reasons why it flopped

mad max is a niche franchise
chris hemsworth is box office poison
anya taylor joy is not a star
fans wanted a mad max centered film
joe biden killed cinema
prequels rarely work
it will be streaming in 3 weeks


it will be streaming in 3 weeks

WHAT??????????? Is that true? Then I will wait for it to stream.


So is everyone else , that has nothing to do with how good the film is though


I just google, it was false.


"The Fall Guy" went from Opening Day to streaming in two weeks, four days.


The Fall Guy was not released by Warner. Name a movie released by Warner that hit streaming as quick.


I don't have any idea what studio released what. Most of these movies are actually made by Production Companies, and the studio (such as they are these days) does the distribution and advertising.


After ‘Furiosa’ Misfires, When Will Summer Movie Season Rebound?


Perhaps its time studios stopped measuring the success of a movie by the box office money taken on opening weekend now that Theatres are lame relics of the 20th century and everybody has a giant screen in their house

Theres plenty more money to come in from this investment before it can be written off as a loss


Part of it is bad promotion. Trailer promised that they are trying to pull out the same rabbit from the hat, and the second time you see the same rabbit, it is not that fun. I was pleasantly surprised that it is not what the trailer promised. Sadly, I was the only one surprised, because I was alone in the theater. Actually this is the first time ever when I'm given a "personal" movie projection. Felt important and such... But doesn't bode well for future Mad Max movies.


Lets be honest, nobody was that excited to see a movie about Furiosa and Fury Road wasn't exactly a huge box office success either.


I think Fury Road did well. $380M with $150M budget. Maybe not as good as Star Wars or MI or James Bond for that year. But it is on the BFI’s S&S best films of all time list (2022 done every 10 yrs) surpassing original Star Wars. Road Warrior is not on the list but it will always be a great film to me. Actually, Fury Road is the only film in 2015 that made it to that level. Some critics think Fury Road is the best action film ever. And it’s George Miller’s magnus opus. Sounds like you were underwhelmed with it. No movie is making any real money unless Tom Cruise is in it.

I was supposed to see Furiosa today but it was sold out where I was. I am looking forward to it as there is nothing to see and it’s been like this for awhile


It did well, but it wasn't a mega hit or anything.


Fury Road failed to give them a profit . $380 million is good for most movies, but not one with a $150 million budget



A "job well done" everyone! Really, great work.


It flopped because people are tired of seeing women cast in roles that are extremely “manly.”

It was fresh in the 90s.

It’s BEYOND cliche now.


Did you see the movie?
Because what you're saying isn't consistent with Furiosa.


Furiosa's mother was very maternal, though certainly knew how to handle herself. She was not manly-built and didn't throw men around (like Queen Latifah in The Equalizer). She simply had the kind of survival skills one would expect she'd have in that world.

And certainly feminine enough, but much of that (and her childhood) were stolen from her. So again, she behaves in survivalist mode...much as you'd expect (anyone) to in that world.

There's no overt woke overkill here. The protagonist just happens to be female this time. Much of her heroics are done in tandem with others. She also aligns with, and learns from, an Alpha male character through much of the film.

It's lazy and knee-jerk to just reflexively write this movie off as bad, or flopped, simply for focusing (somewhat) on a female protagonist. And ultimately, it's a small story arc that is part of a much larger world-building George Miller has in his head.
