23% gave this a 10/10?

Please tell me I'm not reading that right....

If this is the sad truth about moviegoers, seeing it has officially cemented in my mind the idea that humanity is doomed. When a sub-par comedy like this (5/10 at best IMO) gets treated as if it was royalty, it is a truly embarassing day for filmmaking. I think over time audiences have somehow duped themselves into thinking a few good jokes = A good Comedy Film. Definitely the worst movie of the summer, let alone the year, that I've seen.
As a suggestion; If you want a truly great comedy that doesn't degrade the intelligence of its audience by resorting to offensive and worse, Unfunny, slapstick humour, spend your money seeing 'The Way, Way Back'.

I suffer from Night Blindness.


10/10 is very cruel. But seriously this movie was more that what i expected. If someone is very tired and watches this movie i am sure they will give it a 10.


I gave this movie 10/10. It was awesome. Now suffer chicotheman.


You saying no one should rate this 10/10 is pure ignorance, not the other way around. You cannot dictate other people's opinions and just because someone finds something funny that you don't, means nothing, except their taste is different than yours.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


Yes, all of humanity is doomed because 23% gave a film you did not care for a 10/10.

We are all done.


For the most part, I agree with the OP. This is why I stopped coming to IMDB in general for awhile and never took this BS site seriously. Nearly all of the users here are at the absolute least one of the following: ignorant, retarded, trolls, racists, juvenile, little irksome kids, annoying teenagers, drunk college students, pedophiles, sheep, pretentious people, followers, outcasts, hipsters (anti-conformist), stans, fanboys, unreasonable haters, the emotionally disturbed, and wannabe critics. Only very few independent, rational thinkers here.

Here you have a bunch of dummies getting pissed off, forming online mobs, and writing you off as a "hipster", "loner", "sad virgin", and "fvkking retarded prude" if you disagree with them, saying "no one cares about your opinion and you should go outside more". Bitch, nobody is required to regard you and your thoughts either. Your point? And hey, almost everyone here (even I) should go outside more, but we just choose not to at this time. Furthermore, quit being a flip-flopping hypocrite and just agree to disagree and/or explain why in a mature fashion so we can properly debate on this manner. Cut the BS and the weak ass arguments out and try to gain the debating skills you lack.

Also, an anti-conformist, a true hipster, hates popular things to feel more unique and superior, but a non-conformist (which I am) just happens to hate most (not all) of the popular things because we live in an "anything goes" society with very low standards and customs, which is probably part of the reason why this movie has over a 7.0 rating and is being praised the way it is. So in this aspect, We're the Miller is this year's The Hangover in terms of being a decent, yet vastly overrated comedy. This Is The End is this year's Tropic Thunder. Last year, we had average comedies like 21 Jump Street and Ted receive so much praise and being regarded as "great comedies", which is just absurd and shows how low the bar for quality is nowadays. Anything average or slightly above average is now considered "awesome", "epic", or "GOAT". And don't get me started on these currently rehashed sequels, remakes, superhero movies, bad horror flicks, prequels, reboots, etc.

Secondly, think about this. You have manwhores on this board drooling over Jennifer Aniston (who they'd probably boastfully want to cheat on their wives, gfs, and maybe bfs with), yet criticize the younger boys that drool over people like Megan Fox and other current/former box office draws. I thought looks shouldn't matter, but rather the quality of the content and talent. And danagolightly, humanity isn't doomed because of one movie getting more praise than it should. Humanity is doomed due to ignorant fvkkers on and off this very board, corruption, carelessness, idiocy, immorality, greed, and all other vices that are embraced and continued. This society mirrors the picture that can be seen in the movie Idiocracy. No morals, no intelligence, just sole idiocy and foolish pride. Our overall IQ has dropped at least 14 points (look it up if you don't believe it), and quality of life and culture continues decline. Perhaps an uprising will occur soon enough, whether it's by WWIII or something smaller or bigger. Nevertheless, we are fvkked either way. Not everyone can be saved, and there is no cure for stupidity. And if this was too long to read, oh fvkking well. I needed to say this.

I like expensive pasta, real expensive pasta...


There's some anger there.


And that anger was needed. I'm sorry, but the fkkkery needs to stop. Sadly, it never will.

I like expensive pasta, real expensive pasta...


Settle down, dude. Way to make a bunch of sweeping ignorant statements about virtually everyone on this site. Makes me wonder if there's some projection going on. Also, your statement that the movie is "vastly overrated" is just asinine. It got 47% (5.4 average rating) on Rotten Tomatoes, and it's much better than that. I thought it was either a 7 or an 8, so the 7.2 it has is right in line with my thinking. If anything, I think it's actually a bit underrated. Either way, why do you care so much? Get over it.


Are you seriously suggesting that people should evaluate a comedy like "We're the Millers" by the rubric of whether or not it was as good as "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?" Really? Judging a comedy by the same standards as a drama is just asinine. Gotta love the irony of you claiming someone else's argument doesn't make any sense, though.


The guy is an idiot. I hate snobs like the OP.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


I ain't no comment/response expert here, but I'm prrrettttty sure you wrote that whole response so you could turn "TGTBATU" into an actual acronym.

Well done, and good for you, Jack!


even if I saw those numbers I wouldn't believe it, maybe it's a glitch lol, a 10/10 for comedy would have to be something like....I don't even know if that exists to be honest

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


"Definitely the worst movie of the summer, let alone the year, that I've seen. "

Ummm, I think you meant to write that in reverse..

Just sayin'..
