This has always bothered me: It takes an actor without any sense of subtlety whatsoever for people to sit back and say, "What a great actor." Throughout The Fighter, it felt as though Bale was winking to the camera, saying, "Look at me, everybody! I'm acting! Now where's my Oscar?" I was constantly taken out of the film because of Bale's distractingly self-conscious performance.
Good actors work with such subtlety that their performances go unnoticed, and, unfortunately, are often not recognized. Bale's performance in The Fighter is just the opposite: Loud, self-conscious, and totally distracting.
EDIT: This thread won't die, largely because the majority of people replying are misunderstanding my argument. For that reason, I'll reiterate the clarification I made earlier:
It's possible to play a loud character and do it right. For example, the character of Taketoki Washizu in Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood is one that requires a broad performance. Toshirô Mifune delivers just that in a way that keeps me engaged in the film from beginning to end.
By contrast to Mifune's performance, Christian Bale broadcasts the fact that he's acting in a way that takes me out of the movie. My problem isn't with the loud character--my problem is the way Bale performs the character in a manner that makes him seem like he is acting, thereby taking me out of the film, rather than seamlessly embodying the character as a good actor should.
You must be joking. I thought he was superb and it was the best performance I've seen in the cinema since I saw Daniel Day Lewis in There will be Blood.
You hit the nail firmly on the head adrnlize! This is precisely the way I would describe Christian Bale in this - and so many other films including your example 'The Machinist' - totally embracing a character.
But hey, no offence intended to the original poster who feels the complete opposite. Just goes to show how differently we all perceive films and actors doesn't it. Rather than make me feel that I am watching 'an actor' Bale always makes me forget I am watching an actor.
His Characture in The Fighter made me uncomfortable because he reminded me of a neighbor that was a crackhead just like him. I kept having to remind me it was him. He is one of the most talented actors around right now. But everyone is has their own opinion. I can't stand a lot of "popular" actors because they can't act but they are attractive thats the only reason why they are making movies
WOW~! You make me shutter, your critique of Christian Bale's acting is so self conscious and false. I'm not a big fan of him as a person, but you're saying to yourself: "THIS IS NOT HOW CHRISTIAN BALE IS NATURALLY A HUMAN BEING~! WHERE'S HIS BRITISH ACCENT!?!?!" I guess the man should be playing a New England Yank with subtlety and laid back detachment?... with his British accent?
Hello, he perfectly embodies some real breathing Yank jackasses I've known!
I suppose Heath Ledger should have been more subtle playing the joker!??? You COMPLETELY impose this on yourself. First you think 'anyone acting differently from smooth and cool is just a bad actor.' The planet isn't loaded with James Bond's. You don't like the person Bale is embodying so you call it "bad acting". That is so F#$^@##ing PATHETIC~!
It's possible to play a loud character and do it right. For example, the character of Taketoki Washizu in Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood is one that requires a broad performance. Toshirô Mifune delivers just that in a way that keeps me engaged in the film from beginning to end.
By contrast to Mifune's performance, Christian Bale broadcasts the fact that he's acting in a way that takes me out of the movie. My problem isn't with the loud character--it's the loud way he performs the character.
By contrast to Mifune's performance, Christian Bale broadcasts the fact that he's acting in a way that takes me out of the movie. My problem isn't with the loud character--it's the loud way he performs the character.
Perfectly stated and I thought that would be obvious. Bale was just annoying. Turn it down a notch..LESS IS MORE in acting. Someone on another thread actually said Bale is a better actor than Al Pacino. Astounding. If this type of acting is rewarded with an Oscar, its a wrap for the movie industry.
Jesse Eisenberg for TSN nominated??? (His voice is like the most aggravating sound I've ever heard and he always plays the same dude...that's not acting)
Winter's Bone? (IMDB lists this under the Thriller genre?? What was thrilling about that movie? Zzzzzzzz!!
Rabbit Hole? (Nicole Kidman destroys her face with botox so when she cries, she looks like 65yrs old. Unwatchable and sleep inducing)
Not only do I disagree with you about Bale. Since his character is supposed to be over the top, he did it very very well. He actually acts almost exactly like the real Dicky Ecklund.
Jesse Eisenberg- You don't like his voice, okay that's fine, but that's just you. His performance was actually fantastic and he created a character that made you feel something for him. Whether you felt sympathy or hate, you felt something. He really doesn't play the same character in everything. Subtleties are what's great about acting. Just like you said, less is more.
Winter's Bone- I agree, it wasn't super thrilling in the sense that it wasn't an action thriller. It is a very tense film and I guess again that's just your opinion.
Rabbit Hole- Just because you think Nicole Kidman is ugly doesn't give you leverage to talk bad about her acting.
I'm surprised no one on here has mentioned Bale's brilliant performance as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho....helluva job there. Creepy as hell.
As far as the Winter's Bone comment goes...I agree I don't think it qualifies as a thriller, but I did think it was an excellent film regardless. way underrated, and Jennifer Lawrence was spectacular as well.
What does bad annoying voice have to do with good acting. Those actors you just mentioned over there are nominated for their acting, not for their voice or how they sound like, you dumb ignorant retard !!!
You just think: "Oh hey, she has a bad voice, that means she sucks at acting". Open your eyes, you critique on their acting, not how they sound.
Did you see the real Dicky at the end of the movie. He was as hyped up as Bale portrayed him. Why tone it down then? Bale was epic.
Yup, exactly. I thought it was pretty eery how well Bale mimicked his accent, body language and mannerisms.
I don't know what people are talking about, Bale was outstanding in this film and very different from many other roles he's played.
I was fed up with his work with Nolan and the Batman films (Nolan is HIGHLY overrated) and especially in terminator salvation so it was good to see a return to form for Bale (I was worried he kinda sold out for good).
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Holy sh*t ... I am stunned at how this is all coming together for me today ...
I was never a Bale 'fan', having only seen his acting in 2 other movies, I can't say I ever gave him the chance ... 'Public Enemies' and '3:10 to Yuma' (and maybe a Batman with the kids) is it... until this afternoon when I see 'The Fighter' is on one of my cable channels and I consider watching it. The 1st thing I do is come here to see what others have to say about it. As I'm reading through the list of topics, the movie begins. I know Wahlberg on sight, nothing I need to 'read up' on there but this other guy gets my attention right from the git-go. Where have I seen him before ? Can't be the same guy I'm thinkin' of from that gangster movie with Johnny Depp ? Nope, your confusing him with that other guy - no way in hell is this the same actor. But then I see the name 'Bale' here and now its starts to dawn on me that this guy just might be one in the same ... but how the hell ?? I didn't get from the Depp movie that the FBI guy/actor would have been, off screen, familiar with the 'street' life - just my gut feeling and I can't explain it any better than that. I quickly concluded this particular actor I'm watchin' here on my TV has a street background and this must be why he was tapped for the role ... has to be ... probably some up and comer who lucked out getting a part in a Mark Wahlberg movie.... but what an uncanny similarity (physically) to whats his face in that Depp flick ! My next thought is to open that Depp movies IMDb page and compare the actors names so as to put this question to rest once and for all ... who was that guy ? I know when I see the name, it will all clear up for me. But what do I see ? They ARE one in the same ! Wow ... So, with that question out of the way, I need to focus on this Bale guy 'cause I know nuthin' about him and I need to see where his connection to the 'street' comes from. I keep watchin' the movie but with one eye here gleaning what I can about him/this movie during the commercial break. The commercial ends and now I've forgotten about whats on my monitor ... Bale begins to really draw me into the movie. Flashes of cowboys/lawman and FBI agents come flooding back then fade away. I figure his acting here is not a stretch for him because he's grown up on the street and I swear, I know him from somewhere (?) Guess my usually reliable 'street' instinct was faulty back when I watched 'Public Enemies'. Now a new 'distraction' begins ... its not a matter of his name anymore, its 'where do I know him from' ? Next commercial, back to the monitor/IMDb. I read something about Bales ability to do 'accents' ...ok, whats that all about ? Then I find that he's from the UK... hmmmm, I can't possibly know him from 'somewhere', nope, its outta the question now. He didn't grow up around Boston, not that I can see, and no mention of an impoverished childhood... so where is this coming from ? I watch some more trying to reconcile what I've just learned about him with what I'm seeing/hearing on my TV. I now have to re-think this guy, his rep., his roles in the 2 other movies I've seen him in ... and still I can't mesh these 'people' - character(s)/actor ... wtf ? I'm gettin' spooked - like I'm watching some psychotic thats using his psychosis to transform his personality while managing to make a very comfortable living at it ! One of my all time fav movie performances is Oliviers 'Hamlet'. Bales performance in this movie affected me in the same way Oliviers did, and btw, any/all of Pacinos performances also. I know thats sayin' a lot and probably blasphemy to many but Bale grabbed me by the a** today and dragged me into this movie ... I was in awe beginning to end. But it ain't over yet ... I've yet to take the final knock out blow to the head ... As amazed as I was with his performance throughout this movie, the best had yet to come. I just watched the ending and I have to say I didn't pay much attention to those final minutes after it appeared the movie was over. I read what became of the fighter and his brother than turned back here only to turn back to the TV again when I realized there was more - the 'brothers' on the couch talking to the hand held video camera. I thought it was just a bit of fluff tacked on for the audience to watch as they filed out of the theatre. Never, not for a second, did I suspect they were anyone else on that couch other than the same people who I had watched throughout the movie - although I did notice the make up team did something with Bales teeth and eye brows. I figured they had done this to 'age' him/show the passage of time. The movies over, the awe starts to wear off now because my brain has come to terms with it all and now I'm just intently pouring through the threads here to see if anyone else was as blown away by Bales performance as I. Just as I've 'recovered' I read here that it wasn't Bale in those final minutes, it was Dicky, the real brother !! Whiplash, ziiiiing.... WTF ????!!!!! You've GOT to be kiddin' me !!
Christian Bales performance in this movie has truly amazed me/blown me away - whatever... oft used phrases, freely tossed about but, in this instance, no exaggerating. I'm re-thinking my list of all time fav screen actors/performances and, at this moment at least, theres a new #1 on my list. Man, what a performance !!
NEVER has an actor caused me to have to look up their name before so as to be sure he/she is one in the same person etc. I've confused DiCaprio and Damon in the past but thats different. Bale had me confused in a different way - had me looking for the 'other' actors name, the one that never existed. 1 became 2 not 2 became 1. If that ain't acting than I'd like to know what is. Maybe the OP isn't familiar with the personality type of Bales character ? Not for one second did I detect over acting, shrill, scene stealing, 'over the top', whatever. I understand what what the OP is saying but I don't think what he/she is saying applies to this performance/movie whatsoever.
As Bale walked away from Wahlberg after that scene between him and the gf on her apt house porch, I felt the brothers transformation as he walked down the street - with his back to the camera no less !! Not a word, no dialogue - just walking away the way he did - I detected 'resolve'/confidence, the new man. Brando ? Pacino ? ... James Dean ? Sorry, I think this guy has it over all of them. Bale, you da man !! I'm almost scared to see/hear the real 'Christian Bale'... it could prove to be twice as freaky ! *I don't know your politics, don't want to and can only hope you keep it that way ... please, if ya haven't already, don't go spoiling it for me by spouting off ...
I see your point, all though I do not agree with your conclusion. Still, I have to ask: Do you speak Japanese?
The reason I ask, if it's not too obvious, is that acting, in my opinion, is comprised of at least one third oral expressiveness. If not more. It's all about nailing that paper thin line of natural speech, between exaggerating and underacting. By all means. Many of my favorite movies are foreign films, and Throne of Blood is magnificent (not very original to namedrop Kurosawa in a debate such as this one, though..), but I have never understood film critics who claim to be able to spot sensationally good acting in foreign films. To me, making such statements usually just makes the reviewer come across as overly pretentious.
A slight variation in tone of voice, intonation, slurring or elocution, catches, inflection and pitch, stress, wording or pronunciation might make or break the execution of a lie, the honesty of a confession, the sting of critisism, the playful retelling of a funny anecdote or whether you believe it or not when someone utters those famous three words. There is simply no way of getting all of this detail across through mimicry alone.
As for Japanese movies in particular, I once had a forum discussion abput this with a Japanese movielover, who said that that the oral expression of Asian actors in many ways are a lot more similar to the apparent melodramatics of latin soap opera actors, than the somewhat more realistic and somewhat less theatrical acting of more recent western cinema. I envy your ability to spot these linguistic subtleties and make these distinctions, as you seemingly do. If you don't, on the other hand, I would recommend that you learn to speak Japanese.
You've obviously never known a crackhead. For someone who posts like you're really knowledgeable, one would think you might consider the character that is being portrayed. You didn't like the character. Most normal people don't like tweaked up druggies. I was blown away with how Bale absolutely inhabited that character.
That is exactly right. Christian Bale played Dicky Eklind to a T. This was great acting in every sense of the word. I am not a movie buff by any stretch. I honestly had no idea who Christian Bale was before seeing this film other than hearing the name. But when I saw the 10-second clip during the credits with Micky and Dicky talking, I was blown away by how much Bale was just like Dicky.
vulpix is just picking on bale coz he probably hates him, anyone familiar with bale's career so far would know of his capabilities. if subtlety is what one expects look no further than "the new world", people just love to hate bale, and that just the reality. as far as accents go, americans should stuff a sock in their mouth if they think they can do a better English accent than bale does of american, look at RDJ's British accent in sherlock holmes, appalling, so was jake gylenhall's attempt simply laughable, personal hatred aside, one should have enough dignity to give respect where its due. i expect more troll posts like this when bale gets his 1st oscar, its been long overdue.
Priceless how? It's the absolute truth. The vast majority of Bale's performances are subtle and extremely lowkey. He gets attention the few times they aren't (sadly ).
its weird that when an actor does a role which is different from most of his previous work its immediately called to be a cry out for an oscar. why cant actors do different things?
Exactly. I like what Bale said accepting his Golden Globe. He thanked Wahlberg and said something about what a subtle performance his was and how roles like that never seem to get noticed, and that he knew what that was like.
Just once I'd like to have someone call me "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene."
Agreed 100%. I always thought Bale was a good actor, but I never really cared for him. I'm a huge boxing fan so I knew the story before seeing the movie, and I'm amazed at how well Bale portrayed Eklund.
Wahlberg's performance was more understated to match the more introverted Micky Ward. Bale's performance was more over the top to match the more extroverted and drug fueled Dicky. Maybe Mark's performance flew under the radar as a result and Christian got more attention, but they both captured the real life counterparts to their characters quite well.
everyone picks on bale because he's batman and in the terminator. he hasn't always been huge, check out films like the machinist, equalibrium, the prestige, american psycho.. theres a reason he's so popular now.
"In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary...come again". Brick Top
"This has always bothered me: It takes an actor without any sense of subtlety whatsoever for people to sit back and say, "What a great actor." Throughout The Fighter, it felt as though Bale was winking to the camera, saying, "Look at me, everybody! I'm acting! Now where's my Oscar?" I was constantly taken out of the film because of Bale's distractingly self-conscious performance.
Good actors work with such subtlety that their performances go unnoticed, and, unfortunately, are often not recognized. Bale's performance in The Fighter is just the opposite: Loud, self-conscious, and totally distracting."
Bale's peformance is just a shameful attempt at an completely undeserved Oscar.
"Good actors work with such subtlety that their performances go unnoticed, and, unfortunately, are often not recognized. Bale's performance in The Fighter is just the opposite: Loud, self-conscious, and totally distracting."
This is not even remotely true. Believe it or not, there are people in the world besides you who are able to judge a good performance, and even if the actor has completely sold you on his character you can still sit there and think, "wow, this is a really talented performance."
JOKE!!! not sure I've ever met a subtle crackhead but hey you obviously have. Also if you look there is a film being made within a film and he is playing up to the camera in that as he thought it was his 'comeback'. Why would he not be saying look at me? If you look at the 2 minute clip at the end of the film Bale captures Dickies mannerisms and speech perfectly. In my opinion he has to be hot favourite for the best supporting oscar.
When the film started i thought the playing up to the cameras element was part of it because there was a camera there in the storyline. But he was the same the whole way through. I agree with the OP. It's not about him not being subtle its about a performance where tics and gestures and generally 'being different' is the most important thing.
To me it forever seemed like Bale was doing an imitation of the way he'd seen Dickie act than really get inside the head of the character. Imitation is only an element of good acting or else there are some comedians that would be the best actors in the world.
He distracted me in this movie, some actors can completely recreate themselves without the audience being aware of it constantly but Bale's best roles come from when he is more restrained in my opinion. I think it will be a shame if this is what he wins his Oscar for because he consistently puts in much better performances than this.
------------------------------------------ What you just read was probably a bit of a rant. Sorry
This has always bothered me: It takes an actor without any sense of subtlety whatsoever for people to sit back and say, "What a great actor." Throughout The Fighter, it felt as though Bale was winking to the camera, saying, "Look at me, everybody! I'm acting! Now where's my Oscar?" I was constantly taken out of the film because of Bale's distractingly self-conscious performance.
Good actors work with such subtlety that their performances go unnoticed, and, unfortunately, are often not recognized. Bale's performance in The Fighter is just the opposite: Loud, self-conscious, and totally distracting.
I'm going to repeat this again, but slowly this time for the ignorant people who can't wrap their minds around facts.
Dicky is LIKE THAT in R-E-A-L L-I-F-E. Got it?
Once more, Dicky is/was exactly how you described him, loud, self-conscious and totally distracting.
Got a grudge against the actor? Grow up and learn to look at things objectively.
Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a dark knight. reply share