Amores Perros VS Crash

These 2 movies are quite similar to each other. What do you find a better movie and please explain why?


Amores Perros- 10/10

Crash- 7/10

I love AMORES PERROS and i'd be willing to say thats its one of the best films ever made. I can't find any flaws with the film and i know that a lot of people didn't like the middle segment, but i thought it was a terrifying and breathtaking section.

CRASH, although generally well made and well scripted and easy to get into, didn't do it for me. Maybe for me it was too much like Magnolia, or maybe just because the film wasn't particulerly fair to the audience in that some of the events just didn't seem logically possible.

Personally i wouldn't compare them because one is so much better than the other, but whatever...


crash is not a good movie. on any level. the acting is sooo baaad. and predictable. amores perrow however is damn good


i completely agree. Crash Was just more American Blockbuster attempt at making a good movie. Amores Perros All the Way!!!!!!!!


I do not think that Amores Perros was anything like Crash. The direction might have been but not the story. Amores Perros is about love sucking, not racism. If I had to pick between the two movies I would pick Amorres Perros. I will give Crash some respect for being a decent movie. Oscar worthy? No. I hate how Haggis writes. He writes so fictional. No individual says things as well as he writes them. So his "reality stories" aren't very reality driven. Just look at "The Last Kiss". The lines in that movie were laughable, although I did enjoy it. But, no, I hate the fact that EVERY movie that has been related to Crash when there are different story lines going on through the movie. And I hate the fact that Crash won an Oscar when there were far better choices that year.


Crash is absolutely ridiculous. Anybody who likes that movie, has to rethink it, rewatch it, until they realize it's crap.

So yeah it doesn't even compare to Amores Perros.


Amores and crash have two similar themes running through them, but like most films this one is a lot trickier to compare then you would normally expect. The prime reason why crash is dubbed as a crap film on this board compared to amores is because this is an AP board but being a fan of both films, ive realised both were as good as each other but in different ways. For the character developement and for a deeper meaning amores perros was by far the better film,however its storyline wasn;t that impressive, especially when compared to crash. Amores linked up 3 stories into one tragic car crash. Crash linked up a whole chain of events and was by far more faster paced, with a better storyline, but because of this, it was unable to develope it characters, if the film had tried to develope the character the movie would have been well over 4 hours long.


Crash sucks ass, Period.


amores perros is better
crash was raw in someways... the motives of characters in crash to attack each other was a little outliared.. crash was about something that we experience everyday and it wasn't new. and the judgement of the director about people of other countries was raw( the persian man seemed unreal to me as a persian)
amores perros has more layers in screenplay


I really don't see any similarities other than both films telling multiple stories at the same time. Amores Perros is by FAR the superior film. Crash isn't even comparable, IMO.

Baba mi Ogun modupue



I want to start by saying I did not like crash, at all. However, I loved this movie and the whole time I kept thinking, "hmm, I could win an academy award if: I stole some incredible foreign film, waited a few years, remade it but use racial tension instead of gang violence."

But I guess all Hollywood films are stolen from other great films, there were many similarities between this movie and Magnolia, which was released the same year, and both of these movies lifted things from Roshomon.


First of all Amores Perros, hands down.

Secondly it's good to see other people who share the same opinion as me: Crash is horrible...why make a whole (pointless) movie about how "racism is bad"?
Please, I don't need a WHOLE movie to tell me. I already know.
On top of that the acting was BAD, the script unoriginal, and the whole thing was just over the top.

So yes, Amores Perros is better.

Amores Perros 9/10
Crash 6/10


I may be the only one here, but I did like Crash. but, Amores Perros is a much better movie and the acting is so much better if you compare the two. it did seem more 'life-like' in that you could connect with the characters more than in Crash.

AMORES PERROS (gael garcia bernal is the best actor ever!!!)

LOVE is an inkless pen, it's a tavern, it's sin, it's a horrible way to begin -MATNSAS


I don't agree they're all that similar. Interconnected story-lines are nothing new. I didn't care for Crash--for many of the same reasons people are saying--but no need to pile-on and call it a rip-off job. AP is the better movie; let's leave it at that.


i like the both moives but Crash were better, screenplay, direction, performances, editing, Amores Perros it's just better in photography and music, Crash destroy completaly to Amores Perros whit the screenplay, and both moies were well performed and directed but, Crash were better in that ascpect, so there is Crash were better


Amores Perros because Crash was the most contrived, manipulated, overwrought, melodramatic, unnecessary *beep* that ever won the Academy Award for best picture. The fact that people thought that intolerable movie was groundbreaking and gutsy made me so angry, I told my old screenwriting prof (who apparently knows Paul Haggis) to run him over on his x-mas trip home to LA. No more mentioning of Crash please. I'd like to pretend that excuse for a film never existed.

