Which is worse? Episode I or II?

Episode II in my opinion. It's just so creepy!!


Neither were bad movies, Episode VII and VIII along with the anthology films were horrible.


I would say Episode I, altough here both Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor did do their job very good.

I grant you that some scenes of Episode II are really kitschy/corny (I am thinking now, e.g., about the "flying pear"), but in general I think that Episode II is a good movie. The storyline takes place in many differents planets and the movie is entertaining.


both horrid star wars movies, Jar Jar, Hayden and little Ani, i like how they show old style ships and fighters, and uniforms for that matter, hate all the CGI characters, not organic enough for me

If i had to choose id proberbly say TPM just because of Darth Maul, criminally under used bad guy, could of been as iconic as Vader


It really felt like Part 1 had some solid aspects, Darth Maul being chief amongst those, but the script was poorly constructed, and there was no narrative tension to hold the audience's interest. If some major revisions had been made to the script I think this could have been a great film, and it would have blossomed into solid sequels. Instead, things spiraled downward, and the mistakes of Part 1 were compounded in Part 2, and all of that garbage came to a head in the disaster that was Part 3.

What could have been...

On the plus side, the franchise has righted the ship, and thought Part 8 didn't build on the amazing-ness that was Part 7, it feels like we're poised for a classic finale in this year's 9th installment. Time will tell!


both are original and imaginative films with great world building, art design and music.

I vastly prefer Ep II. This made me a SW fan.

Ep I has an awkward 4-act struture making it a bit tedious. Also, it's a tad too childish for me. Still, Palpatines rise is one of the best things in Star Wars.


Lol at people saying Anakin was creepy with regard to an anti-hero character who was meant to go to the dark side and betray the ones he swore to protect.


Episode II is easily the worse one. TPM at least had Liam Neeson, Darth Maul, the Podrace and looked somewhat 'real' for the most part. AOTC on the other hand looks really fake and cheap throughout the whole movie, some scenes (factory, clone battle scenes) look like they're straight out of a videogame and the script/dialogue as well as the acting are horrible. AOTC lacks almost any sort of redeemeable qualities.


Neither are bad, the Disney films and the Holiday special are the only bad Star Wars movies


I liked them both but Episode 1 was just more colorful and fun. Both films did an excellent job of world building.


I felt they grew progressively worse. The Phantom Menace was a lousy film, but enjoyable to watch in parts. Attack of the Clones was a dreary bore. The last part was terrible in just about every regard.


Obviously I completely disagree but that's what these film boards are for. I greatly appreciate the spirit of what Lucas tried to do with prequels with mostly positive results despite some missteps in execution. My appreciation of the great lore/world building can't be understated especially in the face of what Di$ney is currently pawing off.


I can see that someone who appreciates those elements in a film would enjoy the expansive nature of the prequels. They certainly have a lot to offer in terms of building on the Star Wars mythology, and showcasing new planets and creatures. I'm not a big sci-fi person, so I don't get drawn in by that sort of thing, and instead am enamored of specific moments or scenes that I find especially moving or epic. That and a gripping character or two and I'm sold.

For me, Darth Maul had the potential to offer some of those moments, and seeing him dispatched so early, and without great fanfare, really felt like a wasted opportunity. Kylo Ren has the same potential, and I am enjoying seeing his character play out on screen. Plus, the moment early in Part 7 where he froze the blaster ray in mid-air was electric. You could feel the crowd's awe on opening night, same as at the end when the lightsaber flew past him and into Rey's hand. There was a palpable emotion in the theater at those times, and that really stuck with me. I could go on, but I think the upshot is we find merit in different aspects of the films, so it makes sense why are preferences are what they are.

And thank you for an opportunity to discuss this sort of thing in a mature way. That is a precious rare commodity on this site...


Episode I in my opinion, only Liam Nesson did a good job here!
