MovieChat Forums > Superman Returns (2006) Discussion > It's Time For Superman Movies To Grow Be...

It's Time For Superman Movies To Grow Beyond Christopher Reeve

Christopher Reeve's portrayal of Superman is iconic, but modern Superman movies need to move on from being so strictly guided by what's come before.


I would agree to an extent; however, the red trunks should not have been eliminated from Superman's suit.


One change would be making The Daily Planet a web news and media conglomerate.


"Man of Steel" intentionally took a dump on Reeve's Superman. How did that work out for them?


Whenever some "supremely intelligent" member of the woke army tries to shun what has come before it always fails. Still, these "supremely intelligent" "people" keep trying. That frame of mind used to be called insanity... these days it's considered normal.


Wholeheartedly agree. Try something new ffs.


Like have Superman not know he's from Krypton yet like John Byrne's Man Of Steel, Lois & Clark and My Adventures Of Superman.


Have Pa Kent be alive and have Clark not know he's from Krypton until after he's become Superman for some time.


I think a large part of the problem has been that Reeve became so identified with the role. To audiences Reeve and Superman were basically interchangeable. For anyone old enough to have lived through Connery's Bond years, it was the same thing. Connery was doing other stuff (as was Reeve), but as far as the public was concerned Connery was Bond, Bond was Connery, to the extent that everyone was convinced he was typecast for life; however, he just kept working after he left the role, established himself as one of the biggest movie stars on the planet, and won an Oscar. Reeve, whilst obviously known for stuff other than Superman, never (sadly) got the chance to really put his stamp on the industry away from his signature role in the same way. That means he's still Superman in many peoples eyes, casting a very large shadow, whilst people have embraced several Bonds in hugely successful movies.


thats true, the accident Reeve had not only robbed him of his mobility (and ultimately his life), it also robbed him (and audiences) of the opportunity to go beyond Superman in the way Connery did in his later career where he became Sean Connery Movie Star not just Bond. Ok he might not have reached the heights Connery did winning oscars, headlining big movies but had Reeve continued he'd have no doubt been cast in some big productions in the late 90s, 00s etc and younger directors keen to work with him as well as established directors who appreciated his work in Superman and all the other stuff he did throughout the 80s (couldve been in likes of LOTRs, SW Prequels/Sequels, Titanic/Avatar, and movies from Nolan, Tarantino, Scott, Cameron etc) and obviously he'd have been involved in various ways with Superman (esp in the age of the 'legacy sequel'), perhaps even reprising the role fully for Superman Returns as Bryan Singer was dead set in doing a sequel (and said in an interview that ideally the film wouldve starred Reeve but since that wasn't possible he went with a 'vague sequel' with a superman who looked like he'd stepped out of the public consciousness and part if that means he looks like Reeve).. And probably turned up (for real) in The Flash! interacting with BatKeaton! (not just a 10 second CG cameo)


'And probably turned up (for real) in The Flash! interacting with BatKeaton!'

That would have been something! And after all this time!


By making Lex Luthor a public rich figure/businessman whose secretly an evil man not a crazy real estate guy.


Of course. The problem is no one has been able to do it successfully yet.

Unless you like what Bryan Singer and Brandon Routh did.

Or, you like what Zack Snyder and Henry Cavill did.

For me, I don't think anyone has topped what Richard Donner and Christopher Reeve did. This would include Part 2 as well - which Donner and Richard Lester filmed.

Next up is James Gunn and David Corenswet.

We'll see how they do.


Make Lex Luthor a public rich figure who runs corporations who is a super villain behind closed doors not a wild guy who wants to do real estate schemes with nuclear weapons.
