MovieChat Forums > The Fighter (2010) Discussion > Bale is a distractingly bad actor

Bale is a distractingly bad actor

This has always bothered me: It takes an actor without any sense of subtlety whatsoever for people to sit back and say, "What a great actor." Throughout The Fighter, it felt as though Bale was winking to the camera, saying, "Look at me, everybody! I'm acting! Now where's my Oscar?" I was constantly taken out of the film because of Bale's distractingly self-conscious performance.

Good actors work with such subtlety that their performances go unnoticed, and, unfortunately, are often not recognized. Bale's performance in The Fighter is just the opposite: Loud, self-conscious, and totally distracting.

EDIT: This thread won't die, largely because the majority of people replying are misunderstanding my argument. For that reason, I'll reiterate the clarification I made earlier:

It's possible to play a loud character and do it right. For example, the character of Taketoki Washizu in Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood is one that requires a broad performance. Toshirô Mifune delivers just that in a way that keeps me engaged in the film from beginning to end.

By contrast to Mifune's performance, Christian Bale broadcasts the fact that he's acting in a way that takes me out of the movie. My problem isn't with the loud character--my problem is the way Bale performs the character in a manner that makes him seem like he is acting, thereby taking me out of the film, rather than seamlessly embodying the character as a good actor should.



And such was the person that he was playing.


You're retarded.


You're retarded.

Thank you for that enlightening contribution to this discussion.


I usually never post such a sophomoric reply...but, "you Sir, are a moron..."

He was fantastic in this role.


THANK YOU! Bale is as subtle as an elephant with spring allergies. He can't act so he has to completely throw himself into each role so he can, in a way, 'trick' people into thinking he's acting. These fanboys compare him to Pacino... HA I'd like to see Bale try something like Dog Day or Panic. His style of acting is much like Will Smith's, it's all 'Look at me! Look at me! I'm doing something crazy! This is quite the charismatic character I'm playing huh?' The difference is Smith isn't quite as incredibly wooden.


Will Smith and Bale couldn't be further apart.

Bale is extremely subtle, even in The Fighter.


that scene in the prison, where he was 'hurtin' made me laugh so hard. Subtle my ass


It's called withdrawal.

I'm guessing you know nothing of drug addiction.


I guess not... I've only worked at a rehabilitation center for three years...
Withdrawal isn't a *beep* seizure. He just looked like he had incredible constipation. He clearly talked to an addict or formal addict and asked them how withdrawal felt and then tried to literal translate that into facial expressions, it really was a joke.


This is possibly the most stupid and contradictory post I have ever read. Bale is a wooden over-actor? Huh? Did you bother watching this film? Some people make it sound as if Bale was bouncing off the walls throughout the whole thing when the truth is there are a lot of scenes when he barely utters a word and all the acting is dones with the eyes. You are a terrible judge of talent if you think he and Will Smith are the same.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.- The Dude


Rewatch the film and then reread your post. You may find that nothing you said has any substance or is based in any kind of fact. But I'm not going to change your mind... I dunno why I'm trying...


So Bale is "as subtle as an elephant with spring allergies" and "incredibly wooden" as well? Hey, did you know there's a forum where the consensus is that Einstein was a smart dude? Come on man. Get right over there and straighten them out! No way is Einstein smart enough for YOU.

Just once I'd like to have someone call me "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene."


You're a funny guy, props.
When I say wooden, I mean uncomplicated, very straight forward, wooden. Batman was one of the few roles he fits perfectly, anybody could do it, but he has the deep, growling, fake American accent to go with it.
I used to be just like you, Bale used to be a god of acting to me. Then I watched The Machinist and I thought, 'Hm, not his best performance'. Then I rewatched Batman and I realized there was nothing special about what he did. Then I watched 3:10 To Yuma and he really sucked in that. And then I tried to think about if someone else had done one of my favorite films, American Psycho, and the more I thought about it the more I thought: 'Damn, Bale really isn't much of an actor now is he?' Everyone told me I would change my mind when The Fighter came out, and I was expecting they were right, I'm a sucker for underdog boxing flicks. But when I left the theater I thought everyone would feel the same way. Some did but most didn't... their greatly exalted Batman can do no wrong.


Even Bale will tell you Batman was a nothing role for an actor. He's on record saying he envied ledger his role, and he used to joke with Russell Crowe that they should take it on Broadway and switch roles every night. Bale can do subtle very well. Ever see The Prestige? Most of his acting in that one is done with his eyes and body language and a few mumbles.

But to each his own. I have always been very impressed by an actor that can convincingly play sweet or crazy or angry or tough or weak. Bale seems to be able to do all these things with ease.

And like someone else mentioned, a lot of people were shocked that Dicky ws being played by Bale. The first Fighter trailer I saw in theater, I noticed bale right off, but I remember a loud shocked exclamation from the audience when the narrator mentioned Bale's name. It wasn't just the weight loss and makeup. A lot of people could just not see him in Dicky.

But as I said, different strokes. I'm just a little suspicious that your reaction might have been the typical "Ok, so everyone thinks he's God, so let's see what's so bleepin' fantastic..."

Just once I'd like to have someone call me "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene."


From your post, I can deduce the following:

1) You've never been to South Boston.
2) You've never known a crack addict.
3) You've never seen footage of the real Dicky Ward.
4) You've never seen a movie starring Christian Bale.

Bale is one of the finest actors of his time. You accuse him of not being able to play subtle. Apparently you've never seen The Machinist, 3:10 to Yuma, or The Prestige. In all of these movies (and others), he played soft-spoken, non-assuming characters. The fact that he can do a movie like The Machinist and then do something like The Fighter is remarkable. My wife didn't even know she was watching Christian Bale for the first 5 minutes of The Fighter. That's how good he was.

And watch any footage of the real Dicky Ward. Bale nailed it.

Did you fault Jamie Foxx's performance in "Ray" because he always wore those silly sunglasses?

Are your favorite actors Carrot Top and Kelly Clarkson?


Check-out Dicky Eklund on You-Tube... I'd say Bale did a good job.


This, for me, shows how much of an amazing job BOTH actors did! Especially Wahlberg!!

