MovieChat Forums > Priest (2011) Discussion > Anti-catholic? (NO TROLLS PLEASE!)

Anti-catholic? (NO TROLLS PLEASE!)

Hi there,

just read a quick article about this on io9, and not having ever read the original manga on which it is based (from what I hear, they took more than a few liberties with the plot....) I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this movie is supposed to be anti-Catholic, which is something I'd rather avoid. Movie tix are pricey where I live, so to be forewarned is to be forearmed, or words to that effect...

I'm not a troll, just a guy looking for a little clarification. Anyone with an ax to grind about religion please avoid this thread.

Forum Zackerium


Yeah this is a really old question and at this point you either saw it or decided not to, I just wanted to give my opinion on the idea of Anti-Catholic, I don't think it is, in the sense that there's no real bashing of Christians or their faith, actually its more the opposite, its about saying that the flaw with anything is people and their ego/power hunger. Religion is never made a bad guy simply people that have used religion as a way of getting power. The theme seems to suggest that faith should be about god not about man, That seems to be an okay theme, if you ask me.

As far as Priests as warriors not an entirely negative thing, I thought of the Crusades when I saw this movie.

I haven't read the Manga ( which is Korean not Corean...just sayin') and I'm not Catholic, if you are easily offended, stay away. If you are open minded I don't think it should be offensive I don't really think that was the mission.


I think the point everyone's missing is that whilst it likely depicts some bastardisation of Catholicism, the only issues it raises are with the men "representing" and "interpreting" God.

Whatever your religious stance, I hope you'd agree that some humans are pretty decent and others are weak/cowardly/corrupt - And while we all hope it's the decent ones who end up leading countries and religions, it's far from guaranteed.

The film does highlight flaws in the fictitious leader, of a fictitious branch of a church (which may or may not be loosely based on Catholicism), in another reality. That doesn't, for me at least, change my opinion of the Catholic church one iota.


If anyone actually believes the church of Priest represents today's real catholic church...rather than manipulative propaganda in general...then I suppose they would take Priest to be anti-catholic.

Because the church of Priest kind of sucks and basically has to be circumvented to do good and fight evil and save the good folks from the monsters. (Who, while ghastly certainly...aren't really shown to be all that evil...rather the vamps are semi-sympathetically shown to be merely yang to humankind's yin...both sides are equally genocidal and self-interested; neither side is particularly nice.)

But, honestly...if you think modern catholicism is the primary target of this story rather than totalitarianism and power-mongering etc...then you've watched a different story than me.

I would think most hardy catholics would no more associate the Priest church with their own than they would with frontier America's government...or heck today's government...

The message of "if you go against the church you go against God" is a represnetation of co-opting what people truly care about for an organizations own ends. Parallel to "if you go against this bill you go against America" or "if you go against this movement you go against equality" manipulative tactics used by those garnering power over those from whom they want a power base.

It's about how there's a lot of BS manipulating the people of this throw of your shackles and think for yourself to properly honor your (catholic) God (or country, or idealism).


Actually, this movie mirrored closely to what the Catholic Church was like during the Dark Ages. Papcy was corrupted, anyone who challenged the teachings of the Church would be granted a heretic and be ex-communicated or death.

It's amazing that how many people in today's advance world continue to follow this institution.

Show me the holes!


" I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this movie is supposed to be anti-Catholic"

considering that this film is so weak on plot, character development and the most important one dialogue, i dont think ANY religion has anything to fear.

unless of course someone worships silly looking vampires


its anti church which is a good thing
believeing in God has nothing to do with believing in the satanic church


Considering the fact that every human religion is, at best, a ridiculous insult to God or Gods (Abrahamitic monotheïsms leading the way) and a threatening entity towards the development of a peaceful human race on the planet, any anti-religious movie adds up to the efforts to reach (as well as the consequences of) true civilisation:

This movie, however, does not qualify to that rank: It is só bad, that it can only be considered to be an anti-movie movie, to which goal it then satisfies ;)


I did not perceive it so, more like it shows the Catholic Church as being dominated by a rigid hierarchical system that was unable to bring itself to believe that the vampires could return.

However, it does show the church as having devolved to using computerized confessionals with canned automated responses, implying that faith was was used more to control the people than to enlighten their souls. I can see how one could see that as anti-Catholic without too much of a stretch.

I would say if you are sensitive to insult, you might find this movie a little over-the-top, but if you are like me, you simply ignore the implied insult and enjoy the ride.

It's a popcorn movie and the central agenda is to entertain, not to insult Christians or Catholics.

Don't know if that helps anyone, just my take.


I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this movie is supposed to be anti-Catholic, which is something I'd rather avoid. Movie tix are pricey where I live, so to be forewarned is to be forearmed, or words to that effect...

I'm not a troll, just a guy looking for a little clarification. Anyone with an ax to grind about religion please avoid this thread.

It's a vampire action movie, but also somewhat critical of religious cults in general , using references to christianity .

So no, it's not for people like you, but perfectly fine for christians not from the US .


to an atheist, reality is anti-catholic, or any other religion for that matter, but we don't even have to go that far, the catholic church is anti-catholic, look at all the molestation scandals, corruptions, paying indulgences, siding with nazis, discrimination based on some one's sexual orientation etc some of them were in the past but still, catholic church is already good at making itself look bad without any efforts from outside.
