just read a quick article about this on io9, and not having ever read the original manga on which it is based (from what I hear, they took more than a few liberties with the plot....) I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this movie is supposed to be anti-Catholic, which is something I'd rather avoid. Movie tix are pricey where I live, so to be forewarned is to be forearmed, or words to that effect...
I'm not a troll, just a guy looking for a little clarification. Anyone with an ax to grind about religion please avoid this thread.
I'd put it this way, the movie ain't no "Bells of Saint Mary" ...
Many American Catholics are certainly _not_ going to like this movie because it portrays a Catholic-like hierarchy as complacent, out-of-touch and arrogant. Further it portrays a woman priest as being odd or different in any serious way from her male counterparts. ("Here's to you Holy Office/Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ...")
On the other hand, I do believe that movie's central point (and I do believe that the movie _has_ a central point) that if the Church becomes complacent and ceases to take its role of combating Evil in this world seriously then it is good for nothing is compelling and I do find that the story for the movie comes originally out of South Korea _fascinating_.
South Korea has a _young_ Catholic Church both in its formal presence on the peninsula (though it has its own formally recognized Catholic martyr saints from already centuries past) and in terms of the age of its lay membership.
Somewhere around 1/3 of the population is Christian and some 1/3 of that is Catholic. That the Catholic Church would have entered _so deeply_ into the pop-cultural consciousness of South Korea's youth that a story like the one for this movie could have been concocted, I find remarkable.
And we could only hope in the U.S.A. that Catholic priests would _ever again_ come to thought of as being _so cool_ as presented in this film ;-)
So "Bells of Saint Mary" or "Going My Way" it certainly _isn't_ but I did find it very interesting!
People are offended far too easily these days. The film takes place in an alternate world where A CHURCH, not THE CATHOLIC CHURCH of our Earth, is oppressive. It is fiction, with a war between vampires and humans. If it interests you, go see it and enjoy it - they are not commenting on your religious beliefs. If anything they are showing a worst-case scenario - it has nothing to do with reality or your beliefs. If you really try you can find something in all media to "offend" you. It is not a documentary.
I just saw the movie yesterday and i didn't find it anti-catholic or religion but more of a reflection of something we've seen in history. Where a big powerful nation or leader gets complacent while a real threat looms. More of a blind ignorance. At least thats what i got out of it.
I also have just come from seeing the film, and I enjoyed it. I am a Lutheran minister, and I must admit that initially the portrayal of the church as a cold, detached, totalitarian authority disturbed me. Part of that initial reaction is because I'm part of the "establishment", and I don't like to see the church portrayed in a negative light.
However, after reading some of the posts here, and reflecting a bit on the movie, I don't see the portrayal so much as a negative thing, but perhaps a wake-up call for the church. Even though the movie is a work of fiction and depicts a very dystopian, futuristic, totalitarian existence, I think it had a lot to say concerning the church today, a lot of which is not easy to hear.
The Christian Church (regardless of denomination) is not perfect. There have been times in our history when the Church has been tyrannical in its authority. There is a constant concern over whether or not the church is really in touch with people where they live (the computerized confessionals in the film really struck me). Does the church effectively communicate God's love? More often than not it doesn't, even despite its best efforts. The church is Christ's body, but it's made up of imperfect human beings.
But despite those imperfections, and the wounds those imperfections have caused so often, there needs to be some way for God's people to regain their trust in the church. People cannot be left to their own resources alone to find God--there need to be trustworthy shepherds to guide the way, and not abuse the authority they have been given.
That being said, I don't believe the film is meant to be anti-Catholic or anti-Church. I think it serves as a warning to any authority to how blind it can become to the people's true needs and safety.
The church in the movie states - To go against the church is to go against God, in order to preserve their status and total power. They neglect the looming threat of the vampires to preserve their power. Priest throws vampires head in front of them - they say there are no vampires. Priest goes against the church but never goes against God, never renounces his faith, and protects that which he keeps sacred.
What? There's nothing of the concept. I'm catholic & watched it and it was a little bit lame IMO. But if anything, maybe some think that probably it's because priests shouldn't do such things done in the movie.
In my opinion the movie wasn't anti-religion at all. There is absolutely nothing in the film that demonizes Christianity or any other sect that you may belong to.
If the film demonizes anything it would be that religion becomes fallible when placed in the hands of man. On the same note, the film glorifies the idea that faith is something more than just claiming a religion and following its rules.
I most certainly do not have an ax to grind as you call it with Christianity, but obviously as a Christian I have an ax to grid with the papacy and Catholicism. As I therefor obviously hate the antichrist (the papacy) and the whore of Babylon the RCC.
That said there ate true Christians in the antichrist church, people who have been mislead and who need to hear the truth about the antichrist. God says about those of you: Come out of her my people!
The false Church, the whore of Babylon is described as follows in scripture: Revelation 17: 3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
6And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. --------------
Does this ring a bell, have a look how the papacy is dressed, how they flogged and skinned and burned those who dared read the Bible how she (the roman church) blasphemes claiming she can forgive sins and that the Pope is god on earth.
Is the film Anti-Catholic? No, but if it was why is it a problem? In light of your childish demands that no-one question religion I've gotta ask Zackery, do you have a problem with people just questioning catholicism or questioning religion in general? Do you read the Bible for yourself with the illumination of the Holy Spirit or do you let your priests & pope tell you what to believe? The Bible clearly names Christ as the only Saviour of man & the only intercessor between man & God yet your church tells you (directly contradicting scripture) to obey a man above scripture from God Himself, to pray to the dead (which for some reason you call saints, forgetting that the power of the Holy Spirit is what heals, not prayers to the dead & long decayed), angels & even the mother of Jesus which is the most unbelievable heresy of all considering that Jesus is the only sinless saviour of mankind meaning Mary had to believe & be saved just like every other human born into sin (yes she was born into sin, yes she had to believe, repent & be saved & no she did not ascend into heaven before death, show me the scripture that states she did). And lets not forget catholic churches filled with crucifixes & statues of the dead (or idols in other words, directly contradicting the command not to make any graven image & put them in your place of worship), priests telling people to perform penance as if the forgiveness of God is not enough when it is asked for or the demand placed upon your priests that they remain celibate even though Paul himself says that such a demand is wickedness & a sign of the evil of the end times (1 Timothy 4:1-3 which also contains an interesting little warning about the catholic church demanding its followers abstain from certain foods). If you're so confident in your faith (which I seriously doubt considering your demand no-one that question it & your accusation that anyone who does is a troll) then you should have no problems defending it with scripture alone.
catholicism is the most powerful organization in the world, yet constantly proclaiming, and viewing themselves as underdogs, as being attacked. delirium.
I am surely atheist, and have to say first, this move is not anti-catholic.
and second, it's a movie about vampires. this is fantasy. but i can see how easy it must be to get your reality and fantasy mixed up. i mean, read the book.
to be as simple as possible....seems to play out the basic i have faith,church and I don't see it the same,I go out on my own,my faith becomes stronger type of movie....nothing really offensive...unless vampires being killed offends you..