Alien is insanely good. Every time I think about it, it kinda blows my mind how well put-together that film is. It's a visual essay on film. It's a poem about terror and the unknown. It's so human, and yet, so alien...
Aliens is a solid action flick. It's really cool. That's mostly what I can say. There's a neat "motherhood" theme explored that kinda elevates it, but it's not explored enough to really make the film go into A-level territory for me. Still, it does what it wants to do about as well as it could,'s great, it just can't touch Alien.
Prometheus I liked some parts and other parts kinda dragged or were silly ("Careful! This planet is unknown and might be dangerous! I'll just chase this extra-terrestrial snake around without a mask...") There were some neat themes and concepts that Prometheus started up, too, but it was half-baked. It sort of gives out answers, but not even enough to be intriguing, more just frustrating. I did like the film a LOT more than the first reviews would have implied I would. Most people I've talked to (or read reviews from) HATED Prometheus, but I kinda dug it, even though it frequently went off the rails. It's potential often outruns its actualized reality.