MovieChat Forums > Enigmaticocean77

Enigmaticocean77 (2490)


Destroying Krull is next... V The TV series Episode 1 Liberation Day review 5 husbands... The original show about SIMPS Never won a primary... Bro... Hoax and Stolen What happened before this movie? (Prequel before they existed) Sexist Movie that depraves little boys of a proper hero! A bit slow... View all posts >


It's a $h!t film. They really can't and their coping level is on par with a 5-year-olds. My advice would be to go online and buy some really old comic books, look for ads for mind reading seeds and then send them some money. There's a chance that (since the people that were selling them in the past could read minds) that they are still awaiting your payment. Please get back to me and let me know which old comic you bought and if you were able to contact anyone. I'm looking forward to your reply. And Blade Runner. He isn't wrong. Jedi was terrible. Yeah, there are some decent parts in it, but it's a terrible finale! Yeah, that ruined him. I guess you're not good with numbers... When no one cares about them anymore this is what they start doing. Yeah, he showed that he was whiter than Obama when he was dancing on Ellen... He never should have been president. He should have done humanitarian work instead. View all replies >