Justin Timberlake .. ugh

Am I the only one who can't stand Justin Timberlake, and find that he nearly ruins every movie he's in? I can't take him seriously as an actor, he doesn't transform into any character he plays ... it's just Justin Timberlake on the screen, trying to be funny or a 'serious' actor (Bad Teacher, though this movie sucked as a whole, Black Snake Moan, The Social Network) I hate how he's in this one especially since I love the Coen brother's movies. Hopefully he won't have a big role.


I am pretty sure the guys complaining about him have a bit of a mancrush on him. Either that or jealousy plays a big part in this.
The guy did a great job in this. The tention between him and llewyn after llewyn slights has song is played out really well and Timberlake acts tremendously in this scene.


jt hatez ur gutz too, ya know

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


he there 4 comic relief just like goodman or entire film wud be grim

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


i say again, it's soooo weird for me that people are not going to see a movie because of one supporting actor. it's like refusing to look at a painting because you heard there's orange in it and it's not your favorite color.


Mo empty seatz 4 us. I hate fightin 4 da handrest

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


Personally I like him as an actor and I thought he did well in this movie (honestly, the only thing that bothered me, was that he seemed to muscular for a 70's musician). Carey Mulligan on the other hand, played a very unlikable character and I feel like a different actress would have brought more life to the part.


Judging by the character he played... perhaps even the Coens agree with the OP? heh heh




timberlake's got the most annoying face and voice of any actor in his age group. and his acting is medicore at best.

he's wealthy and thus influential enough to get cast as minor roles in anything. hopefully it stays that way. minor roles. hopefully cameos.


Good type casting.
Jim and Jean get a good crowd.
Often pop stars look out of place in movies..too self conscious...or too big a presence or overexposed. Timberlake has not suffered this except a bit of the last.
He fits right in there except for his profile, in this film it helped or at least didn't hurt.

Old Bee Party V Swirled
