If this is the sad truth about moviegoers, seeing it has officially cemented in my mind the idea that humanity is doomed. When a sub-par comedy like this (5/10 at best IMO) gets treated as if it was royalty, it is a truly embarassing day for filmmaking. I think over time audiences have somehow duped themselves into thinking a few good jokes = A good Comedy Film. Definitely the worst movie of the summer, let alone the year, that I've seen. As a suggestion; If you want a truly great comedy that doesn't degrade the intelligence of its audience by resorting to offensive and worse, Unfunny, slapstick humour, spend your money seeing 'The Way, Way Back'.
Comedy is subjective. I haven't seen this movie...this seems like a wait for onDemand to me...but I've enjoyed some comedies that others have claimed to have lost precious moments of their life over and painfully unfunny movies (like Identity Thief...Theft?) some think out pace Mark Twain. Go figure. I'll agree TWWB is very good.
yes comedy is subjective, but giving a film like this a (perfect) 10/10 is absurd and ignorant. ranking it on that level is basically giving it the same treatment as some of the classics, ala The Godfather and Pulp Fiction. That just makes no sense to me.
anyways on a lighter note, glad you enjoyed TWWB as well as Identity Thief. Although i didn't favour the latter very much, i respect your opinion.
I didn't like Identity Thief...sorry of the confusion. I think it's a bad movie, but it is very popular apparently...so if others liked, who am I to judge their preferences in entertainment? As a 10 for this movie, probably these folks don't see a lot of quality films or were drunk when they posted. Too bad we can't take back our ratings. A lot would probably change their minds if given enough time to think it over.
>Too bad we can't take back our ratings. >A lot would probably change their minds if given enough time to think it over.
You can in fact, take back your rating. Well, not exactly "take back", but you can re-rate it. Just do as you did the first time around, and your new rating will replace the old.
Wow, you are some wanna be elitist film analyst. Who gives a damn what a movie is rated on an online board. Seriously, is this the only problem you have in life? FYI there are people that enjoy films that arent too serious. If you wanna watch some "serious" *beep* go watch some david lynch film or something.
It doesn't take a professional analyst to comprahend that this is not a good comedy film. Definitely NOT 10/10 in any way.
Who gives a damn what a movie is rated on an online board. Seriously, is this the only problem you have in life?
judging from your past couple posts, you care significantly about defending Jennifer Aniston's online cred among poster to poster, when it doesn't matter at all in your everyday life. Stop being the pot that is calling the kettle black, or, the Aniston calling the kettle a bad actor (lol that was really bad but i went with it anyways)
FYI there are people that enjoy films that arent too serious. If you wanna watch some "serious" *beep* go watch some david lynch film or something.
there is a significant difference between a film being "silly" and it being "sloppy". i just recently saw 'The Heat', a film thats rather cliched, over the top, low-browed, and i really enjoyed it. so don't make random assumptions, and then use them as arguments about me being an "elitist" critic. This film was cringeworthy for me at a lot of points. The plot was completely unbelievable, and so loosely connected to the actual characters i didn't care about it or them at all. Did they really think Completely unjustified meanness and a scene involving swollen balls was funny? Sure, Nick Offerman was great, but it wasn't enough to make up for the lack of quality the rest of the film displayed. And after all is set and done, it is a comedy, so f*uck story and *beep* character development, all you need are bare bone laughs to make the film worth while. And for me, they were seldom and too far apart. Don't care if you enjoyed it, to each their own, but this is no where near a perfect movie as 23% are saying it is.
I kind of feel like if Jennifer Aniston were cast in a lifetime movie you would be here defending it left and right. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be a huge fan. reply share
Jennifer Aniston? Really? If you really did look thru my history, you will see that I commented on her board twice. TWO times. And all of a sudden I'm a mega fan? Yeah sure. I'm sure you also saw all my Scandal posts. Why didnt you mention anything about Kerry Washington? Because you know your Aniston theory is full of shytte. My IMDB history actually completely negates your "huge Jennifer Aniston (who, I will say again, I only posted TWO TIMES on her board) fan theory".
didn't mean to offend you man, ill correct myself, Kerry Washington is more appropriate. Anyway, It doesn't matter the name, This still doesn't change the fact that you are calling me out on what you do (for K.Wash maybe) and what others do everyday on this site. we're all fans of cinema, and i myself take offence when a movie that i believe to be mediocre gets an inflated score, and vice versa. Sue me. i mean, almost 1/4th gave this a 10? doesn't that seem really odd? ignore my correlations between Aniston and yourself in my last post, but everything else i stated i stand by firmly. And please don't make assumptions about myself simply disliking this movie because it wasn't serious, i enjoy all types of films, i just find this one sloppy and overall, just hard to watch. I am not a snob, or an elitist, as you have labeled me, i just have an opinion. i apologize for mis-categorizing you. I guess i read into what you posted about Aniston a bit too much in your history.
How is Scandal btw? (i know this sounds cheeky, but i really would like to know) i really liked Kerry in Django Unchained.
I myself take offence when a movie that I believe to be mediocre gets an inflated score
Just because you believe it's mediocre doesn't really mean everyone else believes it's mediocre. Apparently enough people who watched this believed it's not mediocre.
Now, before you ''historize'' me, I must say that I'm not attacking you or your opinion, I'm just saying that just because it's your opinion doesn't mean it's everybody else's opinion. Example: many people I know say 2001: A Space Odyssey is the best movie ever made. For me, it's too slow. Cinematographically, it's an amazing movie, I'm giving it that. It just doesn't cut it for me. But I'm not going on Odyssey's site and question the intelligence of people who rated it a perfect 10 as you appear to be doing in your first post. I rather question people's intelligence when it comes to things that actually matter.
Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly.
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I give a damned for one since I use IMDB ratings as part of my decision making process which movies to spend my money on. If I can't trust IMDB to be somewhat close on ratings then that eliminates half the reason I visit the site (the other half being to look up info about movies, actors, etc).
Yes I'm only one person but if enough people get the idea they can't trust the reviews then the lost hits and advertising dollars begin to add up. So, trust me when I say that the people at IMDB in charge of money for the site most definitely DO care when movies have obviously inflated ratings.
He didn't say he watches movies people tell him to, he said that he uses the IMDB ratings as part of his decision making process. That's a perfectly normal thing to do. Why else do you think they have a rating system? It's there to help people decide what movies they want to see, as well as when and how they see them. It's incredibly useful because the ratings are very accurate across pretty much all the genres except comedy and that's because comedy is so subjective. If you don't understand what the rating system is for and you don't use it as part of your decision making process then guess who is being a tool?
He didn't say he watches movies people tell him to, he said that he uses the IMDB ratings as part of his decision making process. That's a perfectly normal thing to do. Why else do you think they have a rating system? It's there to help people decide what movies they want to see, as well as when and how they see them. It's incredibly useful because the ratings are very accurate across pretty much all the genres except comedy and that's because comedy is so subjective. If you don't understand what the rating system is for and you don't use it as part of your decision making process then guess who is being a tool?
I think why the TC is mad is because of how much money this movie has been making at the box office too, not just the people that happen to think its a 10/10 comedy. I don't know why bad ideas for a comedy like this continue to make money.
"Too bad you can't reload your game and try again." Cassidy- Fallout 2
It's not fair to judge a movie like this comparing it to a film like The Godfather or Pulp Fiction, a rating out of ten should be saying whether or not the film accomplished what it set out to do. If this movie made someone laugh a lot, it's understandable that they would rate it well, as long as the film gets what it's going for. I enjoyed We're the Millers, although I wouldn't rate it a full ten, I wouldn't doubt that certain people out there enjoyed it even more than me to a point where they feel it fully accomplished what it set out to.
I understand your point, but I'm saying that when it comes to rating a comedy, you compare it to a comedy, not a classic mob movie. If Airplane is a 10 out of 10, then I'd say this movie is about a six or seven. On a scale with Pulp Fiction at 10 out of 10, this movie would't have a place on that scale because it has different intentions than Pulp Fiction did.
Hope I made my point well without being too confusing.
You can't really compare a comedy to Pulp Fiction and The Godfather when you're reviewing it; you have to hold it to the standards of other comedies, not dramas, crime films, etc. Obviously the reviewers held it to the standards of other comedies and found it to be as good as some of the best comedies they've seen. 10/10 doesn't mean they're saying it's as good as The Godfather, because they aren't comparing the two, as THAT would be absurd and ignorant. They're saying it's good when compared to other comedies.
Lol why do people rate movies based on how it was made (plot, actors act ect) but not on the emotional level or fun it gave to them, now that is just absurd. If the movie made your day, surely you can look past all minor mistakes, in fact you probably won't even notice them. Great movie 10 out of 10, good movie below 10 to 7, bad movie 5 and below.
Films have lables: Comedy, Drama, thriller, horror, adventure, etc So giving a comedy film a 10 isn't the same as giving The Godfather a 10. I think that's pretty clear for most people.
This is probably more to do with knowing what to expect from a film. Different types of films have different 1 to 10 scales. You can't possibly compare them, regardless of individual taste.
Although I haven't watched this film yet, I expect certain things from it. It needs to make you laugh as a comedy. It doesn't have to be too deep and if you can sense that the actors had fun making it that's a bonus. Expecting anything besides that for an outright comedy might be a little uptight. Thinking you are above and better than it because it's not complex. lol
Expecting anything besides that for an outright comedy might be a little uptight. Thinking you are above and better than it because it's not complex. lol
this is how i know you didn't read beyond the original post in this thread. Go ahead and take a gander at my third post, the last paragraph to be specific. hopefully that clears everything up for you on why didn't like the movie, as i state that i very much enjoy low-browed, simple humour in films . I Liked the heat, liked step brothers, liked Taladega nights, and the list goes on and on. Those are in no way "complex" yet i think they were very well done for what they were trying to achieve (solid and frequent laughs with a story that is at least comprehendible). Unlike how i feel this movie was; lazy, half-assed and unfunny. if that makes me "uptight" i don't know what doesn't.
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I haven't seen this yet, I'm planning on seeing it next week but I just wanted to ask, if you can enjoy movies like The Heat, what was it about this film that offended you? Aren't the jokes kind of similar; crude/dirty humour, lots of profanity etc?
Also with regards to the rating. The majority of people voting on here aren't critics. So they don't have to give an unbiased accurate rating based on how good the movie is relative to other movies. Most people will vote a 10 simply if they enjoy a movie. A lot of people who like it will vote 10 purely to outweigh the amount of 0's it gets from people who think it's the worst movie ever made. They're not saying it's as good as the godfather or citizen kane they are simply rating up a film they liked. Could be for many different reasons they voted 10. Could be they loved the film and thought it was hilarious, they thought it achieved exactly what the film set out to do, mostly it's just hyperbole. Either way it certainly doesn't mean the people who voted this a 10 think it's a better movie than highest rated films of all-time. Don't look too much into it as if the rating gives an indication on how intelligent this generation/culture is. That's just silly.
You're missing out on all the smugness you receive when you vote on a movie early and then a month later it got the rating you gave it aswell. Which is what life is all about really.
When I rate a movie I rate it based on how I'd compare it to other movies in that Genre. If I were rating a comedy I'd rate it strictly to how much I liked it in comparison to other comedies, and how much I enjoyed it. Honestly this one of my favorite comedies I have ever watched, so yes I'd probably give it something like a 8/10. I'm not saying it's one of the best movies I've ever seen, but it's definetely one of my favorite comedies. It did what I wanted it to do, it made me laugh non stop.
Thankfully someone who has a good argument against my original perception without resorting to name calling. I really respect you for your valid input and criticism. I think your right, genre may be very important in the rating system. I guess ppl tend to ovverate/underrate films based on their own enjoyment (as apposed to pure quality) and that causes bias. I just really didn't enjoy the movie (I gave it a 4/10) and thats fine. And you enjoyed it, and thats also fine. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but with that being said ive seen better films on IMDB land around 5.6 when this lands a 7.1. I think it also comes down to how "out there" and "different" a film is. For example , Spring breakers recieved mostly critical acclaim, yet sits below a 6. While this film, which is designed to appeal to a larger audience (and not just hardcore cinephiles) gets a better score.
I wish that R rated movies would not be able to be rated by people under 18, even though as I write this there are only 228/7166 voters that admit to being under the age. (I assume that there are more voting under different age brackets, how many users do you think YouTube has that list themselves over 18 but are much younger so they can view adult content?)
I'd guess since their overall average is about a full point higher than the rest of the voting, that underage voters account for around ".2" - ".4" of the vote, if not higher, giving it a high 6 rating (which will go down once more people see the film, probably ending around a mid 6, making the film just above mediocre...which I agree with).
You have no sense of humor if you think this movie is only slightly above average. This movie was definitely the comedy movie of the year. Obviously that is why the IMDB rating is so high. I'm 33 years old and I thoroughly enjoyed this film.
23% is way too low. This movie is definitely the funniest movie of the year. Funniest movie since Knocked Up and Zach and Miri Make a Porno. This movie had the entire theater rolling in laughter during the entire duration of the movie. The entire cast was brilliant and hilarious. GO SEE THIS MOVIE, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. Don't listen to wanna be critics like chicotheman who are just hating on this movie for no reason.
Sisam, I have to agree with you! There was laughter during a good portion of the movie. There were some teens and young people, but there were also a lot of seniors. Yes, the movie is absurd in many ways, but the acting was terrific. Jennifer's fans will be very pleased. This is character driven, and not necessarily good traits. Yes, I gave it a 10/10. GO SEE THIS MOVIE, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.
23% is way too low. This movie is definitely the funniest movie of the year. Funniest movie since Knocked Up and Zach and Miri Make a Porno.
You opinion is YOUR opinion, but I'm willing to bet based on your post that you haven't seen very many comedies from 2008 and on.
GO SEE THIS MOVIE, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. Don't listen to wanna be critics like chicotheman who are just hating on this movie for no reason.
first of all, i never planned on trying to force people to avoid this movie based only on my PERSONAL OPINION on the film, I'm just suggesting based on it. and assuming this is absurd. Im just voicing my opinion on the film that is all.
Im not a "wannabe critic" as you so kindly profile me, i just have an opinion, just as you present yours in your post. which makes your "pumping up" of the film no better than my "tearing down" of it.Hell i guess by your theory we are both critics!. As for "hating for no reason", i stated this before in an excerpt from a previous post; -there is a significant difference between a film being "silly" and it being "sloppy". i just recently saw 'The Heat', a film thats rather cliched, over the top, low-browed, and i really enjoyed it. so don't make random assumptions, and then use them as arguments about me being an "elitist" critic. This film was cringeworthy for me at a lot of points. The plot was completely unbelievable, and so loosely connected to the actual characters i didn't care about it or them at all. Did they really think Completely unjustified meanness and a scene involving swollen balls was funny? Sure, Nick Offerman was great, but it wasn't enough to make up for the lack of quality the rest of the film displayed. And after all is set and done, it is a comedy, so f*uck story and *beep* character development, all you need are bare bone laughs to make the film worth while. And for me, they were seldom and too far apart. Don't care if you enjoyed it, to each their own, but this is no where near a perfect movie as 23% are saying it is.
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I have seen almost every major comedy released since 1998. I'm 33 years old not some 16 year teenager. Obviously the majority of people on IMDB agree with me if 23% of the audience gave it a perfect 10. Maybe you were just having a bad day before you went and saw this movie.
If what you said is true, you must have seen 'This is the End' earlier this year, And i'd assume since you enjoyed 'Zack and Miri' as well as 'Knocked Up' you would also favour this Seth Rogan vehicle (he even directed the thing!). Now you are entitled to your opinion, but if ANYONE tries to tell me 'Were the Millers' is the best comedy of the year when you have a film like 'This is the end' dropping that same year, ill either assume your trolling or really don't have a sense of quality. You as well as others may have enjoyed it more, but UNBIASEDLY saying it is better than 'This is the End' based on quality is absurd.
One a side note; did you really enjoy this more than '50/50' and 'Pineapple Express'? Im pretty suprised, you seem like you enjoy Rogans brand of humour based on your past post(s). did you see my signature? ;)
==================== I suffer from night blindness
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Believe it or not I didn't enjoy Pineapple Express and for some reason I never saw This is the End. I will definitely check that one out though. I really like Kevin Smith and Seth Rogan so for me Zach and Miri was a perfect combination. I didn't see 50/50 either because I didn't think it was a comedy. Maybe I should check out that title as well. Are you talking about "I suffer from Night blindness?" Unfortunately I'm not sure what movie that is from. I'm assuming it's from 50/50. I will check those titles out and get back to ya.
Look man, if you've seen the trailer before watching the movie which i am 100% sure you have, you'd know exactly what to expect and the kind of humor that was going to be featured in this film. I've seen the trailer about 4 times at the movies, and I really wanted to see it because of the humor and where the story went. So you go into the movie and then come out saying it's not funny bla bla bla. So... What did you expect after viewing the trailer? It gave exactly what it was advertising. So next day you go in to pay for the film and come out completely disappointed. So it comes down to this, either your a masocist or you need your head examined.
Honestly, i am not trying to troll, but I'm tired of these people talking about how much they disliked a comedy they went and saw when i'm sure mostly 95% of people going to watch these comedies have seen the trailers for them. If you didn't like what you saw in the trailer then you shouldn' t have gone.
On that note, i really enjoyed this film, because i went in and knew what to expect and got my money's worth. I'd rate this movie a 9/10 just because it kept me constantly entertained and had some laugh out loud moments. Hopefully, I will be seeing this again soon. I've probably seen The Heat 6 times, that movie is gold,
People like you think they are so sophisticated and too good for a hilarious comedy. Get over yourself, this movie was one of the funniest movies ever made. Just because it doesn't have any big name directors or writers doesn't mean it isn't a great film. People like you make me mad.
Op is right. People are dumb, they'll eat up anything nowadays. But if you think the new Jennifer Aniston Summer Flick is 10/10 cinema, you're a joke.
I never said I gave it a 10. I give it an 8 but yes, I enjoyed it. No need for insults. I am sure there are some movies that you like that are ridiculous and if not you should lighten up.
____________________ Would a Cupcake kill you?
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I love how you arrogant numskulls insult others intelligence and assume authority for having a different opinion. On a movie nonetheless. Something made simply for entertaining. I mean the irony is just glaring.
Double double trouble you bubble in a witches' brew.
Get over yourself. Comedy is subjective. The movie was funny. It wasn't a 10/10 comedy for me, but it was like a 7 or an 8. It was consistently funny throughout. I'm not sure why you care so much. How does it affect you if some of the people who saw this movie thought it was funny enough to give it a perfect score? Who cares? It's not like it's going to win Best Picture or something. It hurts no one.
find it a sad day when people think their opinion of something should be the rule. Obviously not everyone agrees with you.
Im sorry, did you miss the giant whopping "IMO" in the middle of my statement? What i said is my opinion and mine alone, where you got the idea that I'm trying to convince posters that it is my way or the highway i have no clue. I just think this was a very poor comedy, and am voicing my opinion on the matter.
========== I suffer from night blindness.
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Im sorry, did you miss the giant whopping "IMO" in the middle of my statement? What i said is my opinion and mine alone, where you got the idea that I'm trying to convince posters that it is my way or the highway i have no clue. I just think this was a very poor comedy, and am voicing my opinion on the matter.
You said your opinion for the rating was a 5/10 - you did not say your entire post was opinion specifically. No need to get so feisty anyway. I apologize if I offended you. of course you are entitled to your opinion. edit: Even if it is wrong
____________________ Would a Cupcake kill you?
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