I know most of you are salty and butt hurt about the SJW tsunami turning all your luxury boats over in the coming future. SJW is...inevitable
Anyway, in the near future Bond will be black. We can be sure of that. Perhaps he will also become just a WOMAN and create mass fanboy turmoil of unprecedented levels
But that is not the subject of this post. The subject is this: imagine that the next Bond is both WHITE and MALE. Now let us imagine that he does not engage in promiscuous acts of unprotected (this is assumed and not proved) sex with slutty women
Would this be an unacceptable Bond? Is him fucking women while he is supposed to be doing salaried, governmental duty work a necessary part of his character? What if he were to not have any sex in one of his films? What if he were to, like, fuck a dude or just get weird in one of his movies? What if he were to fist an obese hyperfeminist chick in order to fulfill his prime directive?
How much leeway do you saltbois give this character? Must he remain a white, cis WASP witty masculine male who only has sex with 10/10s?
Because it seems that way to me. And that seems to me like you are setting your dumb asses up for disappointment tbh
Yes, that is the way his character is written. Changing that would be like turning Luke Skywalker into an infantile coward who runs away, sucks milk out an an aliens boobs and tries to kill his own nephew in his sleep, oh wait they did that and everyone hated it.
cyberbob....I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Are you being judgmental that Bond movies have too much gratuitous sex in them? And...are you suggesting that component should be removed? (And if so, would it be hard for Bond fans to accept?) There's a lot to unpack here. Let's start with the first one.
Sex has been a key component of the Bond formula since the very beginning. You could say the same for....gratuitous violence....gratuitous drinking....gratuitous gambling....reckless driving....over-the-top actions/stunts/gadgets, etc. Take your pick. The character is a fantasy.....and those elements are part of that fantasy. Should the audience that has formed around this character (and made it the most successful franchise in film history) apologize for liking those elements? Of course not.....any more than the audience for the Outlander series....or Bridgerton....or heck, Harlequin romance novels should. Pick your fantasy, cyberbob, and then let your judgmental stones fly. But ultimately....there is no harm in the formula. Bond isn't SUPPOSED to be a choir boy. He is and always has been a flawed man--with vices. Aren't we all.
I would argue....almost every decision (with regards to liaisons while on a mission) has served a purpose toward that mission. Sometimes...to manipulate someone for information...and sometimes to foster a much-needed asset/relationship. But sometimes...sex just happens because both parties want it to. Period.
To suggest the women he has intercourse with are "slutty" (your term) says something about you. What makes THEM slutty in these (mutually-agreed-upon) liaisons?? I could spend 3 more paragraphs on that one....but I'm running out of space. The women in Bond films (especially in the past 20 years) have been strong, compelling and smart....often an equal match, or capable ally.
If you want to homogenize the Bond formula by stripping away all the over-the-top fantasy....(and even salaciousness) in order to be PC and woke, there's a growing army of people ready to give you a t-shirt (and a pitchfork). But just be ready.....that same army may someday come after your Harlequin novels....(although somehow....I doubt it). Double standard? Hypocrisy? Selective outrage? I'll leave it right there for now.....
I read this a couple times, just to be sure before I replied. And yup: it's conclusive. You're making way, Way too much sense to be on this thread.
Get thee hence!!! Hence, I say! Before I sic the idiots on you!!!
I personally like the Bond formula. I mean, it's hit or miss, most recent Bond movies have sucked. Spectre sucked, Quantum of Solace sucked. So Craig has a 50% success rate. Brosnan had one really good Bond movie in Goldeneye and the rest were very mediocre. But, generally speaking, I like James Bond. I like the cheesy over the top villains, the gadgets, the music, the convoluted plots, etc.
The point that I am really trying to make is that Bond will be made "woke". It's not what I WANT, I would be perfectly fine if he stayed the same as he always has been: a white male alcoholic, womanizing superhero who occasionally rebels against his own agency if its for the greater good. He's not the most compelling character in Action cinema, but he's solid
But he will be changed. I'm just relaying a message of what will clearly happen, not what I WANT to happen. People (such as you) seem to assume that because I am a realist that I myself must be an SJW, but I'm not. I hate cancel culture, I hate the Oscarssowhite movement, I hate a lot of the trends in Hollywood
But I'm a realist about Hollywood. Would I like it if things could go back to the 60s and 70s and CGI blockbusters weren't the Sun of the Cinema's solar system? Sure, but I know it won't happen. Powerful trends in Hollywood don't just go away. So this woke trend is never gonna go away, you guys can delude yourselves and fantasize about plummeting profits reversing this course, but you'll be disappointed
I never once said I was against the fantastical elements found in Bond movies or that I want them "homogenized", you merely assumed that. Actually, I'd say that one gripe that I have with Craig's Bond is that they're TOO grounded. It was cool in Casino Royale, but the novelty wore off and I find Craig's bond to be rather bland
Sure, his liaisons often serve some sort of purpose, because they are written into the story lol. Your excuse is tautological. I think the writing in Bond films can be TOO formulaic. Yeah, you can write up some scenario where seducing some woman will grant you much-needed spy information or grant you access to a meeting with some other character
But does Jason Bourne do this on a regular basis? Does Ethan Hunt do this in all of his movies? No, so the writers clearly go out of their way to add these plot contrivances into EVERY SINGLE MOVIE. And it just gets fucking corny.
You're giving a positive spin to characters that are actually really bland when you say " The women in Bond films (especially in the past 20 years) have been strong, compelling and smart....often an equal match, or capable ally."
Sure, they're written so that within the film universe itself they are supposed to be represented as these things, but the screenwriting doesn't make you FEEL these things at all apart from a few exceptions (Vesper Lynd)
My comment, furthermore, was directed toward the "side" Bond girls. Because in every Bond movie Bond MUST have sex with, not just the main Bond girl, but with at least one other "side" Bond girl. That chick in the beach from Casino Royale who dies, Gemma Arterton who dies, that chick in Skyfall who dies, Monica Bellucci in Spectre who dies
OF COURSE they serve some purpose in his mission, because they're PLOT DEVICES not real characters. Their role in the movie is to fulfill the obligatory PG13 Bond fucking scene and to move the plot forward, then they die after serving their purpose. Don't tell me that these characters are in any way compelling or smart
Thank you. At least one person sees it for what it really is and isn't feeding themselves a lie
Im not a prude, sexually, at all. But let's be honest about how this franchise has handled the topic of sex. Sharp suits, Aston-Martins, Rolexes, and pretty faces
This is a good franchise which almost never achieves greatness because of very lazy, untalented wriiting
You people are acting as if Bond is SUPPOSED to be PC and virtuous. LOL, you are naive. If you want to be prudish and judgmental...and label the character of Bond as a user...or a cad, so be it. That's kinda how he is written. Heck, even M herself calls him a misogynist dinosaur (in Goldeneye). Again...he is not SUPPOSED to be a saint. He's supposed to be a flawed man with vices and demons. He is SUPPOSED to be ruthless, and manipulative. Who said he needs to be a boy scout in order for the film/story to be fun...interesting...exciting?
When you watch Scarface....or Goodfellas....or Heat....or Collateral....or (etc, etc, etc,) do you judge the characters for their inappropriate behavior? Or....do you just watch and enjoy the story that is being told? Why can't it be the same when you watch a Bond film? It's the most successful film franchise of all time for a reason. If it's not YOUR cup of tea....don't complain like some kind of puritanical prude........just don't watch the movie.
Do people judge YOU....if you watch female-driven fare that has gratuitous sex (Outlander....Bridgerton, etc....)? There is a billion dollar industry (romance novels) in which gratuitous sex is romanticized and glorified. You people are being selectively outraged, and hypocritical. Typical. I will not get pulled into the gutter and have endless debates with any of you because frankly...I just don't want to spend any more time on this with people I know are just bent on being obstinate. It's a rabbit hole that does not interest me.
The GOOD news is....you people have an easy fix: Just don't watch Bond films...and focus on the stories that DO interest you.
But then...what would you have to complain about? Many of you trolls thrive on it.
You seem to get in a lot of arguments on this site, I've noticed. And they usually end in you devolving very quickly to name-calling....(a desperate sign you've lost any point you were trying to make).
Your point in this thread makes no sense. You act as if the Bond movies haven't been taking place in modern time. Sure, if you watch one that was filmed in 1970, it will reflect the zeitgeist of that era. But if you watch one filmed recently, it will reflect modern times. Does this mean Bond can't still have sex? Be manipulative? Drink booze? Drive too fast? Find love? Kill people? Be a cad? Of course not. But he can also match wits with his equals (like Vesper), and even be called out and put in his place (like when M calls him a misogynist dinosaur).
Hey, if you don't approve...just don't watch. But I think you'll find your prudish take is the only thing dated around here. And it's pretty ignorant to suggest the women Bond has sex with are weak-minded victims who had no say in the matter. Now THAT is misogynist. Have you even SEEN any of the last....I don't know....TEN Bond films??
What's very ironic (and hypocritical) about your stance is...even if the Bond films DIDN'T update with the times...and didn't take place in modern times....there is always a place for films that take place in bygone eras. Like the very point you attempted to make with Scarface...Goodfellas, etc. Heck...how about the Indiana Jones movies? So....whether you like the modern-era stories of the recent Bonds....or the nostalgia of older Bond films.....something about the franchise has appealed to enough people that it's the most....successful....franchise...in the history....of film.
Did you not yourself say (in a different thread): "I'm pretty much done with modern entertainment and culture. I'm just going to lose myself in anything that predates 2010".
Hypocrite much?
If you don't approve of the subject matter, stick with more prudish fare. No one is forcing you to watch a franchise you don't approve of. But who are you to call for the demise of a franchise so many...MANY others clearly enjoy?
Try to reply with an angry retort if you feel the need, but i will not read it. I've grown tired of you and have no plans on reading anything more from you. You clearly rub a lot of people the wrong way.
Youre a fucking idiot, dude. The worst kind of idiot, the idiot who thinks he's clever. All of your points are easy to refute and have been refuted by multiple posters
Then you act like a bitch and pretend that you're too good for this discussion. It's MY thread, you chose to reply plenty, until people started to point out all the flaws in your reasoning
I agree that you probably should not bother to stick around. You're the dumbest tier of movie fan
No. I disagree. Actually, I think your comment is a fucking joke
Don't tell me what to do and I'll return the favor. K? :)
I'll express my criticisms all I want. If you disagree, I personally don't care at all. But let us both express our opinions. Modern Bond has bad writing and lots of bad acting. If you disagree then ok? I dun care
Disagree all you like. That doesn't change the fact that your position is ridiculous.
You seem to think that because you feel a certain way, they should stop making these movies. That's so incredibly stupid it's difficult to even address. Several people have tried to point out why, but you are clearly incapable of grasping the concept.
Additionally, you've made a value judgement on the cultural mores/settings which are typical to these films. Unsurprisingly, you seem to feel that this is more than simply Your Opinion. (Hint: it's not.)
None of which is surprising: A brief skim of some of your posts reveals a person who knows a little bit about a few things, but thinks they know a Lot, and has hunkered down into a position unwilling/unable to learn from differing viewpoints.
I recommend that you invest in a dictionary. Or fuck it, just google "definition of 'fact'" (notice my proper quote within a quote notation just so you understand how intellectually tiny you are to me)
I never proposed or advocated for the cessation of the Bond franchise. That was a completely different user than me. I disagree with them, I do not believe that Bond should be retired
But since you are either too intellectually lazy or deficient to tell my perspective apart from another totally different person, then I find discussion with you unworthy of further argument
"My position is ridiculous AS A FACT?"
Yup. Your position is factually incorrect. Sorry (but not surprised) you can't grasp this simple concept.
"I never proposed or advocated for the cessation of the Bond franchise. That was a completely different user than me. I disagree with them, I do not believe that Bond should be retired"
You missed the "seem to think" part of my post. Again, not surprising. If in fact this is Not how you feel, good for you. Maybe there's hope. . .
"But since you are either too intellectually lazy or deficient to tell my perspective apart from another totally different person, then I find discussion with you unworthy of further argument"
Translation: "I have nothing useful to say, so I'm gonna toddle off and sit with my mistaken sense of competence."
You tick all the boxes. You really do. It's kind of fascinating, really.
Promiscuity is the foundation of the formula for a James Bond movie, a formula that has worked extremely reliably—so far. The formula was created by screenwriter Raold Dhal. It revolves around 3 woman. Woman 1 is pro-Bond. She sleeps with him, is killed by The Opposition, often dying in 007’s arms. Thus ends the First Act. Woman 2 is anti-Bond. She captures him. He wins her over with his sexual prowess, and escapes. She dies. Thus ends the Second Act. Woman 3 is ardently pro-Bond. She survives the film and does not surrender to Bond until the last fade-out and the end of the Third Act.
If promiscuity takes someone out of a movie, s/he is not a candidate for liking Bond movies. There’s nothing wrong with that, but neither is it an incentive for the producers to change a winning formula. What might make sense is to end the franchise altogether and make something else. RIP 007. You served Queen and Country brilliantly.
For fans of a character to want to see a movie about that character, yes, the character has to continue to act like him or herself.
The thing a lot of champions of change forget is that characters aren't blank slates that can be stamped with any characteristic.
Example: Bond is a British agent. He can't change occupations or nationalities without raising an eyebrow.
We could also consider other traits he has. He's a risk-taker, for instance, and frequently is chewed out by his colleagues and superiors for being reckless. This goes down to a core element of the character: he is aware of his chances in the field. His proximity to an untimely demise makes him into a hedonist. He drives fast, eats well, drinks hard, and pursues women often because he doesn't know if tomorrow is coming, so he lives to the hilt.
Now, there is a question of how many traits are changeable. I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't be bothered by a black James Bond - although I understand why that bugs people. However, a female James Bond alters the character too much and I wouldn't watch that film.
I'd also ask people to remember the reaction to Daniel Craig's being cast as 007: people flipped their lids because he was blond. This lends a bit of credence to the claim that they just want the character remaining himself, yes? A lot of fans got mad when he became *more* white.
The larger picture, of course, is that long-time fans don't like when the property gets messed with *at all* and for any reason. People hated Michael Keaton as Batman until they saw him. That's the other side to this whole thing, too, is that if the decision was made for artistic reasons, I bet a lot of times it'll bear out. Fans love Michael Keaton's Batman now, because Burton chose Keaton not for box office reasons or to fill a quota but because he believed that this was the right actor to pull off the vision. It was a good vision and a great portrayal, so fans came around.
That's why, I think, nobody batted an eye-patch about Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury; he was right for the job.
"People hated Michael Keaton as Batman until they saw him."
STILL hate Michael Keaton as Batman ;) ;) ;)
"That's why, I think, nobody batted an eye-patch about Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury; he was right for the job."
LOL. . .PLENTY of people were outraged about Jackson. You must've missed the shouting matches, on the various message boards. They continued even after comic nerds such as myself pointed out, gently, that his character was lifted DIRECTLY from the comic books. Ah, well. People. . .
I remember people angry about Jackson, but most of the ones I ran into didn't care. There will always be a certain segment of the population that doesn't like certain films, actors, or casting decisions, but that doesn't mean it's everybody freaking out.
Lifted from the Ultimates comics, yes, but not original Nick.
Truth. It was clear in the Ultimates what they were channeling, when they finally cast Jackson, it was hilarious to see the varied responses. The nerds rejoiced, the confused complained, and hilarity ensued. Good times. . .
I know that you were intending to be clever with your comment, but Fast & Furious is actually an example of a movie franchise which greatly helps to support my argument. So thank you for bringing it up
The first F&F movie was part Crime Drama and part Action film. Not surprising considering that it was written by David Ayer. Then the two sequels were movies written primarily for a demographic/sub-culture that was very popular in the 2000s. It was about underground street racing and contemporary (at the time) Urban culture, which was really just the most mainstream subculture of its era aside from Emo
Then the 2010s came along and the franchise evolved with the times. Tyrese Gibson, Ludacris, and Nos-powered engines were no longer attractive-enough selling points, so the franchise was revamped. The movies shifted from explorations of street racing and hip-hop cultures to more standard Action movies. The Rock was brought in because his star was on the rise (something that could not be said for either Tyrese, Ludacris, or even Vin Diesel at the time)
The movies went from being about street racing and grounded crime plots to being over-the-top Action spectacles. An insane change of direction that only very few franchises have ever dared to try in film history. Cars are really only incidental to the franchise at this point, their inclusion in every single film falls just short of an inside joke
I wager that you could have a whole F&F movie without any cars and people would still turn out for them. Just include some other machine that is both fast and furious, like a jet plane or waterjets and nobody would really care. People just wanna see The Rock and Vin Diesel and crazy action set pieces, nobody really cares about the cars themselves anymore
You did try, so I give you kudos for that. Yeah, I hated the first one even though it is arguably the least decadent film in the franchise. The second and third movies are unintentionally funny because they are time capsules of a very shitty era in film. Everything after that is just a blur to me. I would say that I hate the franchise, but I'm not yet that cynical about the movie industry. I understand why they exist and why they make money. I'm not gonna sit here and whine about the fact that the stupidest movies make the most money, I have made my peace with this to a certain extent
As Q pointed out in License to Kill, Bond has to use every means possible to accomplish his mission. if that means seducing women to get closer to his target, then that's what he will have to do.
funny how often it does mean seducing women though , and not so often things like
Crawling through a sewer pipe or Seducing a man
or sitting still for 52 hours reading printouts of intercepted communications
"Funny how often it does mean seducing women though , and not so often things like
Crawling through a sewer pipe or Seducing a man
or sitting still for 52 hours reading printouts of intercepted communications."
This is not a very strong argument. For starters, would you (as a viewer) really WANT to watch Bond just sitting there combing through documents and paperwork for 52 hours? No, I didn't think so. Plus, we can assume he does that sort of thing....off camera, so to speak. We can also assume, he eats off-camera....sleeps....exercises...checks email, etc, etc.
Certain things you just need to presume he does. And because we only get roughly 2 hours within the confines of a movie, we just get to see the....highlights. The most interesting stuff.
Seducing a man? Is that something you WANT to see? Do you feel a majority of the viewing public would? The producers need to take into consideration what the majority of the viewing audience will enjoy seeing...(and especially the vast majority of Bond fans). That all said, I'll humor you on this one...and go so far as to point out....when SIlva (in Skyfall) had him tied to a chair and began to get sexually suggestive with him....it was a form of seduction...and Bond went with it, to gain a psychological foothold.
And BTW....people seem to forget....Bond himself has at times been seduced and taken advantage of as well. For example, in Octopussy, when Magda seduces Bond, she does so to steal the Faberge Egg. In Die Another Day, Miranda Frost seduces Bond to gain an advantage. Heck....even Jinx uses sex to gather info from Bond. And certainly Anya in The Spy Who Loved Me....not only beds Bond to gather intel and trust, in another scene...she kisses him...in order to blow poisoned smoke in his face and steal his blueprints. There are countless other examples.
Seduction, in many forms, has always been a part of espionage. Heck, look at the Eric Swalwell story in the news last year...in which a U.S. politician was seduced by a Chinese spy. Now....seduction, and manipulation, in spy films like the Bond movies....is somewhat glamorized...because it's a movie! People want to see the glamorized version of this stuff.
Sex, seduction, etc....it has been a key component in stories dating as far back as stories themselves. Greek tragedies...Biblical tales...Shakespeare, etc, etc. It can be tantilizing...it can be sexy....it can be tragic....
The Bond films have always been adult stories. And sure....adult fantasy. To NOT include sex, seduction, etc... in them would just not make much sense. It has always been part of a winning formula. Barbara Broccoli knows this, and is smart to keep that formula intact. That said, it has been toned down substantially in the past 15 years.
As far as watching Bond crawl through a sewer pipe for Queen and Country? Well...he has (a couple of different times) shot through pipelines in various capsules (for example, The World is Not Enough). They simply did it in a bigger, more interesting and compelling way than just crawling. And maybe that's a perfect microcosm of what a Bond film is. A bigger, more glamorized and tantalizing fantasy version of spy life. Just like the fans have always liked it. There's a reason why the formula has made this film franchise the most successful franchise in the history of film.
a great reply!
you're right i dont want to see those things ,
i was just reponding somewhat tongue in cheek to the previous "has to use every means possible" post
You made a great point, don't back down just because somebody makes superficial allusions to Greek plays and shit like that. It's such a disingenuous argument
We can agree that the point of Bond movies isn't to display, realistically, the life of a spy. But then why does Butter-Nutter feel the need to explain why seduction IS a very real and important part of espionage? It's fucking silly
Sure, I GUESS sometimes a spy will need to seduce or trick a person, or use sexuality to advance their objectives. But certainly there are other tools which they use much more frequently and play much more important roles in advancing the interests of intelligence operations. Tools such as reading shit for 52 hours
Screenwriting as a craft has many tricks up its sleeve. We do not need to literally see Bond reading for 50 hours, just like Bond scripts/movies don't actually show explicit sex scenes, they simply imply them or allude to them. There are CUT TOs, there are montages, etc.
In fact, that is why I argue that Bond fucking women in every movie is NOT necessary to the success of the franchise. Bond movies, like all other hyper-successful franchises, are PG-13. They cast beautiful women in important roles, sure, but so does every single other tentpole movie. Sex is just implied in modern Bond movies. It's almost like a bad porno: characters have sex and then never talk about having had sex because talking about sex is not very PG-13. These are not, AT ALL, adult depictions of sexuality, unlike Ripkens claims
Besides, the Bond franchise isn't the most successful franchise of all time, except perhaps by the metric of longevity. It's not the most profitable and doesn't have the largest fanbase. It's simply an untrue claim
I can, and will, debate this for hours with Mr. Ripkens if I have to, because I know that his arguments are hollow. But it's ultimately a big waste of energy and will only waste if I know he wants to discuss this in good faith
If we are going to argue that the title of "most successful franchise of all time" should be defined by longevity, then that title does not belong to James Bond, but to either Sherlock Holmes or Shakespeare or Hercule Poirot
If you are going to argue that those characters don't count, then you will probably use one or more of the following arguments: that adaptations of them have been more sporadic than those of Bond, that their stories are usually not based on actual source material, or that their adaptations have not nearly made as much money as adaptations of Bond films have
The argument that adaptations of these older characters are more sporadic can be argued against thusly: these literary characters (or writers in the case of Shakespeare) all pre-date the 20th century. OBVIOUSLY they will not be as timeless as Bond. But that's not a real argument because it assumes that Bond himself will not be outlasted in film adaptations by more recent franchises. Marvel characters are, as a whole, RAPIDLY outpacing Bond in terms of movie adaptations. Only time will tell if Bond proves to be less relevant than more modern franchises. The Bond films have long-abandoned the plot of Ian Fleming novels, so I would not advise that anybody argue their importance on the basis of them being based on a single coherent source
In terms of overall profits, the argument against Bond is just easier. Bond movies are not the most profitable of all time. This is something that can be fact-checked by anybody. The MCU and Star Wars already have it beat, and the margin would only be larger if were to take into account the fact that the film rights of Marvel characters have been divided over a number of different studios
I'm eager to hear a justification for the claim that Bond is the most successful film franchise of all time, because I do believe that any such arguments in favor of this position are fatally flawed