MovieChat Forums > The Fountain (2006) Discussion > I will never trust IMDB ratings and sugg...

I will never trust IMDB ratings and suggestions again...

Seriously, please tell me that this is all a joke... the ratings, the good comments.. is it all a bait for trolls (like the one I'm about to be) and haters (like the one I'm about to seem to be)?

This is one of the worst movies ever made in the history of the world. I don't understand how it can be even called "a movie". Everything is cheap, pointless, messy. Don't get me wrong: the message is clear, the meaning is clear, but everything used to bring this message to the viewer is boring to the point of being irritating (when you manage not to fall asleep).

How can this movie get more than 4 or (top) 5 stars from the people who watched (considering the suggestions on IMDB) "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"? Or "The Adjustment Bureau"? Or "Hereafter"? 2001? Lynch movies... Cronenberg movies... Kubrick movies...

This is the first time in my life I troll like this but I'm seeing comments like "best movie ever", "personal fav.", "top 5", etc... Please explain to me so I can dream of improving myself and join the club... Or poor me I will have to find another website to trust for rating and suggestions.



Most of the time Imdb ratings are on point for me. I find myself agreeing with the ratings on most occasions

Becca: Japanese won't stop till they create the ultimate sex machine
Sara: We have to stop them


i got shock
please someone help
i will stop seeing movies for one month at least


Well, i would say the fountain is much better than the adjustment beureau, i mean i really love the "fedora hat" obvious plot device in that movie. Adj. Bureau was not Bad, but it was def surpassed by the fountain, in my opinion.

I mean granted, i get it, the fountain is def one of those movies that you are either going to love or hate(like 2001 or thin red line..), But I'll say this, the very first time I saw this movie, I felt a little let down, as I thought the trailer advertized the movie in a very different way. The scene in the trailer, where they show Tom floating around in the heavenly nebula, in the buddhist lotus position, with the quote by the Bishop/Cardinal guy being played overtop of the scene(the quote where he says death frees all souls, or something), had me believing that hugh jackman would eventually reach some group of more evolved, immortal beings of light(that resided in the heavenly nebula), and there would be a lot of avatar like imparting of spirituality upon hugh jackman's character by these immortal beings..

but, the movie was really not like that, at all. and initially, i really felt cheated, though i knew the movie def had some redeeming qualities, and should be viewed again, so i could try n see the movie from the perspective the director was clearly trying to impart; this movie was obviously a labor of love for the director(at least, it seemed that way to me), and consquently, the director had a vision for this movie, that one ought to appreciate, when viewing, so as to well.. truly appreciate the movie; remove your critical judgments for later, and try to see the movie from outside of your own preconcieved notions, so you can see the movie, from the intended perspective of the director..

having said this(and if you are still reading/made it this far, then very good! you do not have much further to go..), i went in to rewatch it, and taking all these points in, i found the movie to gradually grow on me. and, in fact, it was better, in *beep* that Tom did not encounter "advanced spiritual lifeforms" in the nebula, as that would have shatterd the utter lonliness vibe that the scenes w/ Space Tom had going on. The lonliness vibe, really added to the desperation and denial in his character in regards to death..


You should have noted the meta-score of 51 compared to IMDB's 7.3 and read further. One of the pro reviews says "pretentious psychobabble". The Goofs section mentions a nebula made of gold! There are other clues that this is New Age religion, not Science Fiction.

Society has gotten more religious over that last 40 years, not less. People are just in denial about it: spiritual, not religious. quantum healing. magical medicine. etc ...


It's a toss up for me for my personal worst movie I have ever seen. Biodome or The Fountain. I never met one person in the real world that watched this movie so I am just as shocked as the guy who started this thread. I walked out of the theater, Tried watching it again after all these good reviews.. Still sucked and I hate it even more.
