Yeah, I agree with you man, this movie sucks. The reason for why it got high rating is pretty simple, massive population have low level of intelligence and that's why they find this kind of movie funny. Population is composed by few intelligent people, it always were like that and it always will be. Although humans likes to claim they are rational most are not, they have beliefs based in no evidence that supports it and act in not a rational way at all. They just tend to go with the crowd, what the crowd likes is what they will like also. They can't think by themselves. So don't feel weird for not enjoying s#its like this one, you probably belong to a minority that have a inteligence above the average. I bet most of the people that enjoyed this movie also enjoyed (or would enjoy) movies like Shaun of the Dead, The Evil Dead and other movies that have forced humor that try to be funny (and for most people they are), but just try because in fact they are far away from achieving that. So don't worry about ratings given by the crowd, you may not identify yourself with the crowd opinion (in many subjects).