MovieChat Forums > Emilia Pérez (2024) Discussion > Not even the most woke lunatics like thi...

Not even the most woke lunatics like this shit



When I first heard about this movie I genuinely thought someone was having a joke! 😀


Why? Why would you think that. With Audiard. Why?


Me too.


One of these days I would really love to find out why some people feel the need to open topics about things they don't like.

On the one hand, are you aware there is no negative advertising? Any mentioning of it pushes its popularity no matter what you write about it.
On the other hand, are you aware how much time one would spend writing about all the things one doesn't like? What's next? Writing about not liking the smell in public toilets?


Woke must always be called out and destroyed on sight.

I’ll be avoiding this woke propaganda like the plague thanks to this warning, and making sure others avoid it too.


You got the meaning of "there is no negative advertising" backwards.
Every single mentioning of it pushes it's popularity upwards, not among you and your fellow retards, but among those who haven't heard much about it yet, getting curious what it is, researching it and reading about it, where statistically an ever faster growing amount of people who read about it actually find it a good thing.
Your mentioning it over and over just speeds up the process much faster than the actual woke people ever could themselves.
You do not really believe people reading your postings in here take your words at face value without doing their own research, making up their mind from the overall picture, do you?


Hilariously shit attempt to stop word spreading about this woke dogshit.

Your damage control is failing, wokist, what are you gonna do!?


Oh keep going pleeeeeeeeeeeease, keep posting about it 10 times a day, I won't make any attempt to stop you, just the opposite, I'll reply every time to give you another incentive for another reply, just so the topic stays on top of the latest posts list and all new users signing up will see the title image of the movie on first view.
Can't be long anymore until you switch to foul language and that's then an even stronger argument for the other side.

Just in case you didn't get that part, I'm not on either side of this, I actually watched the movie and didn't like it, you might say I'm an independent observer outside the filter bubble you're sitting in, who reads statistics and I just love it when someones ideas backfire as much as yours.


Nice try 🤣 You’re clearly a dedicated wokist trying your best to stem the flow of people calling this woke dogshit out, and your attempts to neutralise further criticism by pre-empting every possible one as if it’s ’all so predictable’ is lame and transparent.

More people need to know to avoid this woke-ass film, so do us a favour and bump the thread for me…


Keep going


Perfect, and again…




Good. And another bump, more people need to see this thread. Go for it…




Excellent. And another…


keep going


Superb. We can’t stop now though, we need to make sure the first thing people associate this film with is ‘Not even the most woke lunatics like this shit

so give us another bump…


sure, if you wanna believe that


Great, prompt too.

While this thread is easily topping the Emilia Pérez board (thanks to you), it isn’t yet the most popular.

We’re currently on 26 replies and a rival thread is on 29. Let’s get this one over the line. Go on, give us another bump…


fine with me
I assume you didn't read the reply from Spacetimer below?


You did it! This is now the most popular post on the board of this shit film.

You assumed correctly, I’m just glad to see Spacetimer and you bumping this thread, helping to warn people away from this woke POS.

I did, however, read BenStrousers’ reply to you, it was funny and on point 🤣

Come on, give this another bump…


Strouser is on my ignore list (where you will soon end up as well) because he has proven beyond doubt he'll not write one single sentence worth reading ever.
You won't either, but with you I'll have a bit longer fun before I put you there. You'll notice it when I don't reply here anymore.


It’s very typical of wokists to inoculate themselves from valuable criticism, it keeps you smug, stupid and trapped in your moronic and childish ideology.

Ignore away, but before you do - please keep bumping this thread!


As you wish, my last reply is this and from here on you don't exist anymore for me.


Before you were all ‘Yay’ and ‘Keep going’ about bumping this thread - you seemed to think it was a big win for you.

But now you’ve done a 180° and are running away, how come?


I'm going to miss Uncle Humbert telling us tales of his sheer presence moving his friend's rebellious teenaged daughters to tears.




Is this reverse psychology?


There's no psychology in it, there's just a fool who doesn't get the point of "there is no negative advertising".
Pepsi tried for a while running negative ads against Coke until they discovered that the result of their campaign was that people bought more Coke.

I can even give you an example from my own experience which actually fits into the main purpose of this forum.
A while back I saw a review of some movie that I found interesting, but it was an old one, the original producer had sold the rights to some Japanese distributor who had made a totally messed up DVD from it, not sure what was wrong, but the DVD just wouldn't play on any player.
Not even cheap, some $30 on Amazon, 3 weeks delivery and the reviews all said it wouldn't play, I bought it anyway, spent a couple of weeks trying to get it to play, including a few not very legal attempts of converting the DVD without success.
Went on a German forum dedicaded to all kind of computer stuff, from hardware to software, asking the experts for ideas, followed all the suggestions, reporting back none of any of it worked.
In the end I found a very old version of a totally obsolete DVD player from early XP times that would at least play the DVD as long as I didn't click into the timeline to skip back or forth (because that would crash the player) and I was able to at least watch the movie.
Wasn't even a good movie, at least not as good as the review I had seen suggested and I reported that to the German forum as well.
Either way the end result was that half a dozen users from that German forum bought the DVD, curious if they could get it to play.


I thought the idom *even bad press is good press* was common knowledge.


Should be, means the same as "there is no bad advertising", but then, apparently there are people who just don't get it.


I'm pretty sure he gets it.

That story was about you making a very bad purchase, then for some reason all these other total strangers thought it would be a good idea to make the same poor decision as you? That makes no sense.


Not the brightest crayon in the box, is he?

Wokists tend to combine smugness with low IQ, it’s a wonderfully self-defeating combination 🙏


Bud Light


Wokists turned against it once they heard from the trans community.

Hollyweird didn't hear about it until too late and bodged the token Oscar pick this year.

Should have given it to a more worthy gay film like Challengers. But I guess the "trans" trump card is to powerful.


Did I get that right?
For you gay is ok, but trans isn't?
Trying to limit acceptance of queer people to non trans?
Is that some new form of discrimination against a subgroup of a larger group that has by now become too large to discriminate against?


For Hollyweird TRANS is the all powerful trump card.

The Hollyweirdos want to congratulate themselves on being progressive, and back slap themselves on how inclusive they are at the Oscars so the shiny new TRANS card will give them just that.

Gay is old hat now. TRANS is the new gay!

EXCEPT.............the TRANS community have derided this film!!


That's nonsense and you know it.
Trans people have always been part of the queer community, new is only that the gay and bi people have come out in such large numbers and gotten support from so many non queer people that discriminating against them has become difficult due to so many people standing up against it, that the homophobes now see a better chance discriminating against exclusively the trans subgroup.


Oh, homo"phobia" again... 🙄 Hell, who invented this shit? Definitely someone with only poor knowledge of the Greek language. Try αηδία instead. Because nobody is "afraid" of some fags. What shall they do? Throw some cotton wisps at us?


You're on a woke rant.

I'm specifically talking about Hollywood and their self-congratulatory back slapping and knee-jerk reactions to past criticisms when it comes to Oscar picks.


You wonder why that is? Isn't it obvious?
Centuries of discriminating against all people where weren't absolutely "normal", excluding them from all kind of jobs, trying to brainwash them, kill them, etc., have left these people no other options than showbusiness, because there they can be who they are and make money with it.
Not a miracle showbusiness is stuffed full with all kind of queer people and not a miracle either that they in return to the discrimination they have received outside of showbusiness, are protecting each other within showbusiness.
If anyone doesn't like that, nobody is forced to watch it.
If anyone wants a different type of showbusiness, they are free to create one as they see fit.
In the end their sales numbers decide who survives in showbusiness and who doesn't.


oh, you like going on of topic rants.

>Not a miracle showbusiness is stuffed full with all kind of queer people

Wait, I thought it was full of straight white cis males and Jews who control Hollywood?

>are protecting each other within showbusiness.

Hollywood like congratulating each other on how amazing they are and hand out Oscars as a reaction to past ctriticisms.

Somebody points out that there have been no black Oscar nominations one year. The next year we have a black Oscar winner. For the next 5 years after that no more black Oscar winners even if deserved.

It's the same with all minorities. Hollywood use them as a token.



If you're the one person on Earth who never talks about things you don't like, you're the one who needs to explain yourself.


Any mentioning of it pushes its popularity no matter what you write about it.

Anybody who watches this movie based on what they've read here deserves what they get. Some things can't be unseen, and I only saw about ten seconds of it.


Metascore 71! Are the critics woke or not?


It got panned in Mexico


Critics are super woke


You’re right based on the money it made.


Another musical by and for people who have no familiarity with real musicals. Even apart from the transgender angle, the movie is just dismal crap. Its thirteen Oscar nominations are the final proof that the Academy Awards are dead.


its trash, Netflix buys awards like Harvey


Good comparison


Great review by DeepFocusLens


Glad to know that Joker 2 wasn't the worst musical of the year 😂


Pretty impressive huh?


I heard that Mexicans are pissed about this movie, and when I heard about some of the nonsense in it, I could see why. Makes me wonder what the movie makers were smoking, because it must have been some really good granola for them to come up with this messed up dumpster fire of a movie.

But what pisses everyone off the most, is the idea that a drug cartel kingpin that was a mass murderer and a monster, gets absolved because he got a sex change. A man cutting his dick off, getting a boob job, growing his hair out, and taking hormones, and a new identity, does not absolve him of the crimes of his past. All it does is reveal that he 1000% is nuttier than the other drug kingpins.

And don't even get me started on the messed up musical aspect of the film.


It's flopping hard in Mexico


Considering how insulting some of the events in the movie are, I don't blame the Mexicans hating it.
