Having a female lead in a horror movie, traditionally, works because it adds vulnerability to the protagonist. If you later toughen up that character, give her a flamethrower, in a traditional decent movie/franchise they will have earned that toughness through development.
If you have a female lead nowadays they are probably going to be a badass girlboss from frame 1 with zero challenge, adversity, development, journey, whatever. That is only one reason why 99% of modern stuff sucks ass. Throw in green screen, CGI, crappy first-draft scripts, no-name chump puppet directors and wokeness and you have a recipe for dogshit that the fucking cretin public will hand over money for so they can get more dogshit next time.
If people don't like it you can always call them racist/sexist/whatever.
Sure, have a female lead, but just fucking do it properly please.