Must Bond Continue Being a WHORE?
I know most of you are salty and butt hurt about the SJW tsunami turning all your luxury boats over in the coming future. SJW is...inevitable
Anyway, in the near future Bond will be black. We can be sure of that. Perhaps he will also become just a WOMAN and create mass fanboy turmoil of unprecedented levels
But that is not the subject of this post. The subject is this: imagine that the next Bond is both WHITE and MALE. Now let us imagine that he does not engage in promiscuous acts of unprotected (this is assumed and not proved) sex with slutty women
Would this be an unacceptable Bond? Is him fucking women while he is supposed to be doing salaried, governmental duty work a necessary part of his character? What if he were to not have any sex in one of his films? What if he were to, like, fuck a dude or just get weird in one of his movies? What if he were to fist an obese hyperfeminist chick in order to fulfill his prime directive?
How much leeway do you saltbois give this character? Must he remain a white, cis WASP witty masculine male who only has sex with 10/10s?
Because it seems that way to me. And that seems to me like you are setting your dumb asses up for disappointment tbh