MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > She is not black, people!

She is not black, people!

Kamala Harris is half Indian (as in South Asian), and half Jamaican, and her father (who is the Jamaican side of the family) identified for years as "white!" Don't let the press fool you into selling her as a "black" woman, because she's far from it.

Based on her history as "attorney general" (a very laughable position to think of her in, considering she earned it in the bedroom and not law school) of California, she thinks black people are beneath her and doesn't give on F about them.


But- she identifies herself as Black when she thinks it will benefit her.


Of course, if the media lies enough about it. That includes omitting how badly she treated black people in California. I just hope someone black over here who knows her better speaks up.


She's not Black and Walz isnt our daddy.


Is half Jamaican a thing? I didn't think Jamaican was a race.

If I'm being charitable, I'll give him 50%... but, some Indians are blacker.


She's not white, and I think that's the only thing that matters in a world obsessed with 'diversity'.


She's not white, and I think that's the only thing that matters in a world obsessed with 'diveristy'.

That, and add to it the overall hatred of whites that has been cultivated over the years and promoted by corrupt politicians, race-baiting hustlers, and the complicit corrupt mainstream media and you have a perfect storm of diversity obsession that in the end believes with all of their souls that anyone white (even the guilt-ridden ones) are the spawn of the devil, deserving of mocking, denigration, vilification, and derision.

If she gets in, God help us all.


Can't see Trump winning. She will 100% be your next president. Think of all the white feminists voting for her because she's a woman, and minorities all voting because she isn't white. Hillary lost because no one liked her, Harris isn't the same, unfortunately.

She's the perfect candidate to usher in a new era of racial division in your society.


The only division will be among those who want the divide. Sucks to be them.


Kamala Harris attended Howard University, an HBCU, as an undergraduate student

HBCU, an acronym for Historically Black Colleges and Universities.


We can identify as whatever we want. Isn't that how it works?

Sidebar, why should it matter what she is as long she's competent?


She isn't competent at all. Harris has a very long history of being terrible at every "leadership" job she's ever been in. Just ask the people forced to work on her staff when she was "attorney general" of California. Or the people protecting the border with zero help from her. Or a number of other people who were forced to have to deal with her. She's an idiot.


Look Jacqueline, she's the best version of Kamela Harris we've ever seen.

Everything she's promising to do if elected, she's already done. Wait, I mean, she could do right now. The fact she's not doing it is because, uhm, erm, ah, Iran! Putin! Something!


There isn't a "best" version of Kamala unless you're a guy who has slept with her, or a close gal friend who got favors sucking up to her. The only thing she knows how to do best is smile for the camera and keep her mouth shut, and airhead models do a far better job at it than she does.


Hahahahaha! It's so hilarious to watch all you Trumptwat yahoos in panic mode...


Keep it up! πŸ™‚


Who cares? I thought race didnt matter to conservatives? I thought the right "doesn't see color" so why is it a big deal what color she is?


I don't care what color she is. It's just interesting that the left spent years pushing her as Indian-American, and now they've completely dropped that and are presenting her as black, when she has very minimal African ancestry. What I actually am concerned about is if she's competent, and she has proven that she is not.


Why does it make a difference. Please explain.


Her race doesn't make any difference to conservatives. What's weird is that she was promoted as Indian for years, and now she's promoted as black. They're just using it to pander for votes.
