MovieChat Forums > The Fountain (2006) Discussion > I will never trust IMDB ratings and sugg...

I will never trust IMDB ratings and suggestions again...

Seriously, please tell me that this is all a joke... the ratings, the good comments.. is it all a bait for trolls (like the one I'm about to be) and haters (like the one I'm about to seem to be)?

This is one of the worst movies ever made in the history of the world. I don't understand how it can be even called "a movie". Everything is cheap, pointless, messy. Don't get me wrong: the message is clear, the meaning is clear, but everything used to bring this message to the viewer is boring to the point of being irritating (when you manage not to fall asleep).

How can this movie get more than 4 or (top) 5 stars from the people who watched (considering the suggestions on IMDB) "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"? Or "The Adjustment Bureau"? Or "Hereafter"? 2001? Lynch movies... Cronenberg movies... Kubrick movies...

This is the first time in my life I troll like this but I'm seeing comments like "best movie ever", "personal fav.", "top 5", etc... Please explain to me so I can dream of improving myself and join the club... Or poor me I will have to find another website to trust for rating and suggestions.



Please elaborate.

You took your time to bash the movie in 4 paragraphs. But you tell nothing at all in four paragraphs.


LOL! .. I feel your pain dude! But you have to realize that there is an artsy fartsy segment to our society that think tripe like this film is "Awe Inspiring"and that only people with a higher understanding of life, love and spirituality can ever understand what a thought provoking masterpiece the film is.

People like themselves, of course. BARF!! Ohh, and the musical score was so mind bogglingly awesome, that they would trade their favorite tofu recipe to get a copy of it! WTF!! What "musical score"? A plunking piano along with a repetitious violin? The music made me want to slit my wrists. In fact, I'm surprised I lived though the so called movie without slitting my wrists the correct way. (From the wrist to the inner elbow!! )

In all seriousness, IMDB is a pretty good gauge of how good or bad a movie is, you just have to learn to read between the lines and identify the people that are writing those lines in their reviews.

After reading the reviews I pretty much knew what I was going to be watching, but gave it a go anyway. I wish I could have that waste of precious time back, but that what I get for being a hopeless sci-fi fan and not turning it off after the first 20 minutes when I realized it was a new age "Art Film"and a sleeper .

My God !! It's full of stars....



Are you serious? The Black Swan is awful. I couldn't believe Darren Arronofsky actually directed it when I saw it. Unlike this film, which is probably the best movie ever made.


Obviously The Hunger Games is much more your speed.

Say it like it's your sermon.


Maybe it's just not for you. What I am amazed at is how many people think ratings are a sure sign they will love a movie or not. People have different sensibilities, different tastes, they're looking for different things. Just because our society and appreciation of the arts is increasingly based on a "thumbs up/thumbs down" mentality doesn't mean we all have to like or dislike the same things.


You liked The Adjustment Bureau and you didn't like this?

Your opinion doesn't matter to me


This guy still hasn't responded to a single post in the thread he started: Obvious troll.


I watched it without seeing the IMDB rating and really liked it.

Furthermore, 2001 is one of my favorite movies.

So I guess, that the spot for "the best flicks" will always go to those who try and achieve to go beyond the generics.

- He moves his lips when he reads. What does that tell you about him?


Don't get me wrong: the message is clear, the meaning is clear, but everything used to bring this message to the viewer is boring to the point of being irritating (when you manage not to fall asleep).
Define "everything"... what are you including in this blanket term? And then elaborate on how this "everything" resulted in a movie that was "boring to the point of being irritating". A bunch of empty propositions do not make an argument.

Also, have you considered the very real possibility that your averse reaction to the film has more to do with your own tastes rather than any particular quality in the film itself?

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.


This is just one of those films that are extremely polarizing... I really enjoyed Aronofsky's Black Swan and appreciated his Requiem for a dream - though it did make me sick - this film though? boring as heck with unrelateable characters and stunning, but after a while distracting, visuals. The only thing I really liked about the film was Clint Mansell's outstanding musical score.


To me, Aronofsky hasn't come anywhere close to matching the emotional impact of "The Fountain" before or since. Yes, he's a talented director and "Requiem for a Dream" is certainly a powerful experience, but...

I find "The Fountain" to be his best work by far, so far.

One person's "pretentious" is another person's "ambitious".


I have posted my interpretation of the movie in a new thread.
