Justin Timberlake .. ugh

Am I the only one who can't stand Justin Timberlake, and find that he nearly ruins every movie he's in? I can't take him seriously as an actor, he doesn't transform into any character he plays ... it's just Justin Timberlake on the screen, trying to be funny or a 'serious' actor (Bad Teacher, though this movie sucked as a whole, Black Snake Moan, The Social Network) I hate how he's in this one especially since I love the Coen brother's movies. Hopefully he won't have a big role.



Couldn't have said it any better. I am kinda curious what you called him tho haha. I love a good insult haha


I like Jt and his music and I thought he was funny on snl. Maybe if it was just a silly american pie like comedy. I loved the coen bros from the 90's and yeah I have to agree I just hate the thought of Jt in anything they create unless he gets shot the moment he is on film maybe...

You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget.



Not a big deal in my eyes; I thought he was pretty good in Alpha Dog and The Social Network.

I'm trusting the Coens on this one.


So this guy might get more attention than what some of you may think he deserves, but stop acting like his mere presence disturbes you in some way. I think it's time for some people to grow up before they find themselves looking like people from the target group of this mans boyband days..


The ONLY good performance he gave was it Alpha Dog. He was excellent--other than that, he basically stinks-especially in "comedies".


I agree that JT is a dope with acting. I don't enjoy his music either but I can see that people like it tho. It's just not my type of music.

Also The Social Network was a great movie but only because it had great writing. Both Jesse Eisenberg and Timberlake wouldn't be able to carry that movie solely on their performance. Eisenberg is a hack that has done the same nerdy guy ever since that movie.. Like I'm really hoping his career is over. Especially since his latest movie flopped the one with the magic and everything.. god that movie stunk.

But back on topic.. Timberlake is a hype. Dude's it right now. It'll wear off eventually when people realize he has the acting skills of a cardboard cutout.


He's solid enough, he's had several good performances. He's far from the worst actor out there.


Yeah I can't stand Justin Beaverlake either. I walked out of Trouble With the Curve and he was a big reason why.

Carey Mulligan was one of the many reasons I walked out of Gatsby.


Big role, small role - the movie is already ruined for me.



Ugh... you people are really dismissing an entire movie because someone you don't like is playing a minor role in it?
And JT has a couple excellent scenes imho. Besides, it is not Mulligan's or Timberlake's film but the Coen bros' and it's pretty cool (even if overhyped a bit).
I've never understood why people love to bash commercially successful artists just because they don't like their work. If you don't like it - consume something else ffs.

This thread is full of hateful *beep* or trolls.


The problem iarwian is that most Coen brothers movies are beloved & appeal to a smarter , generally more sophisticated audience.Here you have a shallow,mindless POP SINGER who appeals to teen girls & lonely secretaries invading the Coen franchise.If JT stuck to just staring in movies with Vin Diesel and Tara Reid nobody would care. The simple truth is the man is not an actor,never was, and you could walk down any street in Hollywood and find a unknown with way more talent as one.



Toche seed, but we are talking about JT .Her minimal involvement with T.B.L. was Tara way,way back before the train wreck she has become. She is an actress not a pop star, and I would have no problem at all with her being in another Coen brothers movie, in fact that might be cool. Btw , never claimed to be smart or sophisticated ,only said the Coen brother's audience was generally more so.
