MovieChat Forums > The Fighter (2010) Discussion > Bale is a distractingly bad actor

Bale is a distractingly bad actor

This has always bothered me: It takes an actor without any sense of subtlety whatsoever for people to sit back and say, "What a great actor." Throughout The Fighter, it felt as though Bale was winking to the camera, saying, "Look at me, everybody! I'm acting! Now where's my Oscar?" I was constantly taken out of the film because of Bale's distractingly self-conscious performance.

Good actors work with such subtlety that their performances go unnoticed, and, unfortunately, are often not recognized. Bale's performance in The Fighter is just the opposite: Loud, self-conscious, and totally distracting.

EDIT: This thread won't die, largely because the majority of people replying are misunderstanding my argument. For that reason, I'll reiterate the clarification I made earlier:

It's possible to play a loud character and do it right. For example, the character of Taketoki Washizu in Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood is one that requires a broad performance. Toshirô Mifune delivers just that in a way that keeps me engaged in the film from beginning to end.

By contrast to Mifune's performance, Christian Bale broadcasts the fact that he's acting in a way that takes me out of the movie. My problem isn't with the loud character--my problem is the way Bale performs the character in a manner that makes him seem like he is acting, thereby taking me out of the film, rather than seamlessly embodying the character as a good actor should.


My two cents is that I don't like Christian Bale and actually try to avoid him when I can.

But his performance in The Fighter was amazingly good, mainly because I have known people who are similar to Dickey Ward.

Bale's transformation was stunning.

And yes, he commanded the screen because that was the nature of the character he was playing. He's the sort of guy who is always at the centre of any room he happens to be in.

Never defend crap with: "It's just a movie"
My work:


I think you completely missed the point!

I see four lights!


Whoever started this thread is a bellend!


I just wanted to say that I couldn't agree more with the OP. Christian Bale wasn't acting, he was imitating the behavior of the character in an absurd and grating manner.

These boards are refreshing because it is possible to find people who know what they are talking about. Some folks confuse a physical transformation, over-the-top emoting, and a heart-warming character arc as a good performance. Even members of the Academy do this, unfortunately.

Melissa Leo, on the other hand, more than deserves her Oscar nomination because she was unbelievably awesome.


I'm sorry but there's no reason to suggest that people don't know what they're talking about. Bale's performance was incredible and I think with the general opinion of people who've seen the movie, they agree.
It always bothers me when someone disagrees with something for the sake of disagreeing. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean your automatically right.

That idea aint' worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin' it on.


did you see the scene at the end of the movie with the real Dick and Mickey ??? Christian Bale did not play Dick's character, he became him !!!


I don't even have words to explain what a fool you are. If you did not recognize the beauty behind this--and frankly almost every single--performance, then you have no idea what acting is about. Self-conscious??? Bale completely loses himself in the role...he BECOMES the person.


I didn't see Christian Bale on the screen. I saw Dicky Ecklund.


WOW!! What an ignorant and mis-informed view on acting!! I can understand if you found the character irritating (come on, that was the whole point) but if you found it distracting from the movie maybe you should watch something which requires less attention span but if you REALLY honestly believe it is poor acting then you should probably find some way of re-educating yourself on what the craft of acting is.

You have really mis-used the word 'subtlety' because you are implying that every person alive is introverted and so actors should portray their characters in that manner. There are many people in this world that are highly animated, stick into the mix a drug addiction and you get someone who could easily be described as a characterture! Do you think the character Bubs in 'The Wire' was overacted?

The main question yuo need to ask to determine whether an acting performance was 'technically' good is 'Did you believe it?'. Of course, you will claim that you didnt believe it but the VAST majority of the posters on this board did believe it, as do his highly acclaimed peers and of course the academy. Acting has NOTHING to do with subtlety as a general note, it is all relative to the specific role. I cant stand overacting but dont confuse that with a lack of subtlety!!


It would be nice to know if you actually knew a crackhead before. As it's been said I've never met a subtle one. Bale played this man to a 'T' which has also been stated by just looking at the real people at the end of the movie.

Also the subtlety you missed is when he became clean, he showed all the subtleties of drug use (ticks, seemingly not being able to control his body without concentration, lost of the I'm out of it eyes, among many other things.

It was amazing how Bale nailed everything about being a crack addict, I think the hardest part about being an actor is making an audience believe you are that person. I felt like Bale was a crackhead, it seemed so good that I am sorta convinced he did 'in depth' research. It was an amazing performance.

I think your lack of knowledge of a crackhead is the problem, probably your dislike of Bale, and your dislike of whoever told you it was Oscar-worthy.



u know this was a true story and bale was acting like the real dicky?...a "loud obnoxious crackhead" was a fantastic performance...if u knew someone who grew up in this part of boston at this time they would say he was just like dicky my mothers cousin grew up in that area n knew him


