MovieChat Forums > What Is a Woman? (2022) Discussion > What a stupid idea for a movie.

What a stupid idea for a movie.

The right always has to bully and insult people so they can try to restrict rights and freedom and shrink the number of people who are considered humans worthy of respect in this country and the world. Never mind real world issues and injustices, just stick of attacking and insulting the weak and bullied.

These people see "what is a man" as defined at selfish, obnoxious and bullying. Maybe he ought to make a movie about something he knows something about.


anyone that see's this movie should be round up and put in camps.


Sieg heil! Leftist.


Not a stupid idea for a movie.

The "left" want their gender ideology to be a relevant topic, and to be as influential, popular, and pervasive as possible. And if that's what they want, they need to defend it. All things need to be defended. And as such, debates and criticism are both inevitable and necessary.

This documentary is very justifiable.


The issue is Right-wing thugs beating and killing people that are not exactly like them. Their fear and inability to compete in the modern free world has led them to want to destroy the whole country.

What is the Left-wing gender ideology ... you fascists never are specific you always speak in meaningless handwaving generalities. You point at a couple of cherry-picked examples and try to apply it as the universal. That is so childish and ignorant, but Republicans encourage ignorance.


The issue is Right-wing thugs beating and killing people that are not exactly like them. Their fear and inability to compete in the modern free world has led them to want to destroy the whole country.

What the fuc does this have to do with this movie? This sounds like the usual fearmongering and opportunistic all-or-nothing attitude made by minorities. I.E. "Every time you disagree with us, you give the green light for murder. So just agree with EVERYTHING we say!"

What is the Left-wing gender ideology ... you fascists never are specific you always speak in meaningless handwaving generalities. You point at a couple of cherry-picked examples and try to apply it as the universal. That is so childish and ignorant, but Republicans encourage ignorance.

First of all, not Republican nor fascist.

Second of all, it's the left wingers who are never specific about their gender ideology. They're consensuses are:

"I can't define a woman because I don't identify as a woman"
"A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman"
"Each person who identifies as a woman defines it differently"

They gave themselves the futile objective of saying YES to everybody, and then go full hypocrite by saying NO to people whose obedience they need.

When trans people define gender their way, always agree with them.
When challenged, use the victim card, or whatever the fuc you just displayed in your previous paragraph.
And when women define themselves with chromosomes or bodyparts, fight back with dead end red herring arguments like "What about intersex?!"

And just about all of their "scientific" essays end with something like "It's complicated. LET'S KEEP IT THAT WAY!"

That's what encouraging ignorance looks like.


Ignorance is irrational fear of the unknown.


Proves how necessary this movie is, doesn't it? Since it fearlessly confronts and challenges the unknown.


It fearlessly trolls the idiocracy ... you must be so proud.


Your idiocracy managed to change and force the way we use pronouns, and are ready to punish those who don't obey. They put men in women's bathrooms and women-only sports teams. And they encourage and push the way we raise our children to adopt their existential viewpoints and weaknesses.

You can admit they are idiots, but there's no denying their power and influence, and the necessity to challenge them. If you think this documentary is "trolling", then feel free to propose a better way to challenge something.


Did I personally do all that, or more likely you are insane.


You're the one who called them an idiocracy. Anyways, that's thrice you evaded the topic being discussed, and still offered no real solution.

Consider yourself rekt and move along.


You can't tell the difference between your mommy and your daddy, you've got problems.


What you just said is the perfect thing to say against a transgender advocate, since not knowing the difference between male and female is THEIR talking point. In your short trollish post, you just pointed out the most critical flaw of their entire ideology. Good job.

I don't know what else you're hoping to accomplish by posting anymore, but it's not a good look for the guy who started this whole topic.


I gotta say, leftist, you usually post really idiotic things, but you've even eclipsed yourself in this thread. You should delete everything you wrote here. This is your magnum opus of stupidity.


The makers of this movie inspired a wannabe MAGA terrorist to call in a bomb threat to a children's hospital in Boston. She was motivated due to Rightwing mantra of "saving children from sex change surgery"


So what's your solution? Besides declining to criticize something clearly worth criticizing?


And Diaper Joe incited violence against the Supreme Court and “Maga Republicans ” resulting in a far left radical running over a teenager in his car


What, are you sticking it to me?
I'm practically broke.


All he’s doing is trying to make sense out of the lefts bullshit.


"Left's", Brainiac.


Again I’m typing from my phone, dipshit. And I guess you still can’t define what a woman is.


How is asking for a definition of a “woman” bullying and insulting people and attempting to take away “rights and freedoms”? Simply not agreeing that you are a woman doesn’t equate to “bullying”, however the left/trans community has been very hostile and violent to people who don’t agree that you can just change your gender by announcing it. The trans community sent Matt Walsh death threats, it’s pretty disturbing.
