Justin Timberlake .. ugh

Am I the only one who can't stand Justin Timberlake, and find that he nearly ruins every movie he's in? I can't take him seriously as an actor, he doesn't transform into any character he plays ... it's just Justin Timberlake on the screen, trying to be funny or a 'serious' actor (Bad Teacher, though this movie sucked as a whole, Black Snake Moan, The Social Network) I hate how he's in this one especially since I love the Coen brother's movies. Hopefully he won't have a big role.


I've never heard a JT song that I'm aware of, and never watched a video, so I probably have different perspective. I saw him in Alpha Dog and he was pretty good. He was completely different (and very well cast) in Social Network.


I hate him and won't watch anything he is in, I am tempted to waive that rule to see Carey Mulligan but I probably won't.


I completely agree with you. I can't say I hate him/dislike him because I don't know him. But his acting is a bit painful to watch. I'm not sure why he keeps getting cast in films (maybe he knows somebody or people see acting skills that the rest of us don't). I just really hate it when a mediocre actor gets cast in a film with directors and actors that are REAL actors. Then again for every 50 actors in films nowadays maybe 5 have actual talent.


what the hell this have to do with britney and christina?? he's a BAD "actor" and period. Can't stand him as a "singer" can't stand him as an "actor". He thinks he's soo cool. Ugh!!!


I think he's a pretty capable actor. More so than he is a singer. I think you think it's cool to think that he thinks he's cool.


you're going to have to get over it. he's a perfectly good character actor so they're going to keep putting him in stuff.

this is your hang up, not a problem with him.


You people are acting like he's Paris Hilton; Timeberlake actually has some talent, beyond being known because of being known. I think, from what little experience I have of his acting ability (video clips, Black Snake Moan, The Social Network), he'll do just fine.

And whoever complained about Carey Mulligan earlier in this thread should watch Shame, and live in it.

There's a confidence in you guys that's horrifying.


I agree that Justin Timberlake is not a good actor, but the odd thing about him is that his presence doesn't sink the great films that he's in. He's not terrible. He's permissibly nondescript, such that he can show up in a film and not undermine it.


I feel like a lot of people have an issue with his acting because of his music and his reputation.

I have never listened to his music, it's not the kind that interests me, but I've seen him in 2-3 movies and I felt like he did sufficiently well each time.


Whatever--- I've liked Timberlake simply because not only is he actually a good singer (his first CD is definitely worth getting if you really like straight-up R&B) and I love his new single w/ Jay-Z "Suit & Tie". He was also pretty good in that film he did with Mila Kunis a couple of years back--hate him or not, the guy's got charisma AND talent,and that's why he's getting roles. Plus he's not even the star of this film, so I don't know why people are getting riled up by the fact that he's even in it. I barely saw him in the trailer anyway. I wouldn't mind seeing this, mainly because I liked the Coen brothers' A SERIOUS MAN (thought it was funny as heck,and the lead actor was good-looking,too) and also because it looks like a decent little period drama (even if the lead character's name isn't all that.) Plus it sounds like it's based on Bob Dylan's early days,anyway.


There are far worse actors out there than Timberlake. Quit your whining,


THANK YOU! It's like a pop culture sin to say you don't like Justin Timberlake. But yeah I can't stand him. Phony, dead-eyed and shallow, Timberlake adds nothing to dramatic roles. And don't give me that D*ck in a Box, SNL bullshizz either. That has to do with good writing and that those are skits that are less than 5 minutes long. A whole movie with that dude? I'd rather die. Thankfully I hear his part is small in ILD so that's a saving grace.
