I don't know if I could buy into this. But most of the cast playing high schoolers were much older except for LeeLee and Jessica Alba so Drew playing a high schooler blended right in as most of the cast was much older playing high school age. LOL
Would you believe it if a 25 year old walked into your high school and said "hi, I am 17 and new" like almost ten years older than the last year of high school age? She wore no makeup but I don't know if this was realistic for her to pass herself off as high school age. Guy was even older in real life than Drew and I don't know if he really could have passed as high school age. His face did not have that young boyish look high school guys have. It looked young but aging more than a high school kid LOL
Dave Arguette was the biggest joke going back to high school. He clearly looked 28-32. LIKE wtf??
I'm 27 and I often get mistaken as a teenager. I have a friend who is my same age and she teaches at a high school and coaches the school's volleyball team. There was an incident at an away game, in which the refs didn't believe she was the coach. They thought she was the team manager.
On the other hand, there are people who look older than their ages. A few years back, I worked with a guy whose daughter was 17 at the time. She looked like she was in her 30s.
People always mistake me for a lot younger and I'm 26. I get ID'd all the time, which is annoying if I don't have my ID on me. Drinking age in Canada is 19, and the one day when I wanted to buy a case of beer I got ID'd but I didn't have it with me. So I had to get my step father to buy it for me. That was very humiliating. So I think it can happen if the right person does it.
But a lot of the stuff in this movie seems unrealistic anyway, so even if I didn't believe realistically that someone her age could pull it off, I would still believe it for this movie.
I'm 21 and I am always mistaken for a teenager. Mainly around 14-17 years old. I actually started wearing anti-aging products when I was about 16 years old. I try to take care of my skin. lol
"Take the staff in your hand, Moses. With it, *you* shall do *my* wonders!"
I am a 24 year old TEACHER, and am often confused with students. If I'm not in my dress clothes or wearing my teacher badge, a lot of people not associated with the school get me confused
I myself walked into my old high school (in Sweden, ages 16-19 go there) a month ago to pick up some old grades, and was asked by a teacher "which program I was enrolled in". I'm 27 years old at the moment... Had to explain myself. ;) I have a couple of other stories that are similar. Plus - I've made the mistake myself. I thought that a 26 year old was under 16... And I once thought that a 25 year old was over 40... it all depends on a combination of genes and environmental factors.
Hmm my sister is 25 and looks 15. Everyone thinks she's the younger sister when in reality I'm younger than her by six years, but unfortunately I look way older. I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.
It's almost more about how you behave than how you look. Lots of early to mid 20-something people can pass for late teen years, if you don't look too closely and if they behave the right way. Thus, movie/TV high schoolers all look (to me, anyway) a bit old: no acne, etc.
A typical real 17-year-old is lacking a certain grace and confidence in their movement, their hormones are still raging and they would have acne and greasy hair and musculature is not fully developed. Their voices are not yet mature; boys have raspy, newly deepened voices and girls have higher voices than 20-somethings. Usually. Lots of exceptions.
A friend of mine was a high school teacher for a while; she's short, high voice, baby faced, and a great, youthful attitude toward life. She was always getting stopped in the hallway and they'd demand to see her hall pass!
When I was in my early to mid 20s I was commonly thought to be a teen (male, skinny, awkward, red lips, not much facial hair, shy, etc.). I could have passed for a high school kid pretty easily. It wasn't until I passed 40 (and receding hair) that people finally gave up asking. It wasn't so great - I was treated like a kid in my job, out in public, and people didn't always take me seriously. Hard to get dates, too; women like mature men, generally.
I thought Drew pulled it off because she's such a great actor and she had this kind of dreamy, spacey way about her that comes across as naive and immature, yet charming. Rob definitely looked on the old side, but on the other hand, 18-year-old senior guys often can look in their 20s; think college freshmen who are basically the same age.
I'm 23, and people always assume I'm 16-20, and are shocked when I tell them my age. I think blisterpeanuts is right about it being more about how you act. I don't act like a child, I hope at least, but people always tell me I have an innocent face, or innocent eyes, or something along those lines, haha. I always thought I looked older, not younger. :-P
Forgive me for not leaping for joy, bad back, you know.