MovieChat Forums > Priest (2011) Discussion > Anti-catholic? (NO TROLLS PLEASE!)

Anti-catholic? (NO TROLLS PLEASE!)

Hi there,

just read a quick article about this on io9, and not having ever read the original manga on which it is based (from what I hear, they took more than a few liberties with the plot....) I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this movie is supposed to be anti-Catholic, which is something I'd rather avoid. Movie tix are pricey where I live, so to be forewarned is to be forearmed, or words to that effect...

I'm not a troll, just a guy looking for a little clarification. Anyone with an ax to grind about religion please avoid this thread.

Forum Zackerium


In the west there's been a tradition of turning Asian religious figures into action-fantasy figures, and they've taken to doing the reverse. I've seen a variety where christians are shown as magic users both good and bad.

Overall, it's a way to trivialize.


It's not promoted as being anti-Catholic by the writers, director or producers. If anyone else says it is then it's purely their opinion. You really need to make your own mind up if a ficticious 'religion-themed' movie is going to make you feel uncomfortable watching it.

Karl Urban =


In response to skippypom12's post --

DUH. Of course they wouldn't 'promote' the movie as being anti-Catholic. I can see it now -- bi-lined as 'The Number One Anti-Catholic' movie of 2011'.

The poster asked if this movie was anti-Catholic and, even though I am not Catholic, I think this is a legitimate question.

I certainly wouldn't want to spend 8-9 dollars on "entertainment" only to have something I am or believe in insulted and ridiculed and demonized or perverted.

It's not about "feeling good" in a movie. Since this is non-thinking material it's not about feeling comfortable. It's about paying undeserved money for entertainment only to sit through 90-100 minutes of misrepresentation, perversion, and insults.

Lets leave the demonizing to the demons/vampires and represent the church as it really is -- an institution which seeks to carry out God's will in a fallen world -- but very human and imperfect, sometimes corrupt, but not the whole system or its mission.


Considering the question by the OP was asked before the movie was even released, we could only answer with what we have seen in the trailers and the promoting of it. OP asked if it was anti-catholic. I haven't seen anything to say it is anti-catholic and won't see the film until it's released in my country in August.

Oh, if it makes any difference, I am catholic.

Karl Urban =


We need more anti-church/Catholic movies.



» Thu Jan 30 2014 10:40:52
IMDb member since January 2007

Do we need more Anti-Judaism movies as well?

Oh, that's right....we have none of those.
Even though Rabbi's have done truly despicable, criminal things to little children - there won't be any movies about that.

The Passion of the Christ not anti jewish enough for you?


How was the Passion anti-jewish?


I can see it now -- bi-lined as 'The Number One Anti-Catholic' movie of 2011'
That would make for a great poster! If only ...
I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


No, certainly not. The only thing tying the religious theme in this plot to Christianity anyway is the cross.
Anyway, they spend the movie stressing that their faith exists beyond the church. That sort of is the premise.


I'm not religious but this film is absolutely anti-Catholic. The terminology is used by no mother religion, like saying Hail Marys and Our Fathers, going to confession, and carrying roserie beads... what other religion does that? Also the higher clergy, like Chris Plummer's character are given Catholic titles. Why the sriters chose to use heavy Catholic references I can't say. But considering there Catholic-temed clerics are also seen as villains certainly implies the writers have a bit of an axe to grind.


No, only one character was seen as the villain. The other monsignor was trying to argue for him and the attempt at arrest was just him doing his duty to the senior.

I wouldn't say it is for or against any type of Christianity. If you believe that the Gospel of Thomas is authentic, and honestly if you believe that the Bible is authentic how can you completely discount it, then it is promoting the religion itself against any denominations much like it.

FYI I'm agnostic (not atheist) myself.


Ask Father Pat Buckley, Independent Catholic priest. from Larne Northern Ireland who absolutely is an egample of a man stripped of his cloth for going against the church and therefore against God as per the oath repeated by Plummer's character.
Abusive and molesting priests were not stripped. Better they make a movie showing how this good faith grew. Committing every sin known to man and behaving as bad as the Sopranos. It seems many still are. Just cant help themselves

I enjoyed the ride in the tale but considering the word of God will only be preached on Earth according to some of the interpretations of the grand fairy tale these words cannot be from our earthly bible. The movie is probably being viewed mostly by Judeo Christian type audiences anyway so giving them something familiar is correct. It was not against catholicism any more so than all the evil possessed bodies in movies just happen to be Catholics. They get CURED by the Catholic priests every time don't they. Cos the devil only INFECTS catholics should be a worry. Not that this was a snide at that church. Protestant [ and I don't mean American evangelism in its many money grabbing variations] churches are not good subject matter for cinema. No Idols NO crucifixes No obvious Dog Collars, no self crossing and no rosary beads. Nah for exciting movies it has to be the catholic mumbo jumbo.

Also to those who say that a movie is a rerun of something else then lets just go with the fact that there are only they say seven stories. Or Shakespeare has cornered the market and everything is just a variation of his work. I could have used any name of story telling prior to the finding of that big long continent over the pond.


IMHO it was against totalitarian authority rather than anti-catholic or anti-church.

The totalitarian authority in thic case just happened to be religious rather than political.


I really hope that it's not, because I REALLY want to go see it, but I won't if it attacks the Church.

Go shake down the 7-11 for a day old wiener. Melvin- As Good as it Gets


Why not?

Burn the heretic
Kill the mutant
Purge the unclean


Look at it this way: if it portrays the post-apocaplypse Catholic Church as a totalitarian organisation (I don't know if it does, but for the sake orf argument), then that's just their fictional premise. If that offends people, that probably says more about them (or about the church) than it does about the movie.

If the movie suggested that after World War Three the world was brutally suppressed by a fascistic New World Order ulimately derived from the modern-day Girl Scouts, would that be offensive to Girl Scouts?


would that be offensive to Girl Scouts?

No, that would be awesome.

I don't think the movie was anti-Catholic; a big part of it is about faith and doing the right thing even if you don't think you can win. It's anti-totalitarian, but pro-faith. And ass-kicking.


@Wekim- I'm just tired of attacks on Christianity in general....not just on the Catholic Church. So, I'd sit there in the movie pretty tired of it all. Movies are supposed to be an escape from reality. I like going to them to enjoy myself!

I don't think the movie was anti-Catholic; a big part of it is about faith and doing the right thing even if you don't think you can win. It's anti-totalitarian, but pro-faith. And ass-kicking.

@Neilbus-1 I love the pro-faith & ass-kicking. I'd be fine with a movie like that. LOL

Go shake down the 7-11 for a day old wiener. Melvin- As Good as it Gets


I thought you were a Christian? Ass-kicking sounds pretty Anti-Catholic to me.


besides, if something offends them, shouldn't they be turning the other cheek? any other response would seem like vanity, which is one of the 7 deadly sins.

Hold on while I give this zombie the finger


I spent a few minutes trying to make sense of your comment but, uh, it doesn't make any, so I stopped.

But, for future reference, if you must engage in silly word games (on matters ranging from what Christianity actually teaches and even simple things like basic grammar/vocabulary and concept formation) at least have the decency to make some sense.

(And please note: I'm not a theist/Christian, but this is the sort of mental effluvia that gives agnostics and atheists a bad name.)


turn the other cheek. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
—Matthew 5:38-42

and if they do take offense, it's pride, not vanity. my mistake. I've forgotten my dogma.

Hold on while I give this zombie the finger


Yes, because the Crusades never happened :)


Best laugh I've had all day.


...and I was a Girl Scout growing up!


Firstly, I'm Catholic.

It pains me to see fellow Catholics acting like the pawns WE are often labelled. Personally I prefer sheep. I am part of a flock, afterall!

However, I decide how my life pans out.

Therefore I have a wish to see this and that is going to happen. Whatever I see will NOT change this educated mind.

Love and peace.


How do you claim to have an educated mind when you claim to be a sheep? you realize that is saying you follow a leader blindly...does anyone else recognize the ignorance of this statement?

I mean seriously most of the dribble in this thread is just stupid, like many have said...ITS A FICTIONAL UNIVERSE...its not YOUR church whoever you are. I didnt even hear them say christian or catholic in the whole movie.

I mean really if you even do a LITTLE research youll see that the church comes right out of know whats more anti-god then any movie? your religions. Its sad, its true, you dont like it? improve it dont waste time trying to shelter yourselves from the world.


IT IS A *beep* MOVIE

no seriously, it is meant to entertain you, i mean hell it's a sci-fi movie as well, if it attacks the christian faith, it's attacking the totalitarian Christian faith of a humanity that has gone through the apocalypse, and fought numerous wars against vampires for *beep* sake. Seriously, mother *beep* VAMPIRES!!!

If you perceive it to attack current day religion, or having anti-religious pretense, than you are a *beep* moron, and should never go the the movies again, EVER!!

i am a atheist, for the simple fact that religion itself is utter *beep* faith on the other hand is something different.

religions have been getting twisted to the wills of men for hundreds, if not thousands of years, while faith is a individual's right to believe in something greater.

i bet if this movie attacked the Islamic faith, or Buddhism, or any of the other faiths you wouldn't have a problem with it, it only when it attacks your religion that you feel wronged.

NEWSFLASH, the greatest mass murderers in history have done it for their religions, and Christianity is no different.


I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this movie is supposed to be anti-Catholic, which is something I'd rather avoid.
Serious question. Why do you want to avoid the movie if it's anti-Catholic? Do you think it says something about you? Do you think it will make you question everything? I'm curious as to what your response will be.

Look at it this way: if it portrays the post-apocaplypse Catholic Church as a totalitarian organisation (I don't know if it does, but for the sake orf argument), then that's just their fictional premise. If that offends people, that probably says more about them.
Precisely my thoughts.

Like mega_duex said, if any other religion was being attacked, the others wouldn't notice.


Whoa....ask a simple question and it all comes down hard....

Thanks for the clarification, at least those who provided it. Not sure about some of the other answers though. As to why I am asking...well, I know what I know and I believe what I believe. I've questioned many things over the years, and I like the answers I found and the conclusions I've drawn. And as an earlier poster pointed out, one reason to pay 10 bucks for a move ticket (more like 15 for 3D, which is a total scam, BTW) is to escape daily life for a few hours. If said movie is going to be denigrating my political, religious or social beliefs and practices, than to be honest it's something I'd rather avoid. Haters's are gonna hate, and sometimes the best way to deal with it all is to just turn your back and walk away. You can't stop the ignorant from speaking, but you don't have to do them the favor of listening.

Again, thank you all for the clarification.

Forum Zackerium


Possible spoilers?

Similar to what an earlier posting inferred, Asian culture has turned the idea of Christian Holy Men as anti-vampire/ demon crusading warriors into a genre, and a damn entertaining genre (Trinity Blood, Hellsing, Chrono Crusade for example). And why shouldn't they? We trivialize Buddhism in our kung-fu films and see nothing wrong with it. I, frankly, find movies that make me think more entertaining than movies that make my brain start leaking out of my ear by virtue of being totally mindless. It IS possible to think and be entertained at the same time- I never understood the type of moron who thinks otherwise. Anyway- this film in no way insults Catholicism, however, if you are easily offended, you may not want to pay the money to go see this because crosses and other religious symbols are used as weapons. The hero is more like a soldier cast aside and demonized after the state no longer needs him (or his brethren), and the state, in this film, just so happens to be the church. The hero's faith in God and the power of God, however, is never shaken, and he stays true to his vows to God, but he defies the state (aka church), and he is right to do so. The way I see it, if your faith is strong, nothing should be able to shake it, and so there is no harm in exposing yourself to this movie, which is pure fun and entertainment. I enjoyed it very much, and there is no reason a Christian should not be able to enjoy it as well.


This is by far the best answer. If you are offended by the violence and the whole Christian priests kicking butt genre, and consider it trivializing the religion, then so be it.

Does the movie portray some Christians in a bad light? Ofcourse. Is it anti-Chrisian? No. Everyone in the movie was pretty much a Christian. Besides the hordes of vampires, The protagonists, the antagonists, the extras, backdrop, all Christian.

It'd be like getting offended by Pillars of the Earth, a story about a man's dream of constructing a Church because the story contained corrupt and evil Christians and showed corruption within the Church.


Guys if you were gay would you want to see a movie that portrayed gays in a bad light? If you were an atheist would you want to see a movie that portrayed atheists as evil? if you were a woman blah blah blah. Come on people the OP is fully is fully justified in not wanting to give money to a movie that attacks an important part of him, whether its your religion, race or country. Its really not hard to understand so certain people should stop being *beep*


I wouldn't give a s***. I am half white, half asian, and I love watching movies that make fun of either or both. I am straight and have watched some movies that are gay-oriented. I love animals and find humor in it when a movie is funny even if it involves abusing animals in some way.

The point is: is it entertaining? If yes (which I think this film was), then I will watch it and probably enjoy it.

The OP is definitely justified if he wants an opinion and feels he would be offended though. Personally, I think people should have thicker skin but some don't and that is fine.


I totally agree with Anna24...was about to write something about it being a story, it's not true...

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this movie is supposed to be anti-Catholic, which is something I'd rather avoid.
Serious question. Why do you want to avoid the movie if it's anti-Catholic? Do you think it says something about you? Do you think it will make you question everything? I'm curious as to what your response will be.

Look at it this way: if it portrays the post-apocaplypse Catholic Church as a totalitarian organisation (I don't know if it does, but for the sake orf argument), then that's just their fictional premise. If that offends people, that probably says more about them.
Precisely my thoughts.

Like mega_duex said, if any other religion was being attacked, the others wouldn't notice.

And also why don't you expand your horizons...

A film is meant to be enjoyed...I don't see why it always has to be picked apart by our humanoid vulture race...

And I would say that Priest is about choosing between family and religion and doing what is right...and if that means going against something that you believe in...that so be it. And it should usually be family first...end of.
But hey it all comes down to's not like we are in this type of situation... at least not yet.

Go and enjoy the film. I did...


Janeefive-1 = Troll


The story's about vampires, those guys who can't touch a cross lest they it's natural that the warriors recruited to fight them would be ordained by God. The story is also dystopian, so it's natural that in times of desolation and uncertainty people would turn to religion. Whether the church in this film strikes you as controlling and fascist or not is moot. That is not a commentary on Catholocism as a whole, but what corrupt humans can turn it into. The link between religion and vampires is intruguiging and used a lot in such stories. The film is great, see it if you enjoy science fiction and action.


Im Catholic, and frankly I think the narrative actually reinforces your beliefs rather then disregards it.

At one scene a character makes mention that it does not matter what the Church says or does, what is important is your own faith in God. While the films main problem is that its themes are never explored well enough, the idea is that one can reignite others belief in religion/ god etc when they do what they know is right, and not fall victim to dogma.

If anything, the narrative somewhat hints that one should not be religious because they have been told to be so, but because they want to be so.

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