It would help if you studied the history of the Mandalorians, and how their traditions changed over the millennia. Studying their culture and how it's changed over time would help too.
I played the Bounty Hunter storyline on Star Wars the Old Republic, which takes place approximately 3,700 years before Episode I. (I only know this because the original Knights of the Old Republic game took place 4,000 years before Episode I, and SWTOR takes place 300 years after that). Anyway, Mandalorian Bounty Hunters were not strict about the helmet thing until recent history. It also depends on the individual Mandalorian, what clan they came from, and if they started out as a Mandalorian. Each clan has their own rules on how to do things, as opposed to the Mandalorians as whole. Not everyone adopts the strict "don't take the helmet off" rule, as you have seen. It's probably a rule imposed by the clan who took our protagonist in.
According to my brother, he says this series takes place right after Return of the Jedi, so that means people haven't had time to really recover from the Empire's cruelty just yet. As you saw with the old general who asked for the Baby Yoda, there are still remnants of the Empire's people skulking around.
He told me that during the time of the Empire, the Mandalorians refused to bow to them, so the Imperial army was sent in to do a purge, killing millions of Mandalorians and ransacking their planet for resources. This caused many Mandalorians to go into hiding, which is why our protagonist's people were hanging out in an underground set of apartments on that planet. It was a survival strategy they adopted when going into hiding. Most remained in the hideout, with only one member leaving at a time to go out and do stuff, so to hide their numbers from the local population. That might also explain why many still follow the "don't take your helmet off in public or in front of strangers" routine.
There's still a lot that hasn't been revealed in the series yet, so it's a little premature to write off the story right now after just 4 episodes.