MovieChat Forums > The Fountain (2006) Discussion > I will never trust IMDB ratings and sugg...

I will never trust IMDB ratings and suggestions again...

Seriously, please tell me that this is all a joke... the ratings, the good comments.. is it all a bait for trolls (like the one I'm about to be) and haters (like the one I'm about to seem to be)?

This is one of the worst movies ever made in the history of the world. I don't understand how it can be even called "a movie". Everything is cheap, pointless, messy. Don't get me wrong: the message is clear, the meaning is clear, but everything used to bring this message to the viewer is boring to the point of being irritating (when you manage not to fall asleep).

How can this movie get more than 4 or (top) 5 stars from the people who watched (considering the suggestions on IMDB) "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"? Or "The Adjustment Bureau"? Or "Hereafter"? 2001? Lynch movies... Cronenberg movies... Kubrick movies...

This is the first time in my life I troll like this but I'm seeing comments like "best movie ever", "personal fav.", "top 5", etc... Please explain to me so I can dream of improving myself and join the club... Or poor me I will have to find another website to trust for rating and suggestions.



Understand that this movie is really a love-it-or-hate-it affair. Its very slow, pondering, challenging, and pretentious. There's little dialog and full of symbolism. To explain why I find The Fountain as one of my top 50 (or so...its a big list) films requires to go into explanation of my own psyche. I like fiction that treads on the dark, or metaphysical, side of human emotion. There's a deep connection with spiritualism in this film without the notion of a deity. I enjoy slow an plodding films, given there is good reason.

Obviously, a flick such as The Fountain will generate a limited audience. Also, its the sort of film that has to be viewed under the proper circumstance, since there's little exposition during the latter half.

Your thread is similar to another asking how viewers who enjoyed The Fountain can enjoy 2001, and that 2001 was a film bereft of emotion, which I agree (though still one of the best films of all time...), but still an irrelevant point, since the films are very different in style, story, and themes (existentialism being the only similar thread).

If you notice, Eternal Sunshine is under the top 250 because it is FAR more accessible of a film than The Fountain. It touches on a few similar themes, but is far more grounded on reality.


Just watch the Mirror by Andrei Tarkovsky and you will see why the Fountain failed on so many levels


"The Fountain" succeeded on every level for me. And the Tarovsky film has been in my Netflix queue for some time. Maybe it'll blow my mind.

All Art is pretense.


I'll admit, I didn't like the Fountain.

I LOVE the concept, but when I watched it, I couldn't help but wonder if the director's vision was changed/rushed by the studio.

And then there were scenes (like Jackman's character about to be attacked by the guy with the flamming sword), that they kept showing over and over and over and over again. I didn't get the significance with it.

Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and sh*t and Jack left town


I enjoyed The Fountain, I am not sure if changing between the three worlds confused some people or distracted them but I didn't find it boring but can see it isn't for everyone. I found The Tree Of Life more disjointed personally. The OP and many others seem to have a short attention span.


Even though it was for all the right reasons, Tarkovsky rolled over his grave when you mentioned one of his (many) masterpieces in the same sentence as this bloated meaningless sleeping pill of a movie. He forgives you but there's not much room for rolling over in there where he's at so... just be careful... That's all.


The only one bloated here is you, who thinks you can accurately represent a great director - it's enough that you speak for yourself.

Removed text.

Ignorance is only a bliss if you haven't reached awareness.
My imdb posts are getting altered.


I am feeling same dude. This movie is such a time waste. I guess you need to get totally retard to understand it because a normal guy would not understand it. Lead actor is making out with a tree and things are jumping from one scene to another. I guess the director was high on something. I am never gonna watch anything thing from that director. I need a dose of sanity after such a mindless movie.


I guess you need to get totally retard to understand it because a normal guy would not understand it.

That is such a brilliant statement that I just wanted to single it out and think about it for a bit...

All Art is pretense.


I'm baffled how much trouble this movie gives people. Spoiler cliff note summation:

It's a beautiful picture of how a man accepts loss. He finishes the story about 1500ad to fulfill his wife's dying wish which helps him deal with her death in 2000ad and the scenes from 2500ad are the picture version of what his mind is experiencing first trying to keep his wife/tree alive until he can find a way to save her and then moping and ultimately coming to peace with her death. Brilliant movie.


I've watched The Fountain over 3 times hitherto... and I have only this to tell you:

You sir, are a "troll" indeed for trolling this masterpiece.

To resist the influence of others, knowledge of one's self is most important


I gave a solid 2 to this movie.


I gave it a solid 10. One of my absolute favorite movies ever and I've seen ALOT of movies. Aranofsky is one hell of a director.


First off in aggregation ... Please only "trust" the fact that this is the "general opinion" don't trust it to appeal to you as it probably did to the majority.
So Go ahead ... Hate a few classics ... fall in love with a few nasties ... live a little!


This movie isn't for everyone and one must watch it with a clear head and an open mind. Personally, I empathized greatly with every character (including the characters in the fantasy book story line) and I felt like the stories beautifully intertwined, with out being so contrived. The message in the story is profound, and in my opinion, complex. It tackles the subject of spiritual rebirth, acceptance of the unknown, personal psychological conflicts we as humans deal with on a normal basis due to societies conditioning. I felt very sympathetic towards Izzy's character (in real time) yet I also empathized with Tom's desperation to save his loved one, because to him, her companionship in the physical time zone was more important than her eternal peace. The way she desperately tried to make him understand that she was at peace with dying clashed with his denial and yearning to keep her around, even in remote and disturbing conditions. At the end, when his future self became enlightened with clear mindedness, he realized that the moment he chose to find a cure for his wife instead of enjoy her last days by her side, he was able to change his fate. With that pang of acceptance in his past life, in order for him to be united with her again in the future. It was a beautiful message. Life does not end, only your body can perish but your soul will live forever. Death is the road to awe.


Watch Chuck Norris's and Jason Statham's movies, they're for you.
