MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) Discussion > Amazon reportedly “s***ting their pants”...

Amazon reportedly “s***ting their pants” over House of the Dragon’s success


They will probably scoop up the shit and JD Payne and Patrick McKay will use that shit to finger paint the final script for season two.


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House of Dragons is a somewhat tight story that enters around 1 family. Rings suffers from it's complex world. It's building up a story that involves a vast number of places with many different peoples. That takes time. I don't know a lot about the history of Tolkien, but I assume they're building up to a 2nd age war with Sauron? I really don't know. If you skip right to that, then everyone would complain about not knowing who these people are.

I suspect Rings will really take off in later seasons.


Yes season one is just laying the groundwork and the story won't get going until season two, or maybe three. Expecting to be entertained at this stage is just unrealistic and toxic if not evil.




Well, yes. BUT. In that case, they shouldn't do this week by week release strategy when nothing is strategy. If they are going for the slow-burn they should have released the season's episodes all at once so people don't have to wait 2 months until something finally happens.


Lol, so you watch 3 seasons of nothing/shit hoping that the 4th would be good?



Now you've got it. This show isn't about entertaining, it's about educating ! And it's people's duty to watch it, pay attention, be respectful, learn and be grateful !


Fuck, you almost killed me, I was laughing too hard!!!


Educating us about WHAT?


🤣🤣 Oh you guys are hilarious! You can’t build a beautiful edifice on a foundation of crap, and that’s what all of Season 1 is. By the end of ep.8, this will be at least 2 hours longer that ALL THREE Jackson movies which very competently handled a story at least equally complex. RoP is a total narrative mess.


How dare you ! I don't see how you think that you're fighting for good, social justice and the woke warrior way ! What with your relentless racism, threats, harassment and abuse, why you are patently evil !


I watch those two shows out of boredom, spending half time in my phone. Because it too boring often. But its fun to write my thoughts afterwards on forums about it.

And have to admit that that Dragons wins over Rings in all department. Dragon feels real and like its written by an actual writers and people know what they are doing and what their final goal is. Its the story that is boring itself and not much happens. But actors are good and special effects too.

While Rings feels like CW show, with horrible casting. No one apart from dwarfs and young Ned Stark can act. Black elf is horrible and looks like he is 50 years old. Galadriel is the worst of worsts. Teen son has no presence, his mom too. Isildur is non-charismatic. That not-Sauron guy is just a pretty face. Not-Gendalf is sleeping his way. Not-hobbits have CW level of acting.

Everything about Rings of Power is bad and feels like its written by people who never wrote anything. Oh well, one more episode and we will be done with that shite for 1.5 years at least until they will film second season.
