Which is worse? Episode I or II?

Episode II in my opinion. It's just so creepy!!


I is worse. II is the best of the prequels and the third best Star Wars movie ever made.


Interesting opinion. I haven't seen many people rank it as the best film of the prequels, let alone better than any of the OT. Personally I like it just a little bit more than episode I with III being by far my favorite of the prequels. That being said I will always have great appreciation for AOTC if for no other reason than the abundance of great world building & lore that was spawned from it.


Eh, I and III rank in the bottom three for me. I wouldn't even acknowledge the prequels if it weren't for AOTC....


While I may not share your overall opinion I'm curious what is it exactly that makes you place AOTC so far above the other prequel films.


Oh man, it's hard to explain at this point, but I'll give it a go:

I'd say it feels like the most well-paced and relevant film in the prequel trilogy. It also has Lucas showing some restraint.

TPM may be well paced, but it's largely story that could have been explained via exposition. The theory I've heard is Lucas wanted the moment of Anakin leaving his mother to be on-screen, and at the time, Lucas felt flashbacks were not part of Star Wars. So he made the whole first film about 9 year old Anakin. IMO, we didn't need a whole film covering that, so the whole film always just felt like a build-up to the story we all really cared about.

AOTC, in my opinion, is the only prequel that really feels like a Star Wars movie. It has the right pacing. It shows the start of the story we all want to see. I also feel the love story is fine as it's depicting two people getting together who have no experience and have no business being together. Lucas showed restraint with new effects as well. The Yoda fight is short and doesn't go too far, the duel isn't over the top, and the droids don't do things we don't think they should be able to.

ROTS suffers from two things: it has to tell too much story in too little time, and Lucas showed no restraint. The story feels rushed and Anakin's turn rings false. Lucas tried to fix Anakin's turn by shoehorning the "save Padme" aspect in pickups, but I don't think it helped much. As far as restraint, I think Lucas, emboldened by the positive reception to digital Yoda in the previous film, just vomited all he could think of onto the screen. A wheel car that grows legs and gallops like a horse? Why not? AT-STs walked awkwardly like chickens, but walkers 20+ years earlier can run? Why not? The Yoda fight is way too over the top and McDiarmid is a parody of himself in this one.

Eh, I know I'm in the minority, but I loved AOTC back in the day and I dig it now. I keep expecting to lower my opinion on each rewatch, but I never do.


Neither were truly bad but as a fan of both films I can admit there were some incorrect decisions made that could have made both films significantly stronger.


I'd say Episode I. The only real hassle I had with Episode II was its title. I mean, think of it. "Attack of the Clones". It sounds like some campy grade-B 50s movie.


Episode 2 easily. I would rather watch a movie that's entertaining and bad rather than dull and bad. Episode 2 isn't entertaining episode 1 while bad is entertaining.


II is worse.
TPM has the worst moments but also has the best moments of the preqs.

TPM: 3/10
AotC: 2/10
RotS: 2.5/10


It's a toss-up, really. Both films have the nostalgia factor for me, but I didn't like certain aspects of each of them either:

Episode I: Got bored when they stopped at Tattooine and wasted a whole third of the movie on the goddamned pod race.

Episode II: Hayden Christensen's really bad acting, and the cheesy lines he and Natalie spoke during their very cheesy romance scenes. The events on Geonosis got really stupid, particularly involving C3PO's misadventures, and the arena.


I found Episode II...despite it's problems...to be significantly better than Episode I.




