MovieChat Forums > MickyMac

MickyMac (3252)


Val Kilmer the most underrated Batman Scenes reordered in The Schumacher Cut What if Chase Meridian was in Batman & Robin? The villains in The Schumacher Cut are less over the top Unlike Pre Crisis comics Clark becomes Superboy in college. Think the Clark, Lois and Jimmy dynamic will be like My Adventures With Superman? Batgirl Is Suppose To Be Carrie Kelley Robin. Giant Bat Deleted Scene Inspired By Dark Knight Returns What Was Superman 12 Year Training At The Fortress Like? Imagine if Batman & Robin were made today. View all posts >


After leaving Batman, aside from Kiss Kiss Bang Bang I haven't seen anything of quality or interest out of this guy. He was playing himself as both batman and Bruce Wayne you fucking moron. Clooney was just playing himself in a batsuit the entire time like he does in everything, all he does is look down and look back up. It's like a workprint with unaltered dialogue and temporary music. The crew of The Antares probably felt the same way and died because they waited too long to do anything. If The Thasians didn't show up Kirk and his crew would've waited too long to do anything like being forced to kill Charlie. If it wasn't rushed or being a two hour toy commercial. Remember five years ago now when Pattinson was cast as Batman, there was similar hate going around, everyone was saying it was gonna be the worst, now what is everyone doing? praising Pattinson's version. OK film, bet The Schumacher Cut is even better. Be having like Metropolis looking like the 40s with the clothing, buildings and cars. Fuck off View all replies >