warmed over rehash of the OT or whatever Rian Johnson was doing.
I think Lucas was hurt by negative fan reaction and I get being hurt by the childish "George Lucas raped my childhood screeds." However, I think his selling to Disney was a poor decision, particularly since Disney stopped caring about innovation and creativity a long time ago. I think he should have given the reins to Dave Filoni, someone who had spent years with the series and who clearly gets Lucas' vision... more than can be said for Kathleen Kennedy or Bob Iger.
So to respond to the original inquiry-- you can't blame this current mess on just one person or company. The fans went overboard with hating on and harrassing Lucas over the prequels. Lucas sold the franchise to the worst possible bunch. Disney has mishandled a great many SW projects and alienated long-time fans by slandering them if they don't like what's being shoveled out. It's a great big mess.
I heard Lucas say in an interview that he believed a large corporation like Disney would be able to handle the large empire he created. Unfortunately, Lucas didn't realize that Disney was no longer the innovative and creative company it once was.
sharefor once, we are in complete agreement. Lucas tried new technology and innovated heavily in CGI and newbs threw a fit cause they want their star wars to be stop motion animation and puppets.
what Lucas was doing in the late 90's was ground breaking. nearly all modern movies are 90% CGI but no one complains about that.
Lucas was responsible for making the movie industry create better SFX when Star Wars (1977) became the new SFX standard.
The irony is that modern movies use CGI, which Lucas pioneered, to often make bad SFX again by rushing, laziness or just not caring.
Said no-one ever - in fact the visual effects were a main drawing card for the prequels.
sharesaid everyone that dislikes the prequels, the common complaint I have heard over the past 20 years is that there was too much CGI. I have had this discussion with people over multiple chat boards and the complaints are always the same.
shareNot at the time.
Afterwards they were shown to be cgi overkill, especially once their tech advances were distributed to the industry by ilm.
yeah, later on people complained about the CGI, but at the time what Lucas was doing was groundbreaking in the late 90's. now all modern movies are almost completely CGI and no one complains anymore.
Keelai has some good talking points too.
did some digging and found this, another lengthy discussion on the prequels vs the OT. as I have postulated before, the OT is above reproach.
Agreed Lucas's problem is he had too much freedom in the prequels. Surrounded by Yes men and having complete control.
shareLucas when he decided the standalone STAR WARS was a vehicle for selling toys and decide to retcon he had a plan (like the Cylons) for a set of three trilogies.
Star Wars was always going to go shit. All IPs go to shit when the original creator stops helming the ship. Star Wars is gonna be around a long, long time and it's going to get a lot worse than it is now. The sequel films may even come to be seen as the good old days it might get so bad.
Lucas, originally. Disney just violated its corpse.