MovieChat Forums > Priest (2011) Discussion > Anti-catholic? (NO TROLLS PLEASE!)

Anti-catholic? (NO TROLLS PLEASE!)

Hi there,

just read a quick article about this on io9, and not having ever read the original manga on which it is based (from what I hear, they took more than a few liberties with the plot....) I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this movie is supposed to be anti-Catholic, which is something I'd rather avoid. Movie tix are pricey where I live, so to be forewarned is to be forearmed, or words to that effect...

I'm not a troll, just a guy looking for a little clarification. Anyone with an ax to grind about religion please avoid this thread.

Forum Zackerium


Yes, there was that one scene with Father Murphy and that fair-skinned, six year old, alter boy, that occurred way back in the convent basement, blah blah blah...

Then the Cardinals burned a brilliant scientist at the stake, for teaching the Earth was not the center of the Universe.

Then, all the bad guys and vampires, got to buy Holy Papal Indulgences that cleared them of all their sins and evil deeds.

Now you happy?


I dont take this film as being anti-catholic. It doesnt question god but rather shows a church that abuses its power.

"To go againts the church is to go against god"
Now this statement is extremely arrogant and is an obvious attempt to make church's power absolute. Any person believing in god should normally find this insulting. You should believe that there is a god but never follow the church blindly and rather keep an open mind for everything.

The thing is that the church has behaved like that in the past and quite possibly will do it again. Power corrupts and the spiritual leaders are humans afterall.

To me people that do not question religious matters are simple-minded idiots. Fearing that your faith might be shocked by something that you watch in a film or read in a book is what i would call weak faith and ignorance. It is only when you raise the questions that you will find the answers and be at peace with yourself. Its my belief that people should take a spiritual journey through out their lives and seek the answers by themselvers instead of naively swallow everything that church tries to spoonfeed them.



If you take Catholicism to be remotely intelligent, then yes, this movie is anti-Catholic, in the sense that it is anti-anything related to intelligence t-film


Lets just say this was pro-god but anti-church movie and leave it at that. but seriously if you are afraid that a fantasy movie with anti-religiuos undertones would shatter your belief then its not that strong to begin with it is?

I've been vandalized by Elvis! -Ernest, Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)


It's a modern Catholic movie, actually.

It is anti-Church, an institution that claims monopoly on God, an intermediary. It's not an anti-Catholic movie. It's very much Catholic, but modern version of Catholicism. Nowdays Catholics pay less and less attention to what the Church is saying, and they want to bypass it.

(This is my interpretation. I am not Catholic.)


If you are worried about this movie being anti catholic,don't bother watch it at all as it would be deemed as blasphemy in parts ,as is ,the totalitarian aspect of it is something which exists in the world (the real world) ,so after such an apocalypse it would be highly likely the church would be the institution to effect this state ,you only need to look into history to the massacres in Rome of the pagans and the crusades to see this point .
No i am not being a troll i am presenting points with which there would have been questions about and giving reference to back up .
I have studied divinity ,but i am not of any christian faction i am pagan ,don't like it ,deal with it ,because you can't burn people at the stake anymore.

Don't scare me....i poop easily


I am not a Catholic or a Christian. The way I see it, Priest is not anti-Catholic and not disrespectful of the Catholics. The movie and the graphic novel both portray the Church as the good side, as a government as well as a religion. In this alternate Earth, the Church government appears to be somewhat totalitarian, but the story showed nothing too critical or irreverent. The Priests of the Church are definitely the heroes and Earth's best hope, and the evil side is clearly defined. This is not the same as the real-life Church, which I would say is a good side but without being so warlike. The world of this story is harsh and strange, but even here it is better to live as a human than to be food for the ghouls. Priest is not religious propaganda and does not do a hard-sell of Catholicism, but it respects it and shows it in a heroic light. You don't have to be Catholic to like this movie.


I concur with Filmdickian - I am Catholic and do not take offence with the movie. Is the movie Church based on the Catholic Church undoubtedly so it might appeal to anti-catholics to draw some parallel between the 2 but please lets be grownups here.


I watched it with a Jehova while I'm an atheist and we both enjoyed it for what it is. An action flick about a kickass guy vs a bunch of vampires.

