MovieChat Forums > What Is a Woman? (2022) Discussion > What a stupid idea for a movie.

What a stupid idea for a movie.

The right always has to bully and insult people so they can try to restrict rights and freedom and shrink the number of people who are considered humans worthy of respect in this country and the world. Never mind real world issues and injustices, just stick of attacking and insulting the weak and bullied.

These people see "what is a man" as defined at selfish, obnoxious and bullying. Maybe he ought to make a movie about something he knows something about.


Matt Walsh was late to the party:

"But first, what is a woman? “Tota mulier in utero: she is a womb,” some say. Yet speaking of certain women, the experts proclaim, “They are not women”, even though they have a uterus like the others. Everyone agrees there are females in the human species; today, as in the past, they make up about half of humanity; and yet we are told that “femininity is in jeopardy”; we are urged, “Be women, stay women, become women.” So not every female human being is necessarily a woman; she must take part in this mysterious and endangered reality known as femininity. Is femininity secreted by the ovaries? Is it enshrined in a Platonic heaven? Is a frilly petticoat enough to bring it down to earth? Although some women zealously strive to embody it, the model has never been patented. It is typically described in vague and shimmering terms borrowed from a clairvoyant’s vocabulary. In St Thomas’s time it was an essence defined with as much certainty as the sedative quality of a poppy."
- Simone de Beauvoir (1949)


What is a woman though


Right, it is a stupid idea for a documentary

It is not a movie btw.

But it's a stupid idea that we actually need, people don't know what is a woman anymore, WHEN IT SUITS their agenda.

Biden: we need a black woman in SCOTUS.

The black woman appointed for SCOUTS: I don't know what a woman is.

This is beyond stupid.

If you don't know what a woman is ... how can you fight for women's rights???


documentary: a movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report.


While technically correct In the colloquial sense a movie is not a documentary.

Why is it called a movie?
Movie is a shortened form of 'moving picture'. By etymology, it looks like these terms are applicable to any video, but conventionally they are reserved for productions released theatrically



[–] asom (4597) 4 minutes ago
While technically correct In the colloquial sense a movie is not a documentary.



You got it. Technically.

Damn, sometime YOU surprise me :D

But really, to be fair, when you try to reel a girl in your room and you say "movie on Netflix?" neither of you thinks of a documentary.

Well, to be fair you're not thinking of Netflix either :D




How does that work for you?

Maybe I should change my ways ...


You're an idiot you doesn't seem to know what is important and what is nonsense. Quibbling about whether you think a documentary is a movie like it somehow makes your argument superior is just another idiot move the Right-wingers do here.


Damn dude, relax.

You already jumped to insults?


I don't easily suffer fools. Movie ... documentary ... are you kidding? Waste of time.


And bye the way, if ignorant Right-wingers want to know the science behind gender identity issues they can easily read a book or check out some scientific lectures, or medical articles.

The reason they made this movie is so that it provokes anger and rage in the Right-Wing audience, because they don't want information, they want emotion and spectacle. That is why this is not even really a documentary, it's more misinfo-tainment, like Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, because that is all the intellectual intensity Right-wingers can stand.


Yeah, bye the way. That way.

The reason they made a movie is because you idiots are so confused that you don't know what a woman is anymore.

"science behind gender identity issues they can easily read a book or check out some scientific lectures" that's pseudo science and makes you feel superior to spew some bullshit.

"or medical articles." medical articles still agree with me: although you might THINK you are a woman you still need a prostate check after a certain age. And although you might THINK you are a man you can still die of cervical cancer. And no matter how much you pretend to be a woman and even if you go through surgery to change your sex you will still NOT have babies or a period ...

Guess what: medicine is about ... biology and biology agrees: gender is sex and you cannot change it.

Plus: the best argument for "gender is sex" are the ... transgenders. Most, if not ALL of them would have SEX reaffirming surgery if they could. And ALL of them express the BIOLOGICAL identity of the opposite gender/sex.

Page in order to affirm her "masculinity" cut her tits off and boast a very male look - probably will get a dick attached soon. And they ALL go through hormonal therapy. JUST TO PASS AS THE OPPOSITE SEX.

So, you see, this NONSENSE that gender is not biological related and it's not related to sex it's IDIOTIC since the transgenders are going through body altering surgeries and hormonal therapies to pass as the opposite BIOLOGICAL sex.

But you are too stupid and brainwashed to see this ...

And it's funny because up to few years ago that was clear. Woman sports are BIOLOGICALLY split from man's sports, due to biological differences and not because "I'm calling myself a woman so I'm a woman". Same for all "woman/man" differences. Toilets? Yeah, biological differences.

Prisons? Same, based on biological differences. Which is funny because now that the "gender is not sex" they have put "transgenders" (read men that identify as women) in women's prisons and ... what do you know?? Rapes and pregnancies ... lol

Most of the old "segregation" based on "gender" and I mean woman/man were based on ... biological differences AKA sex.

Even the dictionary definitions are CLEAR- gender IS sex:

"woman: an adult female human being." synonyms for woman? female.
"man: an adult male human being."

I know. you idiots try to redefine everything for the last 10-15 years. But well, it's stupid.


I'm not asking the question. I'm not going for a cheap right-wing pandering movie to tell me what a woman is. I am not perpetually in a state or fake-outrage like you guys. And I am not going to waste time with you ... that's what the bye the way was ... pick up on that did you?


Neah, you don't ask the question (or answer it) because that would destroy your ideology and you don't want that ...


So, tell me, WHAT IS A WOMAN??

PS: I know, from all the posts you will ignore this one ...


What bullying and insulting do you see coming from the right? What freedoms are they trying to restrict? I only see that coming from the left. This documentary is an answer to that, and an attempt to stop the bullying by the left.


The lies, bullying and insults that come from Right-wingers on Social Media are parallel to those in the Media.


Problem is: the bullying and insults that come from the left in media are much more damaging and have a lot more reach than some stupid bullshit post by some right winger on moviechat.

But you're lying: the bullying and insults and lies are coming from the left on social media as well. On the mainstream social media like facebook, reddit, twitter. Again, a lot more damaging and reach than some stupid bullshit post by some right winger on an obscure forum like moviechat.




The problem is: neither is my team.



First of all you never hear real Left-wing positions or spokespeople in any of the media, aside from maybe Pacifica or Democracy Now!, and you will never hear them insulting, or ranting or raving. Your claim is just ridiculous, but when you can get a bunch of clone trolls to gang up and say they agree with you the more stupid people are impressed ... which is why Right-wing groups are so full of very stupid people. Like the ones they interview outside Trump rallies.


"And bye the way, if ignorant Right-wingers"
"You're an idiot you doesn't seem to know "

You were saying???

Damn, you just love to prove my points and how stupid, ignorant and hypocritical you are :D

Good, good, let the hate flow.


lol in finding this classic clip, apparently BabylonBee's got a documentary called "What is a Man"

At any rate, jokes aside. I'm never ever gonna sit down and watch this film. But I do think it's a fair topic in today's climate. I think between the blindness of the right, and the ignorance of the left, I think conversations about gender, and of sex, are more important than ever. It's hard to have conversations when people aren't even discussing on the same plane.


If it's ignorance you want to focus on focus on the ignorant Right-wingers who all don't seem to know what a woman is and need a Right-wing blowhard to make a movie for them grouse about women or people who have gender issues like since forever, and use scientific and medical technology to make their lives better.

All of this Right-wing stuff came about originally because someone was terrified about who might be in the restroom with them in the mall. Over the decades and with the help of millions of dollars in Right-wing think-tank money they have upped their game to this idiot who purports to tell us what a women is.

Notice that will all the problems we have in this country how the Right-wing always has to focus on these non-issues to distract from the real issues and protect all the industries that screw over everyone. That is all you Right-wingers are good for, useful idiots who help the super rich and powerful sustain and increase their wealth and power. Stupid because it doesn't do you or any other Americans any good.


There's a lot of people on the left, especially from the younger folk these days that seem to not understand the distinction between the gender and sex. I've had a lot of conversations where it seems like ppl are just parroting stuff they learned off of social media. That's why it's ignorance. They've no idea what gender is. They've no idea what being transgendered means. You've got teenagers who see a cisgendered woman dress in a masculine manner, and automatically conclude that the woman is binary. Stuff like that.

I'm not a right winger. And I don't consider gender and identity to be non-issues. Which is why it pisses me off when uneducated folk, left or right, act like it's not important.


> There's a lot of people on the left, especially from the younger folk these days that seem to not understand the distinction between the gender and sex.

As opposed to everyone on the Right, or the fear of anyone on the Right to actually admit they care about this issue. Right-wingers are sick.

Now to you, you are sick too. You end up saying - "Which is why it pisses me off when uneducated folk, left or right, act like it's not important" trying to sound impartial. If you were really neutral and impartial you would immediately jump on young people on the Left.

> There's a lot of people on the left, especially from the younger folk these days that seem to not understand

When you talk about political groups not understanding, it's not on the Left, because basically the Left understands the most important thing - politics is about people, not about money. Right-wingers do not care about anything but protecting the rich and powerful. Their arguments and narratives change from minute to minute depending on what their target is. That is why they are all about divisiveness and provoking negative emotions. It is psychopathic.


So, Quarantine, what is a woman?


You don't know? You really need to be told? What is the difficulty in your life this is causing?


I know what my definition is...I'd like to know yours.


That's too difficult to answer in this day and age of wokeism. No one knows what a woman is anymore since you need to be a biologist to know that now and even then it may not be enough.


So, it is safe to say it is a political question now thanks to the extreme Right-wing that found yet another dimension to divide people and get the enraged at each other. So, in the context of politicizing and weaponizing gender to be something other than a framework to understand and assist with people's rights and support. Right-wingers are all about attacking people and injecting negative karma into the universe for other people to deal with ... that's why they are inhuman scum.


So what is a woman then, OP?

