Rotten Tomatoes had to change how it operates to accommodate this disaster!
The Trolls won this skirmish and will just move their battlefront to the next three targets. Then the pressure will be placed on critics both normal and Top Critics to negatively rate Captain Marvel.
I guarantee you they will down vote the audience ratings with a flood of negative comments, as well as give Captain Marvel 0 of 5 stars upon release. Captain Marvel will have the lowest Audience Rating of any movie on Rottentomatoes with a substantial number of reviews. I don't know if it will be the Worst reviewed movie of all time but there will be tremendous pressure on critics just as it was with Black Panther. Except this will be greater.
This brouhaha has already spilled over to Social Media and the YouTube monetization mechanism has given YouTube Influencers incentive to keep this going as they are gaining tons of clicks/views, both sympathetic and curious. They will claim victory regardless of the Opening Boxoffice and or the final numbers.
The narrative is set and there is no way Brie, Captain Marvel and Marvel/Disney can win this. They can't change the narrative.
Marvel is just going to have to ride this out. Moves such as what Rotten Tomatoes just did just added fuel to the fire and emboldened them.
I shall make a larger point than before. Though you make some fair points, I’m reluctant to say that they’ve won. Nope, I do not think so.
Have they done any real damage? To an certain extent, unfortunately yes. For instance, some of the alt reich’s most beloved (unapologetically hypocritical) dangerous conspiracy wack jobs went after James Gunn for being someone who wasn’t like them, and we know how that turned out. Furthermore, let’s not gloss over the fact that “some” of these obsessed anti-SJW alt reich chumps have been known to carry real violent attacks against those they are repeatedly told are their enemies. Granted, the majority of them don’t need to be told who they should hate but certain public figures out there have completely emboldened them.
So yes, they can be a serious problem that goes beyond internet trolling. And before I go any further, it can ONLY be the anti-equality, anti-feminist, anti-diversity incel alt-righters behind this negativity. Unless any of them only read the headlines and fail to do any research, then let’s be real... it is, in fact, a pack of far reich jackoffs doing all of this crying. But the universe forbid any of these goons decide to take this Captain Marvel smear campaign more seriously than they already do (you think the couldn’t get any more insane) what is this effort of senseless downvoting and endless anti-SJW whining by klan chumps ultimately going to accomplish when you look at the bigger picture? When they went after Black Panther this way, did they keep real audiences away from making this MCU film a bigger success than anyone could have ever expected? Not even close.
Their hateful messaging has sadly reached enough people (all those insufferable YouTube fascist videos spreading like a virus), but as unrelenting as their agenda is when it comes to CM, I strongly doubt their excessive trolling will do any permanent damage to Captain Marvel. Perhaps their smear campaign against Brie is concerning, but, I believe this shall pass and no one except these insignificant hate groups will keep obsessing over it. This move by RT was a long time coming anyway; the trolls should NOT be appeased. Hollywood is notably and fortunately not pandering to bigoted maga swines, and thus said swines need to vent like only they know how.
But we’ll see what the future truly holds. If I am confident about 1 thing, is Brie Larson & Captain Marvel won’t be going ANYWHERE anytime soon — she, Disney and Marvel haven’t really lost... not by a long shot! Come on. This is all providing the movie lives up to its early buzz, of course. And if it does, then Larson/Disney/Marvel will ride this out just like they did with Black Panther while the trolls’ coordinated efforts to bring the movie and its lead actress down will only backfire in a way that actually counts. All that matters in the end is what real fans and audiences (the majority) think.
But we’ll see what the future truly holds. If I am confident about 1 thing, is Brie Larson & Captain Marvel won’t be going ANYWHERE anytime soon — she, Disney and Marvel haven’t really lost... not by a long shot! Come on. This is all providing the movie lives up to its early buzz, of course. And if it does, then Larson/Disney/Marvel will ride this out just like they did with Black Panther while the trolls’ coordinated efforts to bring the movie and its lead actress down will only backfire in a way that actually counts. All that matters in the end is what real fans and audiences (the majority) think.I enthusiastically agree with you.
Does anyone really consider the rating a film gets on Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, or any other sites to mean much? They're easily gamed, hacked, and corrupted, and influence no one's decision to see or not see a film. I suppose the only one that has much merit is Cinemascore, because it's the only one that surveys audience members who have actually seen the film.
Let the mindless masses and trolls have their ratings boards. It gives them a vacuum into which to shout their hatred and insecurities and keeps them from bothering the rest of us.
Yeah, they've never meant much to me.
shareDoes anyone really consider the rating a film gets on Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, or any other sites to mean much? They're easily gamed, hacked, and corrupted, and influence no one's decision to see or not see a film. I suppose the only one that has much merit is Cinemascore, because it's the only one that surveys audience members who have actually seen the film.All you stated is true. But here is the underlying issue that RT has and maybe the reason their parent ownership took this action.
Doesn't the change increase the site's reliability? They've disallowed people to rate or review a film, either positively or negatively, until the film comes out. In other words, you can't review a film you haven't seen, at least until it's out. The only possible change is that the ratings can become more accurate. They can also remain the same, but they can't become less accurate. Seems like a win for RT, no?
shareIf the movie industry was using the Interest/Not Interested data as a data point for projection of hype or demand to see a movie as a predictor of Box Office? They can no longer sell that data. No win for RT.
As a Data Aggregator for critic reviews and ratings the perception of reliable numbers and reviews should have remained the same but the audience has long maintained that Disney has bought the critics and this change, even though it has NOTHING to do with Disney, is being conspiratoralized as being all about Disney, Disney's control and Disney's out-sized impact on the industry. This controversy and RT's effort to harden the rules of audience engagement does nothing to refute what isn't really there, "The perception of a Disney bias and control over film critics and movie reviewers". Wrongly the Perception has become Reality.
Does "Certified Fresh" mean anything any more being plastered on a movie placard or on DVD cases? Will "Certified Fresh" move product if it is felt that it is not a fair arbiter of film review quality?
RT expanded their pool of Critics and Top critics to include YouTube Influencers in an effort to diversify and quell some of the push back from the public and this latest effort blunts that positive move even though the Critic expansion was disliked by the public.
Trolls have won this skirmish even though this cause and effect wasn't what they were after.
You forgot to blame it on Russia.
shareIT'S NOT A RATING. IT'S NOT A REVIEW. It was a "WANT TO SEE?" section. As in, RT was asking people whether they... "WANT TO SEE?" a movie. Yes. Understand?
Absolutely unbelievable that people are still spouting such blatantly incorrect crap. In fact, RT claims they removed it because idiots like you couldn't tell the difference. Or rather, idiots like you read articles from idiots in the media who couldn't tell the difference.
Have you yet gone onto Rotten Tomatoes and read what they've done? They eliminated the ability for users to review films that haven't been released. They also removed a useless "don't want to see" option, but that was not the big change, and it's not one that makes any difference other than to make the site a bit more useful. Quit complaining about something you don't understand.
shareComic book trash is all 0/10.
shareCritics will be pressured to give negative reviews!? Critics will go into religious fervor and righteously proclaim this the best movie of all time, just to spite the heretics. This is not the first time something like this has happened. You have a persecution complex.
shareAgain, let's make it clear: "trolls" = people who disagree with you. And they... *GASP*, don't want to see Captain Marvel. What a travesty that is, I can hardly fathom it, I think a crying spell is coming on...
shareYou sound crazy.
I don't like these MRA idiots anymore than you do, but I also believe in freedom for the masses, and am not keen on seeing multi-billion-dollar corporations throw their power around to silence people, even when those people are talking sh*t.
In a free and democratic society, we sometimes have to accept that idiots will talk sh*t. Siding with the corporations makes you seem elitist and anti-democratic.
sharelol u mad that people aren't hyped for this movie?
Also great to see you don't believe in free speech - anyone with an opposing view is a 'troll' ..... or part of the German Nazi Party from the 30's? You literally went mental just now ...
Settle down.
That's okay, we can still boycott the movie and kill their box office like we did for "Solo."
shareExcept you really didn't kill Solo's box office. The foreign markets did.
shareThe Last Jedi did.
shareThe Last Jedi certainly didn't help. But we were hearing all sorts of problems with Solo before TLJ was in theaters. And Solo's domestic box office wasn't even that bad. Identical to Venom's in fact.
shareUh, you have look at the budgets when talking about this type of thing. Venom's budget was $100 mil, Solo's was $275 mil (double that for marketing). So yeah, Solo's was bad, especially compared to previous Star Wars movies.
shareThe thing is Venom was a success even if it had a $275 million budget. Its just that its success came overseas. Solo did bad overseas because it was a movie nobody had interest in. But the guy I replied to was trying to imply that his anti-feminist movement is what killed it which makes no sense considering $200 million domestic isn't all that bad. Big budget movies always make their profits overseas except in rare cases like Black Panther.
shareI don’t see this as a good change. They’re shutting down speech. Frankly, it reminds me of imdb closing the message boards.
share“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
shareThis quote is so good that I'd bet people will keep quoting it in the future, years from now.
It's quite a paradox that the same series that created it has become a feminist shithole.
That is definitely one that will blaze it's way through time like "He who go to bed with itchy butt, wake up with smelly hand." Just some universal troofs that are undeniable.
shareI don’t see this as a good change. They’re shutting down speech. Frankly, it reminds me of imdb closing the message boards.No, RT is not shutting down speech and you know that. RT has a Terms of Use that is quite clear as to what can or can be done on their site. I repeat, THEIR site and a user has no inherent right or entitlement to free speech. No different than Movie Chat. share
I made no claim of right or entitlement. I’m not claiming a First Amendment violation. It’s their platform and they can do what they want to do. But they are shutting down speech, without question.
shareDon't be ridiculous. They're not shutting down free speech. They're eliminating the ability of people to review a film they've not seen, which is a sensible feature to have on such a site. Unless you believe that every web site that does not allow comments and reviews on every page to be "shutting down free speech," then what Rotten Tomatoes is doing is merely a case of improving their site's user experience.
shareTexasJack specifically avoided the term 'Free Speech' and you know that. He even went as far as to make it clear that this is not a First Amendment issue.
Of course RT has the right to do whatever it wants with its site. It's the prerogative of the people who own it. Still, it's a shame that it places more premium on the pressure exerted by multi-billion-dollar corporations than it does on the ability of users to express themselves.
Personally, I never saw the point of the 'Do You Want to See It' aggregator. It's not something I participated in or paid much attention to. But I do see the changes RT is making as a depressingly symptomatic of a current trend to kowtow to multi-billion-dollar corporations, and extremely privileged and pampered movie stars, ahead of the great unwashed. I also find it extremely ironic and paradoxical that the people who are most championing these elitist and anti-democratic changes are those who identity as 'left-wing' and 'liberal'.
To me, liberalism was always meant giving the masses a voice. Apparently I was wrong.
yes masses committing evil. Liberals love evil.
shareThanks. It’s good to know at least one person understood me.
shareYeah RT is not 'free speech' when disney PAYS $$$ for positive reviews :D.
shareThey have removed the ability to say that you dont want to see the movie. You can only click the button that says you do want to see it. Its like positive vibes only, so its not a good format whether you are a fan of captain marvel or not.
shareYou're lying. The cake baker had a "terms of service" that said he wouldn't serve lesbians but he still had to. Rotten Tomates didn't build that. It's not their business and they're not allowed to do anything with it. Once they chose to open their doors to the public, they lost it and were required by law to serve the entire public. Businesses are regulated.
shareIts not really free speech though is it?
Its not even informed free speech.
Because Brie Larsons personal politics are out in the open, there are those that think Marvel have lost their minds and crafted a movie around Bries personal politics.... which is ridiculous.
Now they are pushing the narrative that the rest of the movie must be terrible....... sure, the trailers are boring, but at no point do we know everything in the movie.
No-one other than Brie is saying this stuff, no-one at Marvel is getting involved, I have no idea why people are so fucking determined to make this movie Ghostbusters 2016.
We all know..... those sweet clicks and subscriptions on Youtube.
The Quartering, Geeks and Gamers, Worldclassbullshitters......... bell ends the lot of them.
Yes. Youtubers are using Youtube's algorithms to snag MAGAs left and right to cashin on clicks while they can.
shareGiant corporations are censoring negative feedback to protect their hundred million dollar products, and you're whining about a couple advertising dollars distributed among a few basement dwellers. You really got your finger on the button there, you corporate whore.
shareNegative feedback on a product that isn't available yet deserves to be censored. Its illegitimate. When the product comes out and the negative feedback is censored then come talk to me. You won't.
shareJust one of the many times you proclaim support for censorship if it lies outside of the echo-chamber.
The worst thing is you can't even see or admit how much of a disgrace that is.
Negative feedback is fine. Negative feedback of something that isn't out yet isn't feedback of any kind and thusly doesn't deserve to be counted as feedback. Once the movie comes out the gloves are off and all feedback is welcome. Like The Last Jedi's 44% audience score. That means audiences had a better time watching Freddy Got Fingered. I'm fine with that. No complaints here. But it's complete bullshit if the movie hasn't come out yet.
shareI noticed you don't mention positive feedback for something that isn't out yet?
shareRotten Tomatoes Improved It's Site After Trolls Reveal a Flaw in the Sytem
the flaw being the ability to voice a negative opinion?
the trolls being people that dont want to see this film?
The flaw being that people were being allowed to rate or review a film, both positively and negatively, before the film was out. In other words, they were being allowed to rate/review films they hadn't seen.
sharethat is incorrect.
All they were able to do was vote in a poll on whether they wanted to see the film or not. There were no audience reviews posted before the films release.
Now there is no option to vote, you can only click "Want to see" there is no option to not want to see.
so you pointed out a flaw that didn't exist.
You are incorrect. They are not showing the want-to-see percentage before the film is released, but the significant change is that people can no longer review a movie before it's been released.
According to Rotten Tomatoes:
"As of February 25, we will no longer show the ‘Want to See’ percentage score for a movie during its pre-release period... We are disabling the comment function prior to a movie’s release date. Unfortunately, we have seen an uptick in non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling, which we believe is a disservice to our general readership. We have decided that turning off this feature for now is the best course of action. Don’t worry though, fans will still get to have their say: Once a movie is released, audiences can leave a user rating and comments as they always have."
So I am correct, nowhere in there does it say you were allowed to rate and review a film before its release like you claimed.
The only thing you could do before was vote in a poll on whether or not you wanted to see the movie just like I said. Now they have removed the poll and given you one option to work with which is "want to see"
Can't you read?
"disabling the comment function prior to a movie’s release date"
The comment function is where people left reviews.
You were 100% incorrect. They did not eliminate the want to see function, AND they eliminated the review-before-it's-out function.
I think you just proved my point.
"disabling the comment function prior to a movie's release date" is not reviewing the movie before its out.
Comments are comments. Reviews are reviews.
The audience review percentage was never an issue.
And they did eliminate the poll for the do not want to see, the only option left is want to see. Go check for yourself. The only thing you can do before a movie's release is say you want to see it. No longer can you be in the poll and vote I dont want to see it. That's why we are here in the first place because 74% of the people that voted said they do not want to see captain marvel. There were no review bombs because people could not review the film early!
I'm fine with this. The movie should be given a fair shot. I'm not ok with anti feminists torpedoing a film before anyone has had a chance to see it. If the movie sucks then fine but I don't want an incel, anti sjw type influencing my or anyone's opinion. They don't argue in good faith. They intentionally ignore part of a quote an actress made and claim she doesn't want white men to see the film. This is bonkers.
You are assuming that everyone who doesn't want to see the movie is an incel, when in fact most of the people that enjoy comic book movies in general are neck beards and incels.
Thousands of people disagree with the changes rotten tomatoes has made, so you being fine with this just puts you in the minority of opinion. The same minority that wanted to see the movie in the first place (26%).
Taking away the right to say you dont want to see the movie changes the fundamentals of the rotten tomatoes site, and it basically serves no purpose now because there will only be people who want to see the film voting.
You're right they're not all incels. I'd rather have ppl who want to see films critique a movie. This protects it from troll campaigns. We agree that troll campaign s are a thing right? Like I said I just want it to have a fair shot if it stinks I'll be the first to admit it.
shareAfter being wrong about everything, you finally admit this is just about not wanting people who disagree with you allowed on the internet.
Do you think giant corporations like Disney argue in good faith? You're elevating them by diminishing the voices of others.
But they're unfounded opinions. If you haven't seen the movie I don't care what you think.
shareThey aren't reviewing the movie so it doesn't matter if they have seen it or not!
All these people were doing was participating in a poll that asked if they would like to see the movie or not.
What good is a poll asking if you would like to see the movie or not if you have already seen it?
Forget about enabling a feminism hating culture. Why would RT want to hamstring the success of a major film? It's mutually beneficial when the movie is a success. rT has killed plenty of movies by credible reviewers. .
shareSo by voting in an online poll that I'm not interested in seeing Captain Marvel, that would be enabling a feminism hating culture?
I think you need to get a grip buddy.....
Why is this film being given special treatment? There have been tons of films in the past that had a low percentage of people enthusiastic about seeing it but they weren't saved by Rotten Tomatoes changing up their entire site's format!
The guy is a straight up moron, it's as simple as that.
sharePretty sure no-one wants to see the live action Aladdin ...
"Unfounded" opinions? It was a section asking WHETHER PEOPLE WANTED TO SEE THE MOVIE OR NOT. "WANT TO SEE?" "WANT TO SEE?"
Do you enjoy being so willfully ignorant?
Proved your point? Do you understand how Rotten Tomatoes works? The comments and reviews are the same thing. There is no separate comments section. The change was made because people were reviewing films that weren't released.
shareI don't think you understand how it works. The comments are not reviews and the reviews are not comments. You must be the confused people rotten tomatoes was talking about when they revealed why they made these changes in the first place.
The review percentage was not affected by comments. Nobody was going to the comments section and saying "wow this person said they dont want to see this movie, that is a negative review before the movie is released".
Maybe the disconnect is that we are referring to "Audience Reviews" as "Comments," and that's partly my fault. I was initially reacting to a previous post here, and used the terminology therein.
Rotten Tomatoes allows a user to post a written review. They don't have a separate place for any comment, so the terms are synonymous for the purposes of this discussion.
The significant change RT made was to disable user reviews, aka comments, for films until they have been released. I think this is not only a reasonable idea, I think it is an improvement over the past method which I always found strange. Why are there 1,000 user reviews of a film that has not yet been seen by anyone other than a handful of critics or insiders, all of whom no doubt signed an NDA before being allowed to see the film?
If you read the comments right now that are still up on the captain marvel page, none of them are reviewing the film. I never thought it was weird that people were commenting on a movie they hadn't seen yet, and I never took them as "reviews".
I think all of these changes are terrible. They should keep the comments section, and if its such a confusing thing for some people then label it properly as a comments section.
Also bring back the poll option, otherwise its just an echo chamber of positivity.
For all intents and purposes they DID eliminate the want to see section. It no longer has a percentage (which is a core metric of the site), and you can't even say "no, I don't want to see it" - there's only the positive option now. Totally useless.
shareI disagree. A want to see option is helpful. What good is a "don't want to see" option? This brings Rotten Tomatoes into line with other similar sites. And truthfully, the significant change was removing the ability to rate a film that hadn't yet been released.
shareSounds like you took the blue pill, good for you bud.
Taking a poll with only one option to choose from sounds very productive.
Sounds like I have a different idea about the functionality of the site, and nothing more.
I don't see it as a poll. I see it as a way to bookmark the films I want to see, and the films I don't mark as "want to see" are de facto "don't want to see" films.
I've never once looked at a film's ratio of want to see vs. don't want to see, and to be perfectly honest, until you and the rest of the snowflakes started whining about the change, I wasn't even aware Rotten Tomatoes had a don't want to see option. I don't understand what use such an option is, nor do I see any useful information that can be gleaned from such a choice. If it was that precious to you, I'm sorry it's gone, but in truth I think it's just a case of you grasping for some flimsy way to prove your flimsy conspiracy theory that Disney or Hollywood or fill-in-the-blank is out to get you.
Regardless of how you see it, it was a poll. There were 2 options to choose from. Now there is 1.
You like to bookmark movies you want to see, great. I also like to bookmark the movies I dont want to see. To me its useful information. And to the over 9000 people who disliked the changes in the comments section, they also thought this was useful.
Rotten tomatoes even had to go as far as lie about why they made the changes one week before Captain Marvel's release. 26% want to see, and you are a part of that LOL.
I dont think "filmbuff" is a suitable name for someone that is excited to see captain marvel.
Wow, what they did was pathetic.
Who the hell cares?
I'm sick of websites getting rid of comments sections and user tools just because people may say things they disagree with. That's wrong. I know the sites are allowed to do it, as it is their site, but if they won't allow differing opinions, then fuck them.
That's why I will never go to imdb again, will never look at news on again. Keep banning the comments sections because of opinions you don't like. It's sad and pathetic. It also shows that these sites can't be trusted.
Might have to add rotten tomatoes to my list of non visiting sites. Seriously pathetic.
ALL sites now have a comment section.
Unsurprising...this entire website is the result of triggered snowflakes and political butthurt due to SJW propaganda a la Ghostbusters ATC and a presidential election.
Didn't Netflix do the same thing when Amy Schumer's stand up went horrible?
Exactly we wouldn't even be here if Ghostbusters 2016 wasn't absolute political garbage. Hollywood produces nothing but political trash then they want to take our voices away for calling it political trash.