MovieChat Forums > AssetsonFire

AssetsonFire (149)



European "cis" white men are allowed to make films in and about Mexico, sorry. If you don't like it, feel free to petition the Mexican government to only allow films made by gay black Mexicans. So you're complaining that they nominated this film simply because it's gay, and your solution is to nominate a different film simply because its gay? LMAO. Talk about drawing the wrong conclusions. Because critics are paid to promote films and agendas, not give honest opinions. If you're the one person on Earth who never talks about things you don't like, you're the one who needs to explain yourself. You can't really be this retarded? You just said the same thing with different words. I'm embarrassed for you. Yes, many predictions still bear out. So you're outraged by 'historical discrimination' (which seems to amount to a handful of movie characters doing bad accents) against a practically non-existent Indian population, but contemptuous of rednecks. Says it all. Big deal, Indians were 0.3% of the US population 30 years ago, even now they're barely over 1%. They're lucky to even be included. View all replies >