MovieChat Forums > 48 Hrs. (1982) Discussion > Eddie Murphy's racist comment

Eddie Murphy's racist comment

"I've never seen so many backwards ass country f__ks in my life. Makes me sick just to be in here. I'm not even a cowboy, but that crap was racist‼. If a white man were to go into a black bar and say "I've never seen so many n___ers in my life", he would get killed and even white audiences would say he deserved it.


My iMDB profile


Ok something a lot of people don’t get is it’s not the actors saying these remakes, it’s the characters who btw don’t exist. The director was just trying to realistically portray the environment that the film took place in and some people talk like that. Nick Nolte is not calling Eddie Murphy the N word, Noltes character is calling Murphys character the N word.


It was indeed racist and worst of all, just not funny. And at that point he hadn't even been called the n-word yet, instead he had wrecked the bar and abused the bartender.


Dunno if you didn't bother reading the thread, or have reading comprehension issues: this has been addressed, earlier. There is no "backwards country hicks" race. See how that works? OP is an idiot; you're co-signing his idiocy. . .draw your own conclusions.


My conclusions are that you're just another moronic sock puppet troll.

Now go away and suck your daddy's little backwards country hick dick.


Predictably impotent neckbeard rage response, from a clown w/low intelligence. Given, of course, that you have no response to the facts. Bravo! You tick all the boxes. You can go now.


Excuse you, what did you say? It seems your daddy's little backwards country hick dick is still in your mouth.


"Durr durr, durr." Translated into your language: sorry for your parent's loss. Maybe someday they'll have a child who lives. . .


At least I'm not a failed abortion. I'm sure your mother regrets wasting a perfectly good coat hanger on you. 😆


Mmmm. . .no. Your grunts and glottal clicks are no substitute for clear communication. Let me help you: You're An Idiot. Corollary: don't babble about the things you're "sure" about. . .it's irrelevant.

As are you.


Lol, that made even less sense than your previous posts.😆


"LOL", it's funny when you confirm that you don't have enough brainpower to decipher simple English. You can go now. . .or continue embarrassing yourself. Shrug.


Hey, thanks for confirming you're simple.👍

You're an oversensitive little boy, aren't you? Good luck with the rest of your life! "SHRUG"...


And the stupid keeps marching on. You not only can't distinguish between speech & person, you assume the person's gender. Then conflate that with some type of "sensitivity." Really: you can go. Everybody already feels bad for you; no need to continue to drive the point home.


It was INDEED RACIST and worst of all, just not funny. And at that point he hadn't even been called the n-word yet, instead he had wrecked the bar and abused the bartender.



It was also very funny


My sincere condolences.


Thats not racist


"Country fucks" isn't a racial term. It applies to black country fucks and white country fucks too. There are even a number of songs by famous black singers sending up their own country background. "Country" just means poor, ignorant, uncivillised etc. At worst it's classist.

Of course the whole bar is white and we understand the subtext of the racial dynamic between Murphy's character and patrons at the bar. But no it's not racist commentary. Sorry.

Maybe Murphy's character should have said something more explicitly racist though. That's realistically what the white cop he's playing the equivalent of would probably do if it were a bar full of black folks.


^ yeah that

anf the OPs comment of
"If a white man were to go into a black bar and say "I've never seen so many n___ers in my life""
shows a special level of misunderstnding


Check out the rest of the quotes at IMDB for this film. You do understand that Reggie was trying to provoke the bar patrons?


I loved this movie and everything about it and the best part of it is, is that the internet and social media in general didn't exist back then in the 80's to ruin it like now in 2023 heading into 2024


I'd disagree that it was a racist comment when this movie came out. Things were different back then.

However, there seems to have been a tidal wave of anti-white resentment in the media and pop culture that has gathered momentum big time in this century. So yeah, watching this scene with today's attitudes in mind, he just sounds like every other BLM moron mouthing off on social media about the same tiresome things. It's less funny as a result but overall still a decent film.
