Amores Perros VS Crash

These 2 movies are quite similar to each other. What do you find a better movie and please explain why?


This isn't even a fair question. Crash was one the worst movies I have ever seen. Amores perros was a much better film. Amores perros was well acted, directed, written and it kept my attention the entire time. My personal opinion is that Crash was very poorly acted, very poorly cast, very poorly directed, very poorly written and was way over the top with its racist stereotypes. There are many better films out there that deal with racism and its stereotypes but I felt that Crash missed the entire point. Crash was slow and boring and I had a hard time staying awake. I very rarely fall asleep during a movie that I am seeing for the first time, but I was close on this one. I don't understand how Crash won best picture. I felt that Good Night, and Good Luck was by far the best nominated film from last year and should have won. This is just my opinion.


Crash was one of the very few films I felt like walking out of, I thought it was that bad. I actually found it embarrassing listening to the dialogue, it was just so cringeworthy. Yes, of course racism is bad, but having a good message does not make a good film, especially if the message is highlighted at the expense of dialogue, acting, characterisation - basically everything that's important in a good film. It failed on every level - and made me hate it more than any film I can remember.

So, Amores Perros for me.


First of all, why compare them? They are not even similar. Anyway...Amores Perros all the way for me. Crash deserves points for addressing a subject we already know: there is racism in America. The acting was just OK but the visual treatment was very glossy and very Hollywood. Kinda boring to be honest.
Amores on the other hand is raw power. The characters have been perfectly developed... they exude realism and humanity on the screen. Throughout the film, there is a sense of impending violence that's very overpowering. The Reeeeccchhhheeee segment (I agree... that screeching is kinda annoying, but so are the owners of dogs like Richie) threw me off at first, but the second time I watched it, it was clear to me that it was necessary otherwise the movie would have been a one note symphony. The segment plays perfectly because offers a syncopation to the beat of the film and still keeps its theme of violence: this time is mental violence, pain, horror and anguish, of a different kind — a woman who depends on her beauty is about to lose a leg, a man who just traded a family for the biggest problem ever, a riff between lovers that seems unsurmountable, jealousy and finally a resolution that disolves hope but manufactures a new reality. Pretty powerful. Also noteworthy is the cinematography and the color of the film... oh my God... the handheld camera and its movement, the high contrast, the greens, the blues, the kitsh, all, really terrific to look at, quite an experience, a great film.



"You are screwing with my work !!!" - Vincent, Collateral



viva mexico cabrones!!! amores perros rocks more than crash. crash is a cheap copy of amores perros but i still dont understand why did crash won the academy awards. maybe because they didnt like to let win brokeback mountain because there was homosexuals on it, my conclusion is that the academy awards are going from bad to worse


I was excited to see you posted a topic about this. When i watched AMORES PERROS, i found myself comparing it to CRASH. The crossing of characters and irony of life hit me. I fell in love with CRASH because it surfaced many sensitive subjects about race and brought to light many interesting points of views. But AMORES PERROS, as a foreign film... i found it to be far more intriguing. I found myself putting my self in the position of all the characters. Being Octavio, how awful it would be to be in love with someone who is bound to another, and his own brother no less! I tend to put foreign films higher on my list of amazing films so if i was a Mexico City resident, i would have a tougher time. AMORES PERROS was just a bit more beautiful to me because of the fact it was filmed somewhere outside of my country.

But both are amazing.


Amores Perros by far. No competition whatsoever.


AM way better than Crash b/c its more original. Crash is just a remixed version of Spike Lee's Do the Right THing



Not only did crash suck, I am compelled to tell the idiots that thought it was good it sucked. AP was excellent. Crash sucked, the above comments have clearly stated why. Oscar should be rescinded.



although i am guilty for finding crash mildly interesting, amores perros has a way more inventive story, and isn't engulfed with a hot topic like racism [although it is an issue that everyone should be aware of]. i also felt more sympathetic toward the characters in amores perros than in crash, which i am assuming was one of the ultimate goals for both movies.
