Which is worse? Episode I or II?

Episode II in my opinion. It's just so creepy!!


II's first half is quite weak. Even the opening. Super foggy & overcast Coruscant? Coruscant had weather control systems, with the trillion person traffic they would never allow it to get like that.


I love both, but Episode I is better to me (it just feels more engaging and doesn't have the pacing issues II has).

History is written by the victor. History is full of liars.


II is my favorite of all the prequels - it has the most interesting plot of the three, trying to get to the bottom of all the mysteries, and Anakin is still mostly good. The action scenes are probably the best in all three movies as well, as is the sound and music.


totally agree.


It's also my favorite of the prequels.

Please don't call someone a _____tard.


Agreed. It's the only reason I didn't write off the prequels entirely....


I probably agree it's the best of the prequels too. III has its moments but it has huge problems too.


They're both utterly awful, but I find the overly-convoluted plot, along with Hayden Christensen, in AotC to be slightly worse than the silliness and lazy writing in TPM.


In my opinion Episode II is worse.

Firstly, what was the plot, Palaptine manipulates a crisis to gain power, we had already seen that in the first movie. Second, Anakin is about 10 years older which is a step up but his character is more whiney and obstinant than his younger counterpart. In the original Star Wars, Obi Wan fondly remembers Anakin as a good friend but this Anakin we meet does not live up to that ideal. Anakin criticizes Obi Wan and disregards his wishes throughout the movie. Thirdly, the worst love story ever. Did I say ever? The film wants us to forget about the awkward age difference Episode I established between Anakin and Padme, which we allow ourselves for the sake of the story. Moving along from that, in their initial meeting we learn they haven't seen each other since the Naboo fiasco (which is hard to believe since his temple in on Coruscant and she is a Senator there). Anakin offers up some quite out of place and awkward compliments, "you've grown, grown more beautiful that is" all the while as she rebuts his advances because she can't love because she's a senator. What? A senator can't love? However Anakin still vies for her affections by bitching about his job and his boss and offers up misplaced compliments and that gets their love story going?? But fast forward they finally bone on Naboo followed by them eventually getting married after he confessed to murdering a village of Sand People, and not just the men but the women and the children and he "slaughtered them like animals". So to recap, she fell in love with a guy against her own advice despite awkward compliments, whiney bitching and moaning, and mass murder motivated by revenge (oh and he had a rat tail) she marries him after a few days of all of this. Han and Leia they are not. Lastly, while I could offer up a few more reasons I find this movie lesser to Episode I, I'm just focus on the final battle. Robots vs. Clones. That's right robots vs. clones, two forces we could care less about. No, this wasn't a battle against a planet destroying weapon or an imperial invasion of our heroes secret base, it was robots vs. clones.

Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Well said.


I totally agree


You just destroyed Attack of the Clones for me because... you are so right lol.



11. Attack of the Clones (2002)
Box Office: $302,191,25
RT Score: 65%
Episode #: 2
Summary: At the risk of spoiling the suspense, my rankings will largely reflect my preference for the original trilogy over the trilogies that followed. I don’t hate the prequels. I just feel they were poorly executed by George Lucas. The story of the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker had potential. But Uncle George didn’t map out his story in advance and the end result was an uneven mess. Many will point to Episode One as the low point with each subsequent entry improving relative to the reduction in Jar Jar Binks’ screen time. But for my money, the middle chapter is where the prequels truly bottom out.

While I appreciate the fact that Lucas saw fit to sideline the ever annoying Mr. Binks in the second movie, he made up for that by turning up the volume on the already shrill C-3PO to the point that I had to question my fondness for the character. But that was far from Clones‘ biggest problem. There’s the ridiculous CGI light-saber duel between former puppet Yoda and the ancient Christopher Lee or the Sifo-Dyas subplot that goes absolutely nowhere. Those are missteps to be sure, but they are not the movie’s fatal flaw.

The reason I rank Attack of the Clones lowest on the list is that the movie – and really the whole prequel trilogy by extension – is centered around a love story that doesn’t work at all. Hayden Christensen took over the role of Anakin in this movie and he is more petulant teen than bad-ass Jedi knight. Natalie Portman has never looked more bored on screen than when she is sleep-walking through her would-be romantic scenes. Adding to the “ick” factor is the fact that the last time we saw these characters Padme was a young adult and Anakin was ten.


The Phantom Menace was really bad.
Attack of the Clones actually managed to make me feel more than a handful of emotions in its run time and bizarrely I was kind of engaged in the story after the First Hour. Once the First Hour was up there were only a few scenes that I found dull or eye rolling.
So yes Attack of the Clones for me is a far superior film to The Phantom Menace.


Episode II has an interesting story, but the execution is so boring, embarrassing, and sometimes the man who is supposed to be our main hero is just downright creepy.

