AGREED! Hate isn't a big enough word to describe what I feel for this film. Thank you for granting me the privilege of watching Prince wallow in his ego for two hours. Two hours I'll never get back. When I watched this movie, my emotions ran from amusement, to boredom, to disgust and finally to rage. This is nothing more than an over-long commercial for Prince, and a monument to his colossal ego. Thank God for the "bad guy", Morris Day. He was the only likeable person in the movie. Clarence Williams III was also excellent, and way too good to be wasting his talent in this pap. Morris, Clarence, the throwing-the-babe-in the dumpster scene, and Apollonia's tits were the only things that relieved the excruciating torment of sitting through this bunk, an experience not unlike the Ludovico Technique scenes in "A Clockwork Orange".
You may walk on the beach, you may swim in the ocean... under SWAT team surveillance, of course.