Am I the only one who can't stand Justin Timberlake, and find that he nearly ruins every movie he's in? I can't take him seriously as an actor, he doesn't transform into any character he plays ... it's just Justin Timberlake on the screen, trying to be funny or a 'serious' actor (Bad Teacher, though this movie sucked as a whole, Black Snake Moan, The Social Network) I hate how he's in this one especially since I love the Coen brother's movies. Hopefully he won't have a big role.
I despise Timberlake as an "actor". When I heard he was in this film, my heart sunk because I'm a HUGE Coen Brothers fan. Thankfully, he's only in like three scenes. Franzkabuki, you mentioned tolerating him in "The Social Network". You're very lucky. I thought he dropped the movie down several notches. David Fincher is my favorite director working at the moment, and I don't think he should have given J.T. this role. Maybe something smaller if he had to cast him at all. Timberlake was way way out of his league in "Network" (IMO). I know his character was supposed to be smug, but to have a smug person playing him was too much for me. About the people comparing Carey Mulligan to him, you've got to be kidding. She's an incredible talent. Look no further than "Never Let Me Go" for proof.
I didn't think that anyone could match my disdain for Timberlake, feels great to see I have company here in this thread. The only thing worse that his awkward & bland presence on screen is that horrid music he releases.
I don't particularly like Justin Timberlake and, I suppose, start out with at least a slight prejudice against him.
However, in this movie, he was actually pretty good. I'm not familiar enough with him to know if it's just because he fits the part really well or what. In any event, I thought he kind of hit just the right note as a nice guy who was kind of a gullible lightweight.
He was quite good in his one big scene, that being the recording session. Not only did he (with a big assist from Adam Driver) do a nice job of putting across a goofy-fun song, but the little bit before the recording was spot on. I particularly liked the look on his face in reaction to Llewyn's line: "Look, I'm thankful for the work, but who wrote this anyway?"
(I know that's not word for word, but it's the gist).
Timberlake was well cast here and is memorable in a small, but important role, because he's the perfect counter-point to Oscar Isaacs' Llewyn Davis. Musically, he's completely on point, but it's the squeamish sense of glee and unpretentious zest and pleasantness that's key to his performance. And that can be felt even in scenes in which he's not present, because the impression he makes resonates when his character is discussed. And given how small his role actually is, and how good the acting is from top-to-bottom in this film, it's credit to Timberlake that he's so memorable here.
I didn't pay much attention to the cast or credits before DVR'ing this film. I sensed a resemblance, but didn't think it was him. That is to his credit. Plus, he is damn funny on SNL.
I slept with you and you're in love with my husband. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?