MovieChat Forums > Falling Down (1993) Discussion > they should do a new movie like this but...

they should do a new movie like this but modernized

They should do a new movie like this but modernized for the now times.
There are so many stupid things to lambaste now from Karen's to colleges to snowflakes.
The script could write itself.


I think it would have to set during a city-wide power outage or something, since mobile phones and CCTV cameras everywhere would have a big impact on how one man can go through a city doing stuff like that.


It would need to be a completely different movie, but maybe kee[ the "follow the guy" concept. Maybe he is on his way to a shrink or divorce lawyer, but his car broke, the Uber snubs him and he has to walk, encountering all the whack jobs


Or just in a Black Lives Matter riot, when anyone can commit any crime they want.


The phone/CCTV footage might add to the satire. As the guy goes from one situation to the next, different people document it and he becomes an internet sensation in seconds with different people debating on whether or not he’s doing what’s right.


This is a good idea.


There should be at least one scene where his rampage is edited to include yakkity-sax.


It'd be auto-tuned.


I’d love to see people lose their shit if we got a faithful remake. The only movies I think came close to that were the Crank movies.


hahaha they couldn't make this movie NOW. shocked this version doesn't have trigger warnings all over it... then again, EVERY movie should have trigger warnings because people are offended by everything now.


Douglas' character would be black now.


naw, keep him as the evil white guy and show all the things evil white guys put up with now :)


They dont




Oops I misread your comment. My bad


Well, there is that scene where they are arresting the black guy that is dressed exactly like D-Fens. A movie about his story/point of view of events that led up to that moment.


actually a great idea for a prequel, spinoff sort of thing!


That's why I said "if" we could get a faithful remake.


We couldn't even make a Crank movie now lol


" they couldn't make this movie NOW. shocked this version doesn't have trigger warnings all over it."

huh , why?


did you read the next sentence?


It would be not easy for a new movie to make it better than Falling Down.


agreed. falling down did what it needed to at the time.... really well!


I agree.




Exactly. He's basically the guy from Unhinged. A mediocre middle aged guy with anger issues who thinks the whole world owes him something.

I enjoyed the movie, but the amount of hero worship heaped on D-fens is kind of creepy!


Unhinged is nothing to do with this. Unhinged starts out with the character as a violent psychopath. FD hardly even gets there


I think hero worship is because of his setup. if you don't relate to it, he's just some insane person we follow around, doing bad things. if you do relate to him, as myself and millions of other generic guys do, you totally relate and see what happened.

"I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen? I did everything they told me to. Did you know I build missiles? I helped to protect America."

Not condoning his actual crimes - at first, it was self D-FENS - but the story itself is a tragedy about how society F's people over. most people can relate to that.


Not condoning his actual crimes - at first, it was self D-FENS - but the story itself is a tragedy about how society F's people over. most people can relate to that.

Don't get me wrong, I fully understand how society can fail many a person, but guess I just didn't see that with this guy.

Look at the guy in Law Abiding Citizen. Now he was royally screwed over by the Justice system and accordingly held the right people accountable. You couldn't even be too mad at him when he was blowing people up.

The shit with D-fens' ex-wife and job seemed more self-inflicted and most of his blow ups were petty and misdirected. It's on you if you show up to faux Mcdonalds after breakfast ends, and if you want to be pissed about that, don't take it out on the minimum wage drones who just work there. They didn't make the policy.


I fully agree, but it made for a good fictional adventure... who hasn't looked at the ads verses the real burger products and thought "shouldn't there be laws against false advertising?"


I had a friend who always order from the counter, not drive through, so he could unwrap his food right there, and if it didn't look like the picture he'd make them make it over. I'll admit, his food was always amazing the second time, but it was pretty embarrassing to be standing there while he grilled a teenager about his shitty looking taco.


I'm thinking it wasn't mayo on your buddy's burger the second time around. Or the first time next time if he came back to the same place. Customer service workers remember assholes like that.


Yeah, that, or at least a faint flavor of saliva.


Dude there’s not a director who would touch this lol. Woke Karens and snowflakes are seen as a positive in Hollywood. It would have to come from outside Hollywood, with outside funding.

Best chance is Dailywire producing if they’re still getting into movies.

Joker is the closest you’ll get. But it doesn’t have the appeal of Falling Down, in that it happened to pretty much a regular guy with a regular job.


But they would get a chance to show a middle aged employed male as the bad guy, so maybe they will.


hahaha yes, there ya go!


This would be great!!

Middle aged veteran works a blue collar job
Refuses to acknowledge workplace pronouns, keeps calling tranny coworkers he/him
Coworkers band together to get him fired for discrimination
He goes on social media to plead his case
ANTIFA doxxes him, ruins his life, media portrays him as the bad guy
Dude snaps, goes on a rampage


I would love that movie.👍🏻


In that workplace scenario, he pretty much was the bad guy.


incel joker wannabe loses his cool during covid lockdown and begins shooting karens, chads, and any girl with buzzcuts and blue lipstick. there is a rant about society, cellphones, and why fedoras are cool every 5 minutes.
