MovieChat Forums > Ripkens25

Ripkens25 (2066)


Where can I watch this? A poor man’ Tom Cruise A poor man’ Tom Cruise A poor man’ Tom Cruise Arnold noticeably smaller in this... Just saw it... Taking the pie out of the oven... Where can I stream all of the season 7 episodes? Lorraine Gary's wedge hairstyle..... So…is it any good? View all posts >


Cocktail: “When he pours, he reigns”. He was great in MI: Fallout as well. Ever since Melanie Griffith told Weaver's character (in Working Girl) to sit her boney ass down, I haven't been able to look at Weaver the same way since. She IS kinda boney. Connors and Kricksteen. And that wedge hairstyle in Jaws: The Revenge. It looked like the helmet of a samurai warrior. She stood up quite well to those jackals. Right. Saying "the one affiliated with Manson", is not only misleading, but irresponsible. Manson was just a weird musician when Dennis knew him. It's not like Dennis was associating with a murderer. Manson had not yet done anything wrong. MV was very much an 80’s time capsule. All the cool elements of the show were of their time…and none of that would even remotely work now. To even try would look silly and would taint the great memories of the original. Oh, and all of the original cast is way too old. Hey , I’m as big a Miami Vice fan as there is….and I used to hope for some kind of movie or reboot. Now I realize without question, it would be a mistake. I recently saw a drama he was in called “In the Land of Saints and Sinners”. Good film, and Neeson is quite good in it. Sounds like a similar story: Aging hitman starting to face his regrets… Appreciate it! View all replies >